Up And Coming B2B VoIP Provider

Published: 07 August 2016

VoIP has been a very competitive market for many years with major service providers competing aggressively for the lowest call charges and the best solution for the South African market. In between the major players are the wholesalers and resellers, competing for their portion of the pie which we know as Voice Over IP.

ESAPARTNER came into the VoIP market in 2013 after becoming a well-known name in the office automation and PABX industry, servicing well over 1000 clients. Since then, ESAPARTNER has grown its VoIP and Telecommunications department, internally known as ESACONNECT and is servicing a significant slice of the market with high-quality VoIP and IP technology. As their clientele has grown, so has the company's technologies with the company offering a full range of VoIP and internet products including hosted PBX, gateway solutions, ADSL, VDSL, LTE and fibre. 

The company is increasing its clientbase in the VoIP sector of the market while also gaining marketshare in the internet and bandwidth sector, to meet the demands of increasing data consumption in the country. ESAPARTNER has partnered with various upstream providers in its aim to provide its clients with the best solution based on technology and not brand.

Based in Cape Town, ESAPARTNER services the Western Cape but also has a footprint throughout South Africa with various SME and corporate clients using a variety of internet and VoIP products offered by ESAPARTNER. The company supports all its clients on a level 1 and level 2 technical scale with strategic partners who offer 3rd level technical support.

For more information regarding any of the VoIP and internet products provided by ESAPARTNER, contact the company on 021 552 5233 or visit the company website on www.esapartner.co.za