07 September 2023

Early bird registration has been extended!

Submitted by: Umbono Conferences and Events
Early bird registration has been extended!

We have decided to extend the Early Bird Registration up to and including 26 September. This means you will be able to take advantage of the low rate for a little bit longer.

With close to 23 leading industry professionals from each division who will be sharing their expertise learnings, best practices, advice and insights on key business impact on the ABC industry such as data privacy protection, how to avoid the breach and loss of data, conducting effective investigative interviews, and panel discussions on whistleblowing, compliance, AML and much more.

This highly anticipated Anti-Corruption, Ethics and Compliance Conference, set to take place on 2nd November 2023 at the Indaba Hotel + live streamed.

A conference all about possibilities, a space to explore, network, a space filled with visionary thinkers and doers from every field of human endeavor.

Get in quick to take advantage of the 50% discounted Early Bird ticket.    

  • In-person: R6 000
  • In- person 50% off – R3 000 pp
  • Virtual: R4 000 Virtual
  • 50% off – R2 000 pp

For more information on registration types and rates, as well as how to register, please visit the website https://umbonosa.co.za/anti-corruption-ethics-and-compliance-conference-2023/ or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Total Words: 302

Umbono Conferences and Events

Umbono Conferences and Events was found in 2021 as a nurturing and growing brand. Umbono means vision an idea. We will be known for the amalgamation skills and a well-grounded presence in the country, delivering the best and well organized conferences with additional exhibitions allowing delegates a platform to physically interact with the industry leading service providers.