The Snapshot Survey: Quick, Affordable survey for IAS subscribed agencies

Published: 07 June 2018

The Independent Agency Search and Selection Company (IAS) is delighted to announce the launch of their latest offering to subscribing agencies – the IAS snapshot survey.  

A very quick and affordable survey, the – snapshot – survey has been specifically designed to give Agencies high level feedback / appraisal of the agency’s performance by their Clients based on a variety of aspects such as business understanding; agency output – creative, strategy, service; agency delivery; agency costs and overall relationship.

“Research findings from SCOPEN’s AgencyScope shows that healthy long-term relationships between Clients and their advertising agencies produce better results and it is important to continually review performance so as to improve working practices”, comments Johanna McDowell, CEO of IAS and partner in Scopen UK and South Africa.  

Brief, straightforward, and simple to follow, the online survey consists of eight high level questions that include a rating scale and commentary box, which offers Agency Clients a quick, and highly effective tool to evaluate their Agency on several key criterias.

“IAS will analyse the results and prepare a report for feedback to the agency. The survey results will help Agencies build effective partnerships which are crucial in identifying early warning systems that flag any concerns before they develop into full blown issues, if left unaddressed,” adds IAS Business Director, Nikki Munsie. 

Non-subscribing and subscribing agencies, who wish to know more about this snap-shot survey and other services offered by the IAS, are invited to be in touch with  Hlamazi Mabunda on email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or Nikki Munsie on email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or contact the IAS on 010 594 0281.


About the IAS

 The IAS (Independent Agency Search and Selection Company) in association with the AAR Group (UK) was founded in South Africa by the Mazole Holdings Group in 2006. IAS specializes in client/agency relationship management and helping clients find agencies. 

International associate company AAR Group was founded more than 40 years ago in the UK and has associates and branches throughout the world. 

The Independent Agency Search & Selection Company is committed to the international and local pitch guidelines as defined by both the IPA (Institute of Practitioners in Advertising UK) and the ACA (The Association of Communications Agencies SA).  

Mazole Holdings is a South African company owned 51% by Dan Moyane and 49% by Johanna McDowell. 

Mazole focuses on building businesses in the marketing and communications space. 

The IAS is a level 2 BEE contributor

IAS Masterclass: AdForum Worldwide Summit NYC - Key summit observations

Published: 04 May 2018

IAS Masterclass: AdForum Worldwide Summit NYC - Key summit observations

Having recently attended the AdForum Worldwide Summit in New York, Johanna McDowell managing director of The Independent Agency Search & Selection Company (IAS) and Partner SCOPEN Africa will be presenting detailed and in-depth reports and case studies on global trends and up-to-date information on agencies at a Masterclass Session aimed at IAS subscribing agencies that will take place on the 9th May 2018 at the Institute of Directors in Sandton and on the 17th May 2018 at the Winchester Mansions Hotel in Cape Town.

The AdForum Summit took place in New York, between 23rd and 27th April 2018, providing Johanna McDowell, the IAS and Scopen Africa and over 30 global consultants with the opportunity to attend 26 agency meetings with more than 20 world-wide agency CEO’s.

“It was interesting to meet some of the international agencies on that side of the fence, with some of the legendary agencies in the city, covering a series of intricate and complex industry issues and challenges. The summit unpacked the global trends in industry disciplines such advertising, creative, media, digital, public relations, direct, and indirect marketing services. However, there was much more to it and all will be revealed at the masterclass where I will provide in-depth feedback,” concludes McDowell.

Agencies who would like to attend the session are invited to contact Hlamazi Mabunda on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 010 594 0281 to register. 

 About the AdForum Global Summit 

The AdForum Worldwide Summit is a program for search consultants and global agencies. It is a unique and highly focused event gathering the leading agency search consultants drawn from markets around the world with agency network CEOs and management teams from all disciplines, including creative, media, digital, PR, direct, and marketing services. 

It’s an invitation only event that brings top players in the industry together, and offers them the chance to grow their business, network, and experience how they are shaping the future. 

About the Independent Agency Search & Selection Company (IAS) 

The IAS (Independent Agency Search and Selection Company) in association with the AAR Group (UK) was founded in South Africa by the Mazole Holdings Group in 2006. IAS specializes in client/agency relationship management and helping clients find agencies. International associate company (AAR Group) was founded more than 40 years ago in the UK and has associates and branches throughout the world.

