Footprint in Africa

Published: 09 March 2018

Female entrepreneurs within the community recently gathered at Hirsch’s Meadowdale for the monthly Ladies Networking event hosted by Hirsch’s.

With over 30 ladies attending, they were ready to be inspired by Mrs. Africa Globe Classics- Adele Wotherspoon’s talk- “Footprint in Africa.”

Adele is the owner of JCT Events and Co-owner of Chrystal House. She is passionate about Education and believe that with early brain interventions we can make a difference to the face of education and poverty in Africa. Since 2010 Adele has been hosting her own pageant - Miss Dare2Care. Adele saw a need for our youth to be exposed to the “real world” and to work with and for the people in our society who didn’t have all the advantages that they had. The huge difference she saw in each student who took part in the projects, encouraged her to grow this programme, and she will soon launch the Dare2Care Youth Ambassador Program.

Adele started her talk by giving some statistics on the poverty levels in Africa; Over 500 million people in sub-Sahara Africa live on $1.90 a day or less- a principal factor in causing widespread hunger. “It is our duty- in a personal capacity or as an organization to leave our footprint in Africa by helping those in need. With many initiatives to reduce poverty levels in Africa and increase the educational system for the youth in Africa- it is easy to get involved and do your bit to create a big difference.”She said.

Adele ended her talk with a quote from Adam Scott; "Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end."After Adele’s talk, Hirsch’s had the pleasure of congratulating Adele for being the latest winner of the monthly Margaret Hirsch Women in Business Achiever. She was awarded with a finalist certificate and Hirsch voucher.

If you would like to join the Hirsch’s Networking Mornings, nominate yourself or someone for the Margaret Hirsch Woman in Business Achiever of the Year Competition, please contact Letitia Haywood on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Attitude of Contribution important in business

Published: 09 February 2018

Entrepreneurs and business women recently gathered at Hirsch’s Meadowdale for the monthly Ladies Networking event, and ready to inspire and connect the ladies with her talk- “Developing an Attitude of Contribution in 2018”- was Guest Speaker, Debbie Botha the founder of Core Business Training Solutions.

Debbie started her talk by telling the ladies that you cannot give what you do not have, however you do need to contribute to other’s lives to make them more effective, whether it be in business or in a personal capacity.

Not everything in life is about giving and receiving, but giving and sharing your knowledge, expertise and time goes a long way. Be more intentional with your actions and what you say to contribute positively to others.Debbie ended her talk by quoting Jimmy Carter: “I have one life and one chance to make it count for something . . . I'm free to choose what that something is. I do whatever I can, wherever I am, whenever I can, for as long as I can with whatever I have to try to make a difference.”

After Debbie’s talk, networkers were given the opportunity to present themselves and their business in a 30-second ‘elevator pitch’, followed by some lucky draws, networking, sharing of business cards and enjoying some refreshments.

If you would like to join the Hirsch’s Networking Mornings, nominate yourself or someone for the Margaret Hirsch Woman in Business Achiever of the Year Competition, please contact Letitia Haywood on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Branding Yourself

Published: 10 November 2017

Hirsch’s Meadowdale recently ended its last Ladies Networking Morning for the year with a BANG. Over 25 dynamic female entrepreneurs gathered at Hirsch’s Meadowdale to Network and listen to Speaker- Coach and NLP Practitioner - Elmarie Van Rooyen’s talk on: Personal Branding- Preparing to sell yourself.

Elmarie has over 24 years of experience in various fields of media, communications and training. Although her profile has a very wide experience set, she is qualified in the Marketing field, where her initial direction was, and landed up in training and development due to her passion for transformation and skills development in the social economical investment direction. 

Elmarie started her talk by expressing the importance of your own brand by explaining the Key Factors to Branding Yourself, including: Creating Understanding: If you don’t brand yourself, someone else will. Opportunities: Stand in front of the pack. Progressive Mindset: Generate brand awareness through Networking! Know Yourself: Define your brand, become an expert. Uniqueness: What is it that you want to be known for? Availability vs. Readiness: Be the one that is Ready and Available to take that promotion.

After Elmarie’s talk each of the networkers was given the opportunity to present themselves and their business in a 30-second ‘elevator pitch ’, followed by some lucky draws, networking, sharing of business cards and enjoying some refreshments.If you would like to take advantage of this amazing networking opportunity, contact Letitia Haywood on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

So, How is that Working for You?

Published: 12 January 2017

Hirsch’s Meadowdale recently hosted a  Dynamic Women in Business Networking event with local business women eager to network and to listen to Mallory Lamberts talk on: "So how is that working for you?" 

Entrepreneur Extraordinaire- Mallory has been active in community work with residents’ associations, community and policing forum for many years and she currently serves on the Board of AIM, an organisation dedicated to getting people with disabilities back into mainstream employment. She also owns a specialist service and consulting company in the music industry and is involved in various other entrepreneurial ventures. 

Commented Hirsch’s Letitia Haywood “Mallory’s topic touched on planning and those inevitable outcomes women confront in business versus family.  How does one cope when one's business deadlines cross over into one's personal life or vice versa? Despite our best endeavours we find that neither is exclusive of the other. However, it is important to achieve and maintain balance in in your life.  Decide what you want out of life and what you wish to achieve in your career, then implement a strategy in order to achieve these goals.”

After Mallory’s talk, everyone showcased their business with a 30-second pitch and this was followed by some lucky draws, networking, sharing of business cards and enjoying some refreshments.

If you would like to join Hirsch’s Networking Mornings contact Letitia Haywood on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.