BIC educational roadshow continues with its ‘Legacy of Learning’

Published: 20 October 2016

For the fifth consecutive year, BIC® is currently visiting schools across Gauteng on its educational roadshow. This year, the stationery brand continues its efforts towards improving the quality of education in our schools with the message: ‘If You Can Dream It, You Can Be It’. The aim is to motivate pupils to strive for greatness regardless of their circumstances.   

The activation, presented by the brand character ‘BIC Boy’ and a team of brand activators from Zinto Marketing Group who have partnered with BIC since the outset of these national educational roadshows, imparts key educational messages ‒ emphasising the importance of making good career choices and planning for the future from a young age. The format engages learners to interact with the brand which encourages pupils to strive towards creating and leaving their own legacy.  

BIC® has also launched a colouring-in competition being run concurrently with the roadshow, which inspires learners to get creative. It brings excitement to schools and awards cash prizes to the winners as well as the teachers and schools with the most entries. The winning school will select an under-resourced school of their choosing as the recipient of a cash donation. In addition, BIC will refurbish one other school in need of maintenance and repair.  

Launched in 2011, the ‘Buy a pen. Donate a pen’ initiative has donated over five million pens that assist under-privileged learners across South Africa by contributing a pen for every one purchased. The aim to ensure that our future learners are able to change opinions through education with the notion: ‘The Pen is Mightier than the Sword’.  

For more information, visit Alternatively connect with them on Facebook: or on Twitter:  

To contact Zinto, visit the website: for details. 

Entrepreneurial Release: Dressing Tips

Published: 02 September 2016

When you dress to pitch, imagine you’re going for an interview to a top corporate, and have to make an excellent impact. Evening wear and dress suits are out, but refined and quiet clothes are in, and this will show how serious you are about presenting your pitch. First impressions count – before you start your pitch, the investors will have already come to some conclusions about you based on your appearance, so it has to be absolutely suitable for the event.  

Dressing to Pitch for the Ladies

  • Bra-straps: ensure they fit snugly; don’t fiddle with them, don’t adjust them, don’t let them show
  • Your cleavage: restrain it and put it to bed for the day
  • Long dangly earrings:  choose small neat studs that won’t shake, rattle and roll as you move your head
  • Mini-skirts: only acceptable if you’re a prepubescent teenager
  • High, high heels: Uh-uh – change them so you don’t wobble
  • Chipped nail polish; lipstick on teeth; laddered pantyhose; uncombed hair; suffocating perfume: avoid all these like the plague
  • Demure make-up:  this beats gaudy colours every time  

Dressing to Pitch for the Gents

  • Your fly: is it zipped to the top? Check and check again
  • Butt-cracks: not to be on view, and trousers must fit perfectly and be secured with a belt
  • Shirt hanging out: tuck it into your trousers – you’re not going to a picnic nor a braai
  • After-shave cologne: go easy on it, as too much is overwhelming
  • Deodorant: a must, and no underarm stains please
  • Shoes: must be polished if they can be, and washed if they’re sneakers
  • Ties: not necessary but shirt collars must lie flat
  • Headphones with earpieces: leave them at home  

You’re almost there! You have enhanced your appearance so as to inspire the judges and the potential investors, and now they are eager to hear your polished pitch. Engen Petroleum Ltd, Nedbank, Raizcorp and SAfm, as well as national partner the Youth Chamber of Commerce and Industry, your hosts of the 2016 ENGEN Pitch & Polish workshop and competition programme, look forward to seeing you dressed for polished pitching success!

Oxbridge Academy partners with ADvTECH Group

Published: 23 August 2016

Johannesburg, Monday, 22 August – Oxbridge Academy today announced it has entered into a partnership with ADvTECH Group, South Africa’s leading private education holdings group, with established education brands and recruitment brands.

Commenting on the announcement today, Oxbridge Managing Director Barend van den Berg said: “The partnership allows for Oxbridge Academy and ADvTECH to collaborate, enabling a variety of growth opportunities, primarily the expansion of the distance education offering, making it accessible to a large segment of working South Africans.”

An established private distance learning college, Oxbridge Academy’s distance learning model makes it possible for students to gain job-relevant skills. With the motto “effortless excellence in education” and a highly skilled and motivated academic team, this exciting collaboration aligns with ADvTECH’s strategy further cementing its position as a leading provider of academic excellence in Southern Africa.

ADvTECH CEO, Roy Douglas said, “The venture will combine the broad skills of ADvTECH with the distance learning expertise of Oxbridge. This will enhance and strengthen not only the existing distance education offering, but also introduces a wide variety of qualifications and 20 000 distance education students to ADvTECH, providing a platform on which to expand our distance education offering.”