The Independent Agency Search & Selection Company is committed to the international and local pitch guidelines as defined by both the IPA (Institute of Practitioners in Advertising UK) and the ACA (The Association of Communications Agencies SA).  

IAS is owned 100% by Mazole Holdings. Mazole Holdings is a South African company owned 51% by Dan Moyane and 49% by Johanna McDowell.

Mazole focuses on building businesses in the marketing and communications space. 

The IAS is a level 2 BEE contributor.  

Johanna McDowell appointed on advisory council of Women in Marketing

Published: 06 February 2018

Women in Marketing is pleased to announce the appointment of Johanna McDowell as a member of its Advisory Council for 2018.

Currently the Managing Director of the Independent Agency Search & Selection Company, is the only representative from South Africa to be appointed on the Advisory Council.

“It is a great honour for me to have been asked to serve on the Advisory Council of Women in Marketing (WIM).  I will be joining some well-known and highly respected international Council Members who have all been chosen for their demonstrated commitment to marketing and to women during their careers.  I am looking forward to being part of this international team and to assisting WIM with their plans to host the 2018 WIM awards in South Africa in August this year – the first time that these awards will take place outside of the UK”, adds Johanna.  

With an impressive background that includes being on both the agency and client side of the fence, Johanna has built her career in marketing and advertising since 1974, holding directorship in South Africa and British advertising agencies until she was appointed Managing Director of Grey Phillips Advertising in 1988.

"Women in marketing are thrilled to have Johanna McDowell as member of our advisory council. Her wealth of experience and knowledge in the industry and particularly South Africa will be a true asset as we expand our community globally", concludes Ade Onilude Founder & CEO Women in Marketing CIC.

About Women in Marketing

Founded by Ade Onilude, in 2004, Women in Marketing (WiM) empowers women to fulfil their potential within the marketing profession. Ade was inspired to launch the WiM network as a forum to educate, inspire, connect, share and recognise women in the marketing profession. The WiM forum has evolved over the past decade, to become a community interest company and we continue our journey through the support of our team, our global ambassadors and our advisory council.

More information about WiM is available at 

BEE Prepared for 31 March 2018 – A Race Against Time - Are you ready? – IAS Agencies Masterclass.

Published: 01 February 2018

The Independent Agency Search & Selection Company (IAS) will be hosting an interactive presentation and discussion with Deon Oberholzer, Group CEO of Gestalt Growth Strategies on Tuesday 13th February 2018.  

Masterclass will cover the following:

  • A brief recap of the Amended MAC Sector Codes
  • What’s with the marginalisation of black men in the MAC Sector?
  • The MAC Sector Scorecard Targets increase in March, what impact will this have on your planning and is it as bad as it seems?
  • The targets for Socio-Economic Development and Responsible Social Marketing are more than doubled, and more than double that of the Generic Amended Codes.  
  • The Skills Development targets are huge and appears overly restrictive, how to we develop core staff and get enough points and save on expenditure. 

Date: Tuesday 13 February 2018

Time: 14:00 pm – 17:00 pm (Registration at 13.30 pm)   Tea and Coffee will be served

Venue: IoD (Institute of Directors), National Office, 144 Katherine Street, Graystonridge Office Park, Sandton.                           

Who should attend:  CEOs, Finance, Legal, Business Heads, Account Directors / Managers.

Deon Oberholzer Profile

Deon Oberholzer is the Group CEO of Gestalt Growth Strategies which includes Veri-Com, a SANAS accredited BEE Verification Agency

Deon and has been involved with Black Economic Empowerment at various levels since 2004. The Gestalt Group focus mainly on BEE and the opportunities and challenges that this presents.

Deon’s expertise in BEE includes strategy development, legislation, partnerships, consulting, HR and skills development, supplier and enterprise development, turnaround strategies, mergers and acquisitions, rural development and investment projects.  He is on the board of ABP (Association of B-BBEE Professionals) and serves on the DTI Joint Technical Committee on BEE.  

Deon holds a Master’s Degree in Engineering and a MBA from Wits Business School. 

These Masterclasses are exclusive to subscribing agencies and their staff. All names and titles of staff members must be registered with IAS before attendance is approved. There are no costs for any subscriber to attend the IAS Masterclasses. For non-subscribers a once off cost of R3000,00 ex VAT per Agency attending will be applied.

