You ARE destined for GREATNESS!
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So often we feel that our life NOT working out like it used to. Extreme Distractions are the order of the day. We have become overwhelmingly dissatisfied because of what we think is lacking. An unfulfilled resolution or plan to change can rob us from the ultimate joy we are meant to experience and enjoy.
It's tough to stay motivated alone and without encouragement during the habit-changing process.
Destined For GREATNESS! ™ is a series of COACHING PROGRAMS designed for those acknowledging that change is required in their lives and designed for people who are ready to Live INTENTIONALLY.
IMPACTED - Life, Corporate & Relationship Coaching offers a selection of expert services and has an intricate history covering over 22 years.
Inspired to help people from all walks of life (re)establish their purpose in life, the company, through the leadership and guidance of it's Founder and President, Abraham Maxwell, wants to enable every person to appreciate what they have rather than constantly live with the dissatisfaction of what is lacking, and in doing so transform their lives.
Abraham says, “I help people align their lives with their core values and intentions - and provide coaching and strategies to apply in breaking habits, TRANSFORMING their lives and resulting in life-changing experiences.”
It is evident that Abraham has a wealth of experience as a Life, Corporate and Relationship Coach which he gained from personal traumatic events in his life, and from those who has been impacted by his coaching abilities on all levels.
Carrisa L. Parker, Owner & CEO at Layered Dimensions Consulting Group LLC Columbus, Ohio, USA says the following:
“Abraham Maxwell has impacted, empowered and influenced my life as a Woman of God, in my vocation, the Marketplace, divine connections, and relationships!”
Mark Khan, Life Coach/Owner & Founder at Life System Heilbronn, Germany has this to comment: “Abraham has deep wisdom and understanding of human beings not just through theoretical knowledge, but also through his own life experiences”.
Ian Richard Chalklin, Minister at Global Hope International Ministries South Africa has this to say:
“Abraham Maxwell is without doubt a leading inspiration; He is a man of extreme honor, integrity and loyalty. As a Life Coach he is an inspired mentor who is crucially directed within the divine plan for his life, understanding his appointment to the mission given. He has the experience, skill and capability to coach, and has a build-in capacity to motivate the lives of people from all walks of life, helping them find their purpose in life.
”Says Abraham, “As Corporate Executives, we set many goals, missions and visions for our businesses, however, have we set them for our families? No man on his deathbed would ever say: ‘I wish I had spent more time at work’. No, he would rather say: ‘I wish I had spent more time with my family’, reflecting one of the built-in desires of every man.
To address this all-important need and mandated to bring a positive change in the lives of people, Impacted Life Coaching has scheduled a series of One-day coaching seminars and Weekend Retreats. The first weekend retreat will be on September 02 -03, 2017 and the topic is Corporate Dad.
Impacted- Life, Corporate & Relationship Coaching is totally committed to social development and will invite selected members from all communities to attend all scheduled events free of charge, which includes accommodate, all meals, conference notes, transportation where applicable and personal one-on-one coaching.
Details of coaching services, online coaching programs and scheduled events by Impacted Life Coaching can be view on their website.
Notes for editor
Abraham Maxwell will be available for photographs and interviews at Langebaan Country Estate, Langebaan Western Cape.
Contact details
Abraham Maxwell
+27 73 756 7227
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Skype: impacted.coaching1
Abraham reminds us; “You ARE destined for GREATNESS and you CAN live intentionally