HAWKS investigating former Sheriff of Alberton Seti who disappeared after trust account frozen

Published: 04 September 2017

HAWKS investigating former Sheriff of Alberton Seti who disappeared after trust account frozen

The South African Board for Sheriffs is pleased to receive notification that the criminal investigation against the former Sheriff of Alberton, Ntombizodwa Seti has been escalated to the Hawks for investigation. The Board opened a criminal case against Seti last year, after receiving reports that she allegedly misappropriated millions in trust moneys.

Mrs Charmaine Mabuza, the Chairperson of the Board said: “The Board has adopted a zero-tolerance approach to the theft of trust monies. Any complaint of theft of trust moneys is immediately escalated and the Board sends out an inspector to investigate the trust books and accounts of the sheriff. Should there be a negative outcome, the Board immediately makes a request to the Deputy Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development to suspend the sheriff and takes disciplinary action.”

The Board received the first claim against the Fidelity Fund in September 2016 and Seti resigned taking herself out of the disciplinary reach of the Board. Both trust and business accounts belonging to Seti were frozen, following an urgent application to the high court launched by attorneys Du Toit- Sanchez-Moodley.

Seti illegally removed critical files from her office and went into hiding. The Board immediately sent Lana Nel, Sheriff of Pretoria North to investigate the extent of the allegations of misappropriation. The Board then laid a criminal complaint against Seti at the Alberton Police in November 2016. Mabuza confirmed that the Hawks are now investigating the complaint of the Board.

The South African Board for Sheriffs received claims to the value of R15.6 million for the 2016/2017 financial year against the Fidelity Fund for Sheriffs. These claims concern allegations of misappropriation of trust money by a few sheriffs. Once a claim has been approved, the Board takes cession of the claims and can recover the money from the sheriff.

Seti has on several occasions made contact telephonically, making promises to return money and the files that she illegally removed, but never showed up at any of the scheduled meetings. The Board has taken a decision to pursue civil remedies against Seti on behalf of the Fidelity Fund. Private investigators hired by the Board, have managed to trace Seti and this information was communicated to the police.

For more information about this press release contact: Vincent Nel at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

10th World Sheriffs Day 8 June 2017

Published: 06 June 2017


The 10th World Sheriffs ‘Day will take place on 8 June 2017. For the past 10 years the South African Board for Sheriffs along with its stakeholders have observed this day. The theme chosen this year by the International Union of Judicial Officers (UIHJ) is devoted to “The information of the litigant”.

The aim is to assist the public to understand the role of the sheriff when explaining the intention of the litigant.  Justice and law are changing and becoming more complicated in an increasingly complex world. It is difficult to get a clear picture, even for legal professionals. For the litigant, justice seems inaccessible, but in reality the abundance of information often turns into a labyrinth, into which once entered, is difficult to leave.  

The role of the sheriff? The sheriff is the legal professional who is responsible for informing the litigant about his rights and obligations and consequences. In the course of its activities, the sheriff faces the litigant daily and must provide him/her with useful information. By means of the document initiating proceedings, he informs him/her of the trial which is to take place, the need to appear or to be represented at the hearing, and the consequences he/she faces in case he/she does not appear. In a word, the sheriff restores the balance between the parties and makes justice more accessible, closer to the litigant.

The South African Board for Sheriffs will not fail to insist on the value of service of documents in the legal process. Sheriffs will endeavour to demonstrate that they exercise their activities with respect for human dignity as dictated by the rules of ethics. This day can also be promotional for the activities of the sheriff who contribute to the effectiveness of a fair trial. 

The Board has encouraged all sheriffs to participate and celebrate the World Sheriffs Day in their various districts by:  

  • Serving documents free of charge
  • Hosting soup kitchens
  • Donating blankets to the homeless
  • Visiting the Magistrate Courts and hand out the sheriffs’ information pamphlets
  • Meeting with local and community organisations in your district Promoting the sheriffs’ profession  

The Board is running  6-week national radio campaign to promote the sheriffs’ profession during this period, from 1 June 2017. The campaign will be aired on Metro, Lesedi, Umhlobo Wenene and Ukhozi FM. 

Information provided by the South African Board for Sheriffs. For information or media queries contact Tasneem Hassan on 021 426 0577 ext.16 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.