19 March 2014

Asset Print’s Own Good Story

Submitted by: Kevin Myer

Cape Town, March 2014: South Africa is a good story - that was the underlying message delivered by the Honourable Jacob Zuma, President of the Republic of South Africa, at the recent launch of the Special Election & Mandela Tribute Issue of Progressive Leader Magazine.

Michael Fortuin, Managing Director of Asset Print ( http://www.assetprint.co.za/ ), not only provided the roller banners for the recent Progressive Development Forum hosted by the African National Congress, but also rubbed shoulders with Mr Zuma at the event.

At the event Mr Zuma highlighted the achievements of the ANC over the past five years in South Africa and noted the progress made by the government in job creation, housing and electricity amoung other things. The event focused on the benefits for small to medium businesses, who benefit from BEE preferential procurement and tax benefits for job creation.

Mr Fortuin said that,

“This good story is not limited to South Africa - it resonates with us here at Asset Print. Thanks to tireless hard work we have over the past six years grown from a small house, to a large and successful business situated in the heart of Cape Town and attending meetings with the president of South Africa.”

Asset Print is fully BEE compliant printing company based in Cape Town and provides printing solutions to leading business, government and educational institutions around the country.


(Image courtesy Craig Damonze of Obsession Photography)  


Press release submitted by Kevin Myer at WSI, Cape Town on behalf of Asset Print . For more PR information, please call WSI Web Marketing Cape Town on 021-913 4382.

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