Practical Digital Courses
Submitted by: yMarketing Digital Marketing
We are proud to announce the Launch of the New yTraining Website.
yTraining is a Division of yMarketing Digital Marketing (Pty) Ltd, where we believe in empowering our delegates to take control, empowering them by sharing tried and tested techniques to ensure success.
All our marketing techniques have been tried and tested within our own Digital Marketing Agency. To ensure that we teach credible information.We teach our courses in a methodology that we trust! We do this by means of a Lecture & Coaching combination.
We bring practical knowledge to digital marketing, to us it's not just paper, video's, quizzes, test and then on your way. We work with you in online and interactive training to ensure you understand how to implement and change all your requirements in Wordpress, Digital Marketing and Search Engine Optimisation. We teach in mentorship and coaching methodologies to ensure all our students can effectively execute control of their brand.
What do our courses consist of? See down below for the outline's of our course content.
To Book with us please email us on and use our 30% off coupon on checkout YTRAINING30
Wordpress Course Outline:- (Click Here to preview online)
Getting Started, Website Hosting + Installation and UpgradesInstalling WordPress within five minutesConfiguring your WordPress siteThe WordPress DashboardGeneral settingsDiscussion/Comment settingsPermalink settingsReading settingsWriting settingsCreating content: Posts & PagesHow to create a PageManaging LinksManaging WordPress TagsManaging your WordPress Media LibraryUpdating your WordPress ProfileCreating a blog PostManaging PostsManaging commentsUsing analytics to deliver accountability and insightInstalling and activating a Free WordPress ThemeWorking with WordPress WidgetsWordPress AdministrationManaging WordPress usersManaging files
Digital Marketing Course Outline:- (Click Here to preview online)
- What you need to for Online Marketing
- Standard Accounts to Create
- Website & HTML (What you need to know for Online Marketing)
- Social Media
- Email Marketing
- Adwords
- Content Marketing
- Affiliate Marketing
- Analytics
- Google Tag Manager
- Google Data Studio
- Strategy
- WEBSITES & HTMLWebsites For BusinessWebsites For EcommerceWordPress vs WixEngagement: Convert More LeadsBuyer Personas & StrategyTurning Leads Into Buyers
- SOCIAL MEDIAGetting to Know Social MediaKnowing Your AudienceThe Platforms – Using The Right Social Media For Your BusinessLinkedIn - B2B Marketing And Lead GenerationYouTube - Video Content For Social MediaCreating Engaging And Desirable ContentFurther Developing Facebook For Social Media MarketingFacebook - Targeted Advertising for Lead GenerationFacebook/Twitter Advertising & Advanced Social Media ManagementAuditing Your Social MediaTurning Fans Into Buyers
- EMAIL MARKETINGWhy Use Email MarketingEmail PlatformsNewslettersEmail Rules To Follow
- SEO (BASIC INFORMATION)*The indepth Technical Course is held SeperatelyHTML/Website StructureGood Bots & Bad BotsBlack Hat SEO & White Hat SEOGoogle Algorythm ChangesOn page SEOLocal SEOGoogle Search ConsoleKeyword Research & Tools To UseSEO And Social MediaUsing Schema Tags & Structured DataBacklinks and How To Build ThemTracking Your Competitors
- CONTENT MARKETINGBlogging For Business SuccessGrowth Hacking - Create Explosive GrowthContent Rich Strategies (Visual, Video And Audio)
- ADWORDSGoogle PPC & SEO - Acquiring the Right Leads for LessAdvertising - Create Ads In The Digital SpaceTarget Audience - Who is Your CustomerRemarketingAdvanced AdWords - Rules & Scripting
- AFFILIATE MARKETINGAffiliate Marketing - Developing Strategic Partnerships OnlineAffiliate Marketing For Ecommerce
- ANALYTICSHow To Read AnalyticsWebsite & Campaign PerformanceGeographic TargetingData Driven Marketing and Sales - Maximum Return
- GOOGLE TAG MANAGEREasy Setup & IntegrationHow To Better Track Your Websites Performance
- GOOGLE DATA STUDIOIntroductionBuild Better Reports
- STRATEGYHow To Define Your Online StrategyRetention and Recurring Revenue
SEO Outline:- (Click Here to preview online)
This SEO Course will equip you with the relevant skills and tools to optimize and maintain a successful SEO strategy. Learn how to rank on Google and increase your search traffic while attracting better quality audiences to your website using ethical and Google compliant best practice guidelines.
Understand the Google Algorithm’s & Ranking SignalsKey factors in Technical, On-Page & Off-Page SEOAdvanced Keyword Research & SelectionLink Profile AnalysisOn page optimizationStructured Data & Schema Mark-upPage loading speedOptimizing for Mobile FirstHTTP & HTTPsVoice Search OptimizationAccelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)What to avoid in SEOSEO StrategyBest SEO Tools (Paid & Free)
We put the practical back into Digital, if you would like to take control of your brand, understand all your reporting and what your teams are doing, or start your own online business, give in touch with us today!
yMarketing Digital Marketing (Pty) Ltd
yMarketing Digital MarketingyMarketing is an award winning digital agency, who build amazing brands and specialise in digital marketing. We consult, work, improve and teach in all aspects relating to digital marketing. As a results driven agency, we strive to achieve our clients assessed goals.