Bi-annual SA REIT conference set for February 2024
Submitted by: Antoinette PantonSouth Africa’s Real Estate Investment Trust (SA REIT) Association says its popular bi-annual conference has been set for 15 February 2024 in Johannesburg, where industry leaders, investors, experts and bankers will bring insights on the current state and future of the REIT sector and property industry.
The sector’s conference, solely sponsored by Nedbank Corporate and Investment Banking’s Property Finance Division, comes as the country’s REITs celebrate their 10th anniversary.
The macro-economic environment, the impact of government economic policies and future trends affecting the sector, and investment opportunities are among the topics that will attract heated debates at the conference.
"The conference is always rich in content, and we are accustomed to strong representation from the REITs, investors, various financial institutions including banks, analysts, and other property-focused professionals," says Vanessa Murray, Divisional Executive in Property Finance at Nedbank CIB.
"The crux of the conference is based on high-quality content, strong speakers and panellists and opportunities to network with industry leaders,” she adds.
Murray says Nedbank is a proud sponsor as it strives to build on its strategic relationships in the property sector and the REITs.
“As a sponsor, Nedbank sees the conference as an opportunity to propel the sector forward and play a role in its future. It is a special year as the SA REITs celebrate their first decade of operation. They have endured challenges through that period, but overall the sector is as robust as ever and continues to deliver value,” says Murray.
Geoff Jennett, Chief Executive Officer of the Emira Property Fund and SA REIT Conference Committee Chairperson, says delegates can expect to hear engaging and enlightening debate on pertinent issues faced by the REITs sector and property industry.
He says REIT CEOs will attend and participate in panel and plenary discussions, ensuring delegates hear industry leaders’ views and opinions first-hand.
“Another key aspect of the conference is the networking that takes place amongst this particular group of participants – the opportunity to meet, engage and discuss matters with fellow delegates is a highly valued part of the conference,” adds Jennett.
He also says the 10th anniversary of the REITs is an important milestone for a sector that has made huge strides despite the country’s economic challenges.
Jennett is optimistic about the sector’s future and says the industry is poised for more growth over the next 10 years.
The SAREIT Association’s role is to promote the country’s REITs as an investment class locally and internationally while addressing issues and meeting challenges within the sector.
Conference master of ceremonies is Michael Avery, well-known columnist and radio host.
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