17 March 2020

South African Start-Up mo-Wash Provides Effortless Hand Washing on the Go

Submitted by: MyPressportal Team
South African Start-Up mo-Wash Provides Effortless Hand Washing on the Go

March 2020, Johannesburg: Godfrey Sono and Sibusiso Vilakazi have successfully launched mo-Wash, their mobile hand washing units into the market. This stand-alone, fully automatic portable unit requires no plumbing or drainage, providing a cost-effective hygiene solution at functions such as funerals, weddings and outdoor events.

The budding entrepreneurs saw a gap in the market, after noting that public events are a huge part of South African culture. One such occasion is at traditional funerals, where it is customary to wash hands after the gravesite has been visited. The washing of hands is a very important part of African culture, but can be quite unhygienic as often, many wash their hands in that one basin. In other instances, there are many outdoor events that have mobile ablution systems, but no adequate hygienic facilities for one to wash his / her hands afterwards.

It is no surprise that regular handwashing can help prevent illness and is one of the best ways to remove germs, avoid getting sick, and prevent the spread of germs to others. Statistics show that up to 80% of communicable diseases are transferred by touch and proper handwashing can reduce diarrhoea rates by 40% and respiratory infections by close to 20%.

mo-Wash is a mobile hand-washer unit that provides event organisers with a cost-effective solution to the challenge of maintaining hygiene at outdoor functions and events. The Mo-Wash has a hands-free water delivery system with a timer that controls water flow, a solar panel to power the water station, plus a battery option, and even Wi-Fi. The Mo-Wash unit delivers a powerful 10-second wash, but the owner can adjust the settings according to his or her needs.

“mo-Wash is dedicated to educating the public on the importance of handwashing rituals and the role they play in preventing the spread of diseases. In our mission to do this, we visit schools across South Africa to instil the importance of learning how to clean one's hands properly from an early age, we show them water-saving techniques, as well as the impact that handwashing has on the communities around them,” says Godfrey Sono.

Frost & Sullivan, a business-consulting firm involved in market research and analysis, has also given the mo-Wash unit their stamp of approval, awarding the start-up with the 2018 Frost & Sullivan New Product Innovation Award.

“mo-Wash provides a creative solution to prevent transferable diseases by using off-the-grid power to dispense water and soap for those that require access to sanitation facilities at private or public gatherings, while also promoting water conservation.”

mo-Wash units are available to rent to event organisers needing hygienic mobile hand washers for weddings, funerals, sports events, corporate events, public events and underprivileged schools

Website:  https://www.mo-wash.co.za/

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