17 February 2014

First Car Rental Leads Project to Help Rhino Orphans

Submitted by: Nissin


One of South Africa’s leading car rental companies - First Car Rental– is spearheading a joint initiative to raise awareness of The Rhino Orphanage (TRO) – the world’s first NPO dedicated to caring for and rehabilitating baby rhino affected by the devastating impact of illegal rhino horn trading in South Africa.

In partnership with Nissan SA, Lafarge Group, New Holland (Agri) and Graffiti, First Car Rental has launched the ‘Post your Selfie’ competition to raise awareness of this dedicated world-first orphanage.

To stand a chance to win, the public need to find one of the four designed TRO (The Rhino Orphanage) Nissan Jukes (wrapped to look like a rhino) by looking at the Jukes itinerary online, take a selfie with the car and post it to social media with the tag #Rhinos1st

There are two holidays worth R 20,000 up for grabs. The first prize will be awarded for the most creative selfie, and the second prize winner will awarded through a lucky draw. Winners will be announced in the last week of November this year.

Those wishing to donate R15 to The Rhino Orphanage, which relies solely on donations from the public and businesses, can SMS ‘rhino’ to 49100.

Why First Car Rental are getting involved

The welfare of rhino in South Africa has always been close to the hearts of everyone at First Car Rental, but hardly ever mentioned are the baby rhino that get left behind, and often also brutalised and emotionally traumatised at the time their mothers are being killed.

This is why the work of TRO is so important, and why First Car Rental fully supports this drive to raise public awareness so that the NPO can continue to help South Africa’s orphaned rhinos at a time when the existence of the species is at risk.

With the support of Nissan SA, First Car Rental will have the use of four Nissan Jukes for a year, which have been wrapped by Graffiti in order to look like a mom-rhino with a baby rhino for the ‘Post your Selfie’ campaign.

These Jukes will be parked at events and malls in Gauteng, Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal to allow the public the opportunity to take a “selfie” and post it to social media – to further spread the message.

First Car Rental will also be launching an internal competition amongst staff, to see which of the provinces in which the car rental company operates can rally the most support for the campaign.

Where to find Rhino Nissan Jukes

One of the four Nissan Jukes will be permanently located at the Legend Golf & Safari Resort in Limpopo province where The Rhino Orphanage is located within the Wildlife & Cultural Centre.

The other three The Rhino Orphanage-wrapped Nissan Jukes will be driven by Legend Golf & Safari Resort staff and First Car Rental staff in three provinces – Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal and the Western Cape.

The Rhino Orphan Nissan Jukes will be visiting various cultural and sporting events in the three provinces and First Car Rental will post the itinerary on their website for download to give the public the opportunity to plan their photo opportunity around exciting events in the country.

First Car Rental will also post regular movement updates on their social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook and Google + to ensure last-minute planners have an opportunity to intercept the vehicle.

Competition Details

Rhino Orphanage competition details can be found here:  http://bit.ly/1djzpG3

Competition Terms and Conditions: http://bit.ly/1juKDYO

The competition is open to all residents of the Republic of South Africa and closes on 18 November 2014.

For further details or quotes from those involved, e-mail us at info@firstcarrental.co.za

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