Zimbabweans to approach courts in SA for extension to ZSP and right to submit changes inside SA

Published: 05 July 2017

Zimbabweans to approach courts in SA for extension to ZSP and right to submit changes inside SA

A Zimbabwean group has decided to formally apply to the Courts in South Africa having recently been denied the opportunity to apply for exemptions in South Africa. The group, which consists of Zimbabweans who have had to leave their homeland due to the progressive meltdown of the political and economic situation, are following the legal process to try and achieve a settled life for themselves and their families.

The applicants have all complied with the conditions of extended dispensation permits, which allow them to work, study or conduct business for three years until the end of December 2017. They are all productive and economically active members of South African society and do not see a future for themselves in Zimbabwe, as their families and friends have kept them informed of the situation there.   

There are many ZSP holders who should be allowed to apply for other visas inside South Africa like those who have South African spouses, those who are still studying and those who qualify for critical skills visas or permanent residence based on other criteria.

According to Leon Isaacson, Managing Director of Global Migration SA, this is a private and individual application initiative which will request specific terms as people are tired of living transitory lives. While costs have been kept to minimum, those who participate responsible for their own costs and share the costs of any later litigation. 

How to proceed: 

Anyone who holds a Zimbabwean dispensation permit and would like to join this initiative and apply should please complete the form athttp://www.globalimsa.com/client-assessment/  and use the subject line  ZSP Exemption Process. Please attach a copy of your passport title page and current permit at the end. Once we have this information we will advise on further steps. 

For further information contact Leon Isaacson at email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 021-419-0934.