14 October 2011

New advertising platform for south african businesses

Submitted by: Lawrence Shava

Introducing Simplex: South Africa's commodity directory

Simplex is an electronic marketplace bringing shoppers and sellers together it tell shoppers what is available, which shops sell the product and at what price. for 24 hours a day shoppers will be able to prepare their shopping lists. determine where they will buy each product and prepare their budgets without leaving the house.

To use the service an individual will just type the name of the product they are looking for and details of outlets in that line of business will be given along with the prices they charge. From these results the shopper can then make an informed decision on what excatly to buy and where to buy it.

Lawrence Shava the Chief software architect of Mobile Revolutions, the company behind this innovation says: " This is a free service so it will become widely used by shoppers nationwide. These shoppers will inevitably be drawn to businesses that are registered with simplex. Shoppers nolonger need to spend hours or days looking for the best deal, the cheapest product or the shop closest to them."

"Unlike most traditional advertising platforms, the information on Simplex is alawys up to date and ready to be viewed by potential buyers on demand. It is at hand right at the point the  buyer is ready to decide what to buy and where to buy it. One does not have to remember an ad they saw in the past or where they saw it, all information is available at the touch of a button. Gone are the days of trying to remember which shops offer what, where the shops are, or the web addresses of individual companies. Now everything will be on Simplex" says Lawrence.

Simplex can be used either by visiting the website at http://simplex.dyndns.info or by sending a text message with the product one want to buy and the city or suburb for the search.

To participate, a representative of a company or outlet visits http://simplex.dyndns.info,  goes to the Admin area and and registers their business. From here they can add details of the products and services they provide and the process is complete. The added products and services will immediately be available for search. The registration takes less than five minutes and is free.

Contact details
Ishmail Mhazo, Administrator 0746325902, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Staiper Muponda, Chair 0828763231
Office 4
Old Mutual Complex
Provident Street Mmbatho


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