Please confirm your attendance by Tuesday 6 February to Hlamazi Mabunda on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Should you wish to know more about becoming a subscriber to the IAS range of services to agencies, please be in contact with Johanna McDowell or Nikki Munsie on 010 594 0281

Space is running out, book your seats for the IAS new business course

Published: 15 January 2018

With the IAS new business course, less than two weeks away, the Independent Agency Selection (IAS) recommends that agencies book their seats now as this promises to be one for the books.

For six consecutive weeks from Wednesday 24 January 2018, the IAS will run its “winning new business” course for agencies – aimed at equipping communication agencies with the skills and guidance required for advertising, media, public relations, design and digital agencies to overcome the challenges associated with winning new business.

“The IAS course features six standard sessions over the six week period and is open to both IAS subscribers and non-subscribers. To ensure personal attention and engagement, a maximum of ten (10) delegates will be accommodated,” says Johanna McDowell, Managing Director at the IAS.

 The course is facilitated by Johanna McDowell, whose background includes being on both the agency and the client side of the fence. Johanna is ideally placed to offer commentary and direction on marketing and advertising in both the South African and international contexts.

“Experiential training that includes role playing and group work will form part of learning how to approach – and win - new business in a perfect blend of knowledge that will serve all types of agencies in the communication industry,” adds Johanna.

Who will benefit from this course?

  • Agency staff who have at least three years’ experience in an advertising agency, public relations agency, digital, design or media agency
  • Agency management, including client service, strategy planning, media and creative staff
  • Individuals involved in any new business pitching processes,
  • New business managers and directors

What you need to know: 

  • Time: 30 am to 9.30 am
  • Venue: IAS Offices & Training Room – Le Val, North Building, 45 Jan Smuts Avenue, Cnr. The Valley Road, Westcliff, Johannesburg.
  • Investment per delegate: R 7500 ex VAT – IAS subscribers R 12 500 ex VAT – non-subscribers

Agencies are advised to book their seats as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. Bookings and & Payment deadline 17 January 2018

Bookings and contact details

For bookings and more information, please contact Hlamazi Mabunda on (010) 594 0281 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The IAS (Independent Agency Search and Selection Company) in association with the AAR Group (UK) was founded in South Africa by the Mazole Holdings Group in 2006. IAS specialises in client/agency relationship management and helping clients find agencies. International associate company AAR Group, was founded more than 35 years ago in the UK and has associates and branches throughout the world. 

The Independent Agency Search & Selection Company is committed to the international and local pitch guidelines as defined by both the IPA (Institute of Practitioners in Advertising UK) and the ACA (The Association of Communications Agencies SA).   

Mazole Holdings is a South African company owned 51% by Dan Moyane and 49% by Johanna McDowell. Mazole focuses on building businesses in the marketing and communications space. 

The IAS is a level 2 BEE contributor.

Advertising, Social Media and PR Agency search processes – Call for Credentials

Published: 08 December 2017

The Independent Agency Search & Selection Company (IAS) is acting on behalf of a large South African company who wishes to engage and work with 100% Black owned and managed agencies across various disciplines and who have a revenue of less than R 10 million per annum.

Please provide ONE hard copy set of your Agency's credentials to include the following:

  1. Background information, agency positioning, methodologies, BEE Certificate
  2. Detailed overview of Agency capabilities in either the advertising, social media or PR sector.
  3. Client List
  4. Profiles and photos of key team members
  5. One or two examples of work that best demonstrates your Agency's capabilities
  6. Client references—at least two written references from current or recent Clients

Please deliver this material to the offices of the IAS by 14.00 pm on Friday 15 December.

Independent Agency Search & Selection Company (IAS)

Le Val, North Building 45 Jan Smuts Avenue, Corner The Valley Road Westcliff, Johannesburg.

For any enquiries, please email the following:

Hlamazi Mabunda This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or

Nikki Munsie This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

IAS Landline number is 010 594 0281.

NOTE: Credentials over email will NOT BE ACCEPTED

Secrets of a successful agency: Recipe for success from a local and international perspective

Published: 29 November 2017

Attracting new business is an ongoing pursuit for successful communication agencies around the globe, and the Independent Agency Search and Selection Company (IAS) is unveiling secrets to success from a local and international perspective.

For six consecutive weeks from Wednesday 24 January 2018, the IAS will run its “winning new business” course for agencies – aimed at equipping communication agencies with the skills and guidance required for advertising, media, public relations, design and digital agencies to overcome the challenges associated with winning new business.

“The IAS course features six standard sessions over the six week period and is open to both IAS subscribers and non-subscribers. To ensure personal attention and engagement, a maximum of ten (10) delegates will be accommodated,” says Johanna McDowell, Managing Director at the IAS.

The course is facilitated by Johanna McDowell, whose background includes being on both the agency and the client side of the fence. Johanna is ideally placed to offer commentary and direction on marketing and advertising in both the South African and international contexts.

An “entrepreneur at heart in a power suit”, McDowell has built her career in marketing and advertising since 1974, starting her career in marketing in the UK, Johanna moved into the world of advertising for the following 15 years – both in the UK and South Africa – culminating in being appointed CEO of Grey Phillips advertising agency in 1989.

She understands the industry from the inside: She built Integrated Communications, a public relations-driven marketing communications company that went from zero base in 1991 to an R8 million fee turnover by December 2004.

“Experiential training that includes role playing and group work will form part of learning how to approach – and win - new business in a perfect blend of knowledge that will serve all types of agencies in the communication industry,” continues Johanna.

Who will benefit from this course? 

  • Agency staff who have at least three years’ experience in an advertising agency, public relations agency, digital, design or media agency
  • Agency management, including client service, strategy planning, media and creative staff
  • Individuals involved in any new business pitching processes, new business managers and directors

What you need to know: 

  • Time: 30 am to 9.30 am
  • Venue: IAS Offices & Training Room – Le Val, North Building, 45 Jan Smuts Avenue, Cnr. The Valley Road, Westcliff, Johannesburg

Ivestment per delegate :

  • R 7500 ex VAT – IAS subscribers
  • R 12 500 ex VAT – non-subscribers

Agencies are advised to book their seats as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. Bookings and & Payment deadline 11 January 2018.  

Bookings and contact details

For bookings and more information, please contact Hlamazi Mabunda on (010) 594 0281 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The IAS (Independent Agency Search and Selection Company) in association with the AAR Group (UK) was founded in South Africa by the Mazole Holdings Group in 2006. IAS specialises in client/agency relationship management and helping clients find agencies. International associate company AAR Group, was founded more than 35 years ago in the UK and has associates and branches throughout the world. 

The Independent Agency Search & Selection Company is committed to the international and local pitch guidelines as defined by both the IPA (Institute of Practitioners in Advertising UK) and the ACA (The Association of Communications Agencies SA).   

Mazole Holdings is a South African company owned 51% by Dan Moyane and 49% by Johanna McDowell. Mazole focuses on building businesses in the marketing and communications space. 

The IAS is a level 2 BEE contributor. 

Promise 1st in SA for dedication to BEE (SCOPEN Agency Scope 2017/18)

Published: 13 November 2017

Promise has been voted by clients as the leading agency in South Africa for commitment to Black Economic Empowerment and Transformation. The extensive findings of the latest SCOPEN Agency Scope review have revealed numerous first positions for the agency as measured by the country’s leading marketers. In total more than 219 CMO’s were interviewed in face to face sessions with SCOPEN researchers between June and September this year.

James Moffatt, CEO at Promise, comments: “During the past year, Promise has achieved fantastic progress with regards to significant black equity holding, as well as investing in the personal development of young black talent. One of our stars won a Black Pixel by achieving “best young talent” at the Bookmarks this year. Our black shareholding is direct (not Trust based) and transparent. This is over and above our focus on the legislated pillars such as preferential procurement, where our procurement spend is heavily invested with black-owned SME’S. We are delighted with this outcome and we are not done yet, as we continue to advance our role in the transformation of our industry.”

Cesar Vacchiano, President and CEO of SCOPEN International comments: “This is a significant result for the agency as this demonstrates that Promise ensured that not only was their commitment to black empowerment genuine, but the assessment by clients in both marketing and procurement confirms the agency’s commitment in this regard.”


AgencyScope 2017/2018 South Africa consisted of 219 face to face interviews with CMO’s of the top 200 companies in South Africa as well as input from agency professionals and 15 heads of procurement from leading companies.  

