5 Steps to Build Safer Workplace Culture with The Activated Intelligence Trifecta at NOSHCON 2019

Published: 12 June 2019

Author and international speaker Robin Pullen is set to present 5 Steps to Build a Safer Workplace Culture at the NOSHCON 2019 event on 12 September 2019 at the Maslow Hotel in Sandton.

Delegates will discover how to shift away from relying on instinctive reactions that lead to at-risk behavior and select intentional responses with the Activated Intelligence Trifecta that cultivates a safer place to work.

“You need to recognize that your mind is wired to seek out and present information that validates your beliefs. It filters your experience of the world through the parameters YOU give it. Your values and beliefs shape those parameters. In this way, the RAS ‘helps’ you see what you really want to see. This takes place on a subconscious or invisible level, and in doing so influences your actions without you noticing it.

In one sense we can say that you can be blinded by your own beliefs.” Robin Pullen; From the Chapter: THE ACTIVATED INTELLIGENCE TRIFECTA, pg 118–121 of the book “Get Activated, How to shift from instinctive reactions to intentional responses”

It has always fascinated Robin how good people can do bad things. How even the most intelligent person can sometimes do something “just plain stupid”. It’s been a frustration to meet great people through coaching and training, “and see them turn around and surprise us with incredibly poor thinking and sometimes outright dangerous decisions” he says.

It has become his mission to understand why despite having access to world-class training, equipment and resources some staff seem to be “unable” to make the mental changes necessary that lead to a lasting shift in their behavior. Behavior-based safety has been a fertile seedbed to help create a clear understanding of what influences the thinking of an individual.

When an individual is ready to make those necessary changes it is vital that they take the time to apply this level of insight to their trigger experience. This includes processing their feelings (emotion), thoughts (thinking), emotion-related (sensation) physiological responses and their emotion-driven behavior (actions).

When an individual can apply this level of rational thought they can sift through the camouflage of emotion-related responses and establish what is truly important to them at that moment. These are the things that they value most. These are the things that they will find they are instinctively wired to safeguard and protect. These are the things that have the most significant impact on behavior in the workplace.

With this new found insight an individual can learn to recognize the behavior that they display, free of the emotion that clouds rational thought and see it for what it is. When an individual can recognise what they value most and how their behavior is conditioned to protect that, even when that behavior does not serve their intention in the present moment, they can begin to understand why they act the way that they do.

This is when the inconsistency that they experience will become plain to see. This is when they can begin to make informed decisions about the choices they make and how they respond to their emotion. This is how they can consciously change behavior and co-create a more desirable future. With the new-found insight uncovered by decoding inconsistency, the individual can begin to select a more appropriate action response to associate with the trigger. In this state of conscious awareness, they are able to take back full control of their mental processes in the situation.

They become empowered to select a more appropriate emotionally related response and then identify which value they will choose to defend in that context going forward.

To do that, the individual will need to learn to engage all one’s senses by intentionally using the Activated Intelligence (Ai) trifecta. The key to leveraging the benefit of the Ai trifecta lies in developing the ability to extract real-time insight from all three domains of the H3 model, that of the intellectual state (head sense), emotional state (heart sense) and the body or physiological state (hand sense).

When the delegate has learned how to implement the Activated Intelligence Trifecta they will in any given moment be able to: - Consider the *situation they are in. - Identify the *stimulus that has triggered them. - Acknowledge the *response that it is pulling them to. - Accept the set of *beliefs that do not serve them. - Recognize the *behavior that is sabotaging them.

- Establish the *value and what is important to them.
- Engage *cognitive arousal and apply *rational thought.
- Regulate their *emotional related responses.
- Consciously select an *intentional H3 response.
- *Reinforce the desired behavior across the H3 triad.

This is the deliberate intersection of an activated mind or intellectual intelligence, an activated heart or emotional intelligence and an activated body or physiological intelligence.

The truth is that we are creatures of habit and are often tripped up by the same obstruction. When it comes to safe work practice this is a good thing in so much that when one can see the patterns in which they allow them self to be triggered by an obstruction they can become better prepared to deal with them. Robin Pullen is a Professional Speaker, Executive Coach, Trusted Business Adviser, Master Trainer and published Author helping people find clarity to #GetActivated towards getting stuff done.

He specializes in organizational behavior management with an emphasis on desired behavior and a particular focus on reliable and effective work practice. Robin has been described as an understander of people based on his real-world experience having developed a working understanding of why people do and do not do and has proven practical tactics and tools to unlock desired outcomes.

Media contact information: Robin Pullen Cell: +27825580709 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. END

Risky solutions you use to protect your organisation

Published: 18 January 2019

Securing corporate perimeter is one of the basic measures a company should take to make sure that nothing threatens its workflow. Although many enterprises are not successful at keeping their network intact. Some organisations

  • think of safety instruments only after an incident occurs
  • are simply not aware of all the risks
  • have been using or are going to use services which might expose them to additional risks
  • focus their attention on hackers neglecting internal threats
  • are worried about compliance violations and forget about other less relevant but by no means less detrimental breaches

And some happen to trip on almost each of the steps. Computer systems of Johannesburg-Lewiston Area Schools were affected by a ransomware. The insurance provider covered the financial damage although the school wasn’t prepared to deal with the issue and the Superintendent appeared to be unaware of basic cyber incidents that might happen to any organisation.

About a month ago a school technology consultant informed the administrator of a problem impeding file opening. The investigation determined that the attack was coming from Germany.

The school doesn’t store employees’ and students’ data on the servers so personal details weren’t compromised. The school network isn’t fully backed up and corporate devices were impacted significantly making staff members bring their own computers and gadgets — a decision fraught with peril.

Some measures were taken after the violation occurred. The school is going to upgrade antiviruses, create a cloud-based storage securing its protection and focusing their concern on being resistant to ransomware attacks. Anyway, using a Google doc system might keep offenders from harming the server but online storages pose some risks which demand as much attention.

Cloud, antivirus, MSSP, interdicting data transfer

As we can see the organisation:

  • reacted to the necessity of improving the risk management mechanisms after a violation had occurred
  • claimed to be not prepared to the incident not only due to being insufficiently equipped but also due to being simply unaware of what might happen to their servers
  • decided to update its antivirus and relocate the information to online storages overlooking such risks as cloud misconfiguration and data leak as well as the fact that antivirus is only one of many ways to fight cyber attacks
  • put all the efforts to ensuring perimeter protection from hackers and didn’t think of securing their environment from insider threats

Besides online storage and antivirus, there are tools and technologies which

- protect you from incidents while compromise your confidentiality or undermine strategic risk assessment

MSSP provides you with an experienced staff aware of every detail about recent threats and regulations and using most relevant tools to safeguard your workflow. But third party consultants know little about your corporate culture, your employees and business processes which have been tuned and customized to fit your needs. Opting for MSSP you should keep in mind that you delegate network monitoring to an intermediary who you are not familiar with and that everything is going to be displayed to the service provider bringing your privacy to zero.

Tools interdicting data transfer, preventing information from being printed or uploaded to a flash drive keep sensitive details within the company’s limits but don’t make you more knowledgeable about your corporate environment and staff members’ communication. Behavior risk management includes possibility of seamless monitoring which facilitates in-depth investigation.

- are nearly inefficient when not integrated as a bundle which comprises a comprehensive solution for both external and internal safety

If you implement a one-sided approach to risk management and address only external threat preventive measures you might flatten your security fortification you have been working on to ensure that your company can fight any offender. Internal control systems are indispensable — they allow you to cover any kind of inside violation thus making you prepared to regulate incidents the source of which is within the company’s perimeter. Employee monitoring software increases significance of that shield which took you efforts to defend your organisation from external attacks.

The core issue many organisations have to recognise is that they are healing symptoms instead of trying to cure provoking factors. A breach occurs, a company fixes it, a problem is solved — a common security misconception. Such a short-sighted tactic keeps you exposed to multiple yet undiscovered threats and makes your efforts look like masking whereas they should be about securing. While you are covering a gap there might appear another one which requires mending with the help of a different instrument.

Tools shielding your perimeter from external attacks will not ensure that your data is intact within the corporate network. Access delimitation will not help when information gets lost, stolen or deliberately leaked. Cryptography will make you theft- or lossproof although it doesn’t guarantee the safety of your documents if someone is willing to disclose their details. The most recent automated compliance management software will put you at the needed level of conformity but focusing on preventive measures that allow you to avoid the biggest penalty will make you let your guard down regarding some latent internal threats.

2 reasons to automate compliance management. POPIA and GDPR

Published: 06 December 2018

POPIA was signed into law in 2013. GDPR was adopted in 2016. GDPR came into effect in 2018 and POPIA hasn’t come into force yet. EU regulation concerns every company which has at least one employee or one client who is a European citizen, while POPIA is to be complied by any responsible party domiciled in South Africa or any responsible party who uses automated or non-automated means within South Africa. GDPR covers all the EU members wherever they reside, and POPIA concerns those within the jurisdiction of South Africa only. The requirement seems to articulate clearly the limits of compliance for regional businesses making nearly each South African company subject to both sets of regulations.

POPIA makes you accountable for legal processing of personal information in accordance with the purpose. The request for user details shouldn’t exceed the needed amount or be kept more than it is necessary. Collected information is to be relevant and regularly updated. A person whose data is stored should be aware of what details are selected, why and by whom an enquiry was made.

A company which processes customer data is required to ensure that proper measures are taken to protect confidential details. A data subject can manage personal information which is used by a responsible party, remove excessive details and correct misleading facts. A person can ask for a record confirming that particular details are kept by an organisation.

POPIA has a dedicated rule set for direct marketing and automated assessment process involving data subjects.

The scope of POPIA comprises not only confidential details of individuals but also data of legal persons protecting corporate entities from information misuse.

GDPR shapes similar standards which should administer personal data usage but comprises some ideas which are not as clear in the POPI Act. Even if South African businesses comply with POPIA successfully they will need to observe GDPR requirements focusing particularly on EU rules the conditions of which seem to be more articulate. Under the GDPR a company is to provide:

  • Privacy by design and by default approach. An organisation is to implement safety techniques during the time a decision is being taken on the ways the information is going to be processed and during the usage
  • Data readability. Requested data should get structured and transparently arranged by an organisation
  • Multi-step access. Users are given the possibility to erase their personal data and learn about the safety measures which are taken in case the details are transmitted to a different country
  • Consent. Agreement comes after a comprehensible list of conditions
  • Data protection impact assessment. DPIA should be conducted in order to mitigate data protection risk

While breaches under GDPR should be reported within 72 hours POPIA doesn’t emphasise the time limit and requires organisations to announce a data leak as soon as possible.

To ensure that your business has no compliance breaches an appropriate management framework should be integrated. It is important to have accurate mechanisms in place which would evaluate the relevance of introduced policies and keep your system updated. Comprehensive approach to regulatory compliance allows you to assess whether your business processes are conducted in accordance with the recent legal acts. Thorough monitoring lets you see if there are any configuration changes and policy violation.

Many companies lack time and competence which are needed to adapt their corporate rules. Some organisations have never had any internal regulations to conform to and now they are going to face loads of data which demands to be discovered, analysed and rearranged. Software makes essential processes automated and ensures that your company functions in obedience to compliance requirements.

It is crucial to preset rigorous control over the data which is transmitted outside the corporate perimeter. If information is to be processed in a different country which has its own local regulator there are a few key points that should be observed:

  1. The transfer of user details should be transparent.
  2. A data subject has the right to:
  • Demand solid data security abroad
  • Review and correct the details if needed
  • Make sure that the time during which the information is stored is limited
  • Check and reduce if necessary the number of purposes the data can be used for

GDPR doesn’t go against local regulations, it just adds to the list of regional do’s and don’ts in case it lacks relevant points.

Intelligent risk management program comprises efficient tools to prevent your company from fines and penalties. Nevertheless, GDPR remains an intriguing issue for any non-EU country since the process of punishment mechanism still presents some misconceptions about how it should be implemented in countries all over the world. A number of questions might arise when European citizens get their data misused by a foreign organisation. That is what makes compliance an intricate problem demanding even more attention. Automated management systems are installed to save your time and effort.

Debt Collection Brochure Release! Limited seats available, reserve your space today!

Published: 24 August 2016

Trade Conferences International– South Africa’s leading financial conference organisers – is well positioned to bring potential delegates an event which will highlight the real issues concerning debt collection. The Debt Collection Conference aims to equip attendees with the correct knowledge and updated debt collection strategies, including information about analytical and technological aspects of debt collection, legal implications, risk assessment methods and consumer credit management.

Interest is high in TCi’s Debt Collection Conference with more than 20 delegates registered soon after registrations have opened.  Thus far, companies that have confirmed their attendance range from the banks, law firms and insurance sector, companies such as Nedbank, African Bank, Uni-Collect, The Workforce Group, Saya Recoveries, Pres Les and many more. TCI’s Debt Collection Conference 2016 will provide professionals in departments of collections, debt control, credit control, collection management and implementation, debt review, recovery and rehabilitation, call centres, loan processing operations, retail credit, vehicle finance, home loans, KYC & due diligence, customer relationship management, tax evasion & tax avoidance investigation, to list few, with information they need to be valuable contributors to their organisations’ strategy setting based on the latest valuable information from highly qualified industry leaders. Seats are selling fast, reserve yours today!

Attend this conference and gain valuable insights from key industry leaders such as:

Marina Short, Chief Executive Officer, Consumer Profile Bureau

Michael Shackleton, Partner: Specialising in Debt Collection, Shackleton & Mohapi Attorneys

Shikesh Lalbahadur, Snr. Product Manager,Ninzi-Connect

Arnoud Van Den Bout, Chief Operating Officer, Arnoud van den Bout Attorneys

Carl Knight, Chief Executive Officer, Credit Intel

Gerald Mwandiambira, Acting CEO, South African Savings Institute

Mark Essey, Director, Debt-In

Greg Brill, Managing Director, Octagon Business Solutions

Peter Rafferty, Chief Executive Officer, Futuresoft

Fokion Natsis, PureCloud Lead and Head of Sales – Africa, Interactive Intelligence

Philani Shandu, Analyst: Applied Behavioural Economics, Genesis Analytics

Boitshepo Gaitate, Researcher: Applied Behavioural Economics, Genesis Analytics  

Neil Roets, Chief Executive Officer, Debt Rescue

Adv. Andries Cornelius, Chief Executive Officer, Council for Debt Collectors

Paul Slot, Director, Octogen

Mark Heyink, Compuscan   


The conference will encompass top notch presentations addressing topics such as: Overview of market with all regulations impacting the industry Improving debt collection systems and maintaining brand wellbeing Keeping up with changing trends in the debt collection space Actions to consider when your debtor has fled The changing landscape of debt collection and customer engagement in an omni-channel environment Using technology to collect debt Developments in (legal) debt collections Analytical & technological aspects of debt collection Governance, compliance and legal framework Unlocking the value of using behavioural economics in increasing debt repayment rates The state, evolution and future of debt collection  


Contact the project manager - 011 803 1553

Normal Registration Fee: R8 250.00 + VAT = R9 405.00

12% Group registration (3 or more): R7 436.00 + VAT = R8 276.40 p.p

20% Group registration (5 or more): R6 600.00 + VAT = R7 524.00 p.p

Alternatively contact TCI on +27 (0) 11 803 1553 For sponsorship opportunities and exhibition enquiries, contact Jason Joseph: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.