Oxbridge Academy strengthens ADvTECH’s position in the South African tertiary education sector. The school operates nationally, with offices based in Stellenbosch.

Registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training, Oxbridge Academy is accredited by a number of local and international authorities, including the UK-based ABMA. As part of fulfilling the commitment to ensure students receive excellent education, Oxbridge Academy equips employees with the knowledge and skills to uphold standards by providing ongoing skills training and numerous opportunities for professional development.

In line with ADvTECH’s continued growth and expansion strategy, Oxbridge Academy is a valued addition to the diverse group, increasing the tertiary division to 9 unique brands.

In Stellenbosch for Oxbridge Academy
Sanet Nel: +27 87 050 1040
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In Johannesburg for ADvTECH
Desiree Seaton: +27 11 676 8000
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Why Laptops are the Perfect Study Companions

Published: 19 July 2016

Powerful, Portable and Connected

Laptops are an essential item for students today who use them as an integral part of their studies, in lectures and for collaboration.

According to research done by the Pew Internet Project in America, close on 90% of students in universities and colleges have laptops and 100% use the Internet. 

The University of Michigan’s Centre for Research on Learning and Teaching concludes from research done that laptops have a positive learning effect when teachers use them in an intentional manner, such as for Internet research, presentations and shared resources. 

Nursing student, Rachelle Macaulay, says that she takes her laptop to class to follow her lecturers’ slides and course-related Internet videos. 

Most universities have Intranets for the students and lecturers to share information. 

Kendra Hudson, a Sport Science student at the University of Stellenbosch, said that students have laptops because they need to get information from their departmental Intranet pages which their lecturers post online for them. The university has computer rooms, but not many people use them, preferring to use their laptops at home or in their residence rooms. 

Considering the important role laptops play in a student’s life, what are the core criteria to look at when buying one? 


The first check-list item is laptops need to be light and portable if they are to be taken to class.   Recently, there has been a move towards ultrabooks - laptops which are small and light yet are strong and powerful.   Jimmy Gumede, from the Wits University Computer and Networks Service Desk, said that the major benefit students get from an ultrabook is portability. 

Screen Size and Resolution

A 13,3 inch screen is a good size to take to lectures: not too small, but big enough to view spreadsheets and documents, and it should have a resolution of at least 1920 x 1080 to give you an ultra-crisp display. 


Durability is another important factor, especially if you are carrying your laptop around with you. In this regard, a metal body is preferable to a plastic one. 

Battery Life

On campus, students do not always have access to a power outlet, and cables can be a hassle, so battery life is a crucial consideration. 

Performance and Specs

It’s no good buying a laptop that is small and robust, but doesn’t get the job done. Performance is important and the laptop has to be fast enough not to frustrate you or hinder your work. The processing power needs to match your uses.   Matthew Spring, recent Civil Engineering graduate of the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, said that he looked for a laptop that would be able to run the programmes they used in their course.   According to the University of Stellenbosch’s student computer helpline, a processing power equivalent of at least the Intel i3 would be recommended.   As far as memory goes, 4GB to 8GB RAM, and storage from 128GB upwards is ample.   Kendra Hudson said, “When I bought my laptop, I looked for one that has lots of memory, knowing that I’d have many essays to do and notes to save.” 


Longevity is something to keep in mind. It is worth paying extra to get a laptop which goes the distance of a four-year course.   Matthew Spring said that when looking for a laptop to buy as a student, “I mainly looked for a laptop that would be able to last.”   Taking these criteria into consideration, students would be advised to look at the ASUS ZenBooks which more than just cover these bases and are becoming a popular choice for students. They are slim and lightweight with a solid aluminium build. Their battery life is a competitive 10 hours, and their other specs put them in the category of powerful, fast and stylish laptops.   Based on information obtained from GFK (Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung, Germany's largest market research institute), the ASUS ZenBooks are number one in the world market for ultra-slim 13 inch Windows laptops.   In a review, said, “The level of build, display and battery life are unparalleled - this would be a super ultrabook for any student.” 

About ASUS

ASUS, is a worldwide top-three consumer notebook vendor and maker of the world’s best-selling, most award-winning motherboards. A leading enterprise in the new digital era, ASUS designs and manufactures products that perfectly meet the needs of today’s digital home and office, with a broad portfolio that includes motherboards, graphics cards, optical drives, displays, desktop and all-in-one PCs, notebooks, netbooks, servers, multimedia devices, wireless solutions, networking devices, tablets, smartphones and wearables. Driven by innovation and committed to quality, ASUS Won 4368 Awards in 2015 and is widely credited with revolutionizing the PC industry with its Eee PC™. 


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Oliver Kahn Safe-Hub to Open May 18 in Gugulethu-Manenberg

Published: 03 