AgencyScope is conducted every two years in 12 countries throughout the world and this is the second time the study has taken place in South Africa. 

The quality and depth of the data is unmatched in the 12 markets in which SCOPEN operates.

IAS Digital Landscape Masterclass moving markets through the maze

Published: 26 October 2017

With the Digital Landscape Marketer’s Masterclass less than a month away, the Independent Agency Selection (IAS) recommends that marketer’s book their seats now as this promises to be one for the books.

'The IAS is hosting the masterclass “Digital Landscape Overview - South Africa and Globally”, which will explain the variety of digital offerings available; unpack some comparisons internationally; and include insights from three digital “gurus”.

The Masterclass will be facilitated by Johanna McDowell, Managing Director of the Independent Agency Search and Selection Company (IAS).

Speakers include:  

  • Prakash Patel, seasoned award-winning marketer, now MD for Fogg CT;
  • Kevin Lourens, co-founder of NATIVE VML and currently Chief Growth Officer; 
  • Shaune Jordaan, co-founder and former CEO of Saatchi & Saatchi Synergize and former managing director of Saatchi & Saatchi Pro and
  • Cesar Vacchiano, President and CEO of SCOPE

The Masterclass will cover the following:

  • The current digital landscape and groupings of digital agencies by specialty Assessing a digital agency capability Is conflict an issue in digital agencies?
  • Why is this different from “creative” agencies?
  • Digital transformation within global brands Challenges networks face from digital integration and disruption
  • Case studies on:
  • SEO – Search Engine Optimization CRM – Customer Relationship Management Business Transformation

Date: Monday 20 November 2017

Time: 14.00 pm – 17.00 pm (Registration at 13.30 pm)

Venue: IoD – Institute of Directors, Graystonridge Office Park, 144 Katherine Street, Sandton

Cost: R 2500,00 ex VAT per person.

Johanna McDowell, CEO and founder of the IAS says: “With the industry entrenched in a digital landscape, marketers are looking for agencies with creative, strategic and production capabilities.  The experience and insights that will be shared by the speakers will definitely add value to all the marketers facing a digital maze.”

Delegates are encouraged to contact Hlamazi Mabunda at the IAS on 010 594 0280 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information about the masterclass.

About The IAS 

The IAS (Independent Agency Search and Selection Company) in association with the AAR Group (UK) was founded in South Africa by the Mazole Holdings Group in 2006.

IAS specializes in client/agency relationship management and helping clients find agencies. International associate company AAR Group, was founded more than 35 years ago in the UK and has associates and branches throughout the world. 

The Independent Agency Search & Selection Company is committed to the international and local pitch guidelines as defined by both the IPA (Institute of Practitioners in Advertising UK) and the ACA (The Association of Communications Agencies SA).  

Mazole Holdings is a South African company owned 51% by Dan Moyane and 49% by Johanna McDowell.  Mazole focuses on building businesses in the marketing and communications space. 

The IAS is a level 2 BEE contributor.

IAS Agencies Masterclass

Published: 17 October 2017


PWC Entertainment and Media Outlook – 2017 – 2021

AdForum World Summit Feedback – Paris – Autumn Preview

SCOPEN agencyScope South Africa 2017 Highlights

Date: Tuesday 14 November 2017

Time: 14:00 pm – 17:00 pm (Registration at 13.30 pm)

Tea, Coffee and Soft Drinks will be served

Venue: IoD – Institute of Directors – 144 Katherine Street, Grayston Ridge Office Park, Sandton

Who should attend: CEOs, MDs and Senior Management across all agency departments

Masterclass with cover the following

  • PWC Entertainment & Media Outlook – 2017 – 2021 – An African Perspective - In-depth analysis of the trends shaping the entertainment and media industry in South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana and Tanzania.  An interactive presentation with Vicki Myburgh, Entertainment and Media Leader PWC Southern Africa and Charles Stuart, Associate Director Entertainment and Media Practice
  • Adforum World Summit Feedback – Paris – Autumn Preview – Highlights from meetings with  VCCP, Herezie, Madras, BETC, Serviceplan, You & Mr. Jones, Accenture, Havas and KBS Albion – Johanna McDowell (CEO IAS) and Cesar Vacchiano (CEO Scopen)
  • SCOPEN agencyScope South Africa 2017 Highlights from the 2017 Research – Johanna McDowell and Cesar Vacchiano

These Masterclasses are available free to subscribing agencies and their staff. All names and titles of staff members must be registered with IAS before attendance is approved. There are no costs for any subscriber to attend the IAS Masterclasses.   For non-subscribers a once off cost of R3000,00 ex VAT per Agency attending will be applied.

Please confirm your attendance by Friday 3 November to Hlamazi Mabunda via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 010 594 0280.

Should you wish to know more about becoming a subscriber to the IAS range of services to agencies, please be in contact with Nikki Munsie or Johanna McDowell on 010 594 0281

Speaker Profiles

  • Vicky Myburgh Vicki has been with PwC – Price Waterhouse Coopers - for 24 years.   She is the South African Leader for PWC’s Entertainment and Media Practice and is a partner in the Assurance Practice.   The Entertainment and Media Outlook was born from her passion for the industry and the need to have more relevant South African and indeed African information to complement the global information that is available.  Charles Stuart Charles has been with PWC for 14 years.   He is an Associate Director in PWC’s Entertainment and Media Practice.   As a member of the editorial team since the inception of the Outlook, Charles has a keen interest in the trends shaping the dynamics of the Entertainment and Media industry.
  • Johanna McDowell Currently the Managing Director of the Independent Agency Search and Selection Company (IAS), and with a background that includes being on both the agency and the client side of the fence, Johanna McDowell is well placed to offer commentary on marketing and advertising in both the South African and international contexts.   McDowell has built her career in marketing and advertising since 1974, holding directorship in both South Africa and British advertising agencies until she was appointed Managing Director of Grey Phillips Advertising in 1988. An entrepreneur at heart, McDowell understands the industry from the inside: She built Integrated Communications, a public relations-driven marketing communications company that went from zero base in 1991 to an R 8 million fee turnover by December 2004. After graduating in marketing and business studies, her experience had spanned large corporates including banking, manufacturing and retail both in UK and South Africa, along with a 15-year stint in two of the largest advertising agencies in South Africa and in a medium sized agency in the UK. Widely published and quoted in local media, McDowell regularly gives media input on topics such as:  Delivering high quality B2B communication results, The importance of measurement tools to marketers, Why agencies often don’t make the next round of a pitch, Managing and strengthening client/agency relationships for long-term success, The importance of ethical dealing and truthful communication etc.
  • Cesar Vacchiano Cesar graduated from Madrid Complutense University in Economics and Tourism. After participating in several seminars in Business Administration and Management in USA (UCLA and YALE) he started working as a consultant.  In 1989 he joined Programas de Consulta, and worked for the WTO involved in UN Development Programs. He also worked to develop the National Parks of the Canary Islands.  In 1991, he decided to move to Ballester Consultants in Paris where he started working with French advertising agencies in consulting projects and total quality improvement.   He returned to Spain in 1993 where he started working in Grupo Consultores (now SCOPEN) where he developed the Research Department of the company. He became responsible for the AGENCY SCOPE, MEDIA SCOPE, SALARY SCOPE, TREND SCORE, DIGITAL SCOPE, PRODUCTION SCOPE and PR SCOPE across more than 20 markets.   SCOPEN is currently the leading consulting firm specialized in the communications industry with a deep research base. The company provides services to advertisers, agencies and the media.  Since 2009 he has been the President and CEO of the company and he is responsible for the international expansion of the Group. He has developed projects in many countries, and SCOPEN now has offices in Spain, Portugal, UK, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, China, India, Singapore and South Africa.

About the IAS
The IAS (Independent Agency Search and Selection Company) in association with the AAR Group (UK) was founded in South Africa by the Mazole Holdings Group in 2006.
IAS specialises in client/agency relationship management and helping clients find agencies.International associate company AAR Group, was founded more than 35 years ago in the UK and has associates and branches throughout the world.
The Independent Agency Search & Selection Company is committed to the international and local pitch guidelines as defined by both the IPA (Institute of Practitioners in Advertising UK) and the ACA (The Association of Communications Agencies SA).
Mazole Holdings is a South African company owned 51% by Dan Moyane and 49% by Johanna McDowell.
The IAS is a level 2 BEE contributor. 

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