Internet Radio - the Future.

Published: 30 June 2017

Steve Schwartz was the guest speaker at Hirsch’s Carnival recently and his topic was internet radio. Internet radio is still a relatively new concept in South Africa, but it is slowly gaining momentum with more area’s in South Africa getting free Wi-Fi.

Most people listen to radio on their phone and with a simple application that you would be able to download, you could interact with the radio station while you are listening to it.  99% of the world listens to radio stations and the European community is one of the biggest listeners when it comes to online radio. Steve also discussed that more young entrepreneurs will be able to start their own radio stations. The only major expense will be to get ACASA accredited and the rights to play the artist songs.

One of the questions from the audience was on costing to advertise on the online radio stations.  Steve explained that the cost will be a lot less than normal FM radio. “South African radio stations are in exciting times and young aspiring DJ’s will be able to get their brand out there with the rest of the major players.” He said. Steve’s new online radio is still in the testing stages. Once the Beta testing is done, it will be available with more content. Steve also teaches courses on Radio, events and managing your own radio station. 

Hirsch’s Home Stores networking mornings are always a great way to find out what the future holds. Contact Hirsh’s Carnival to find out what events will be held in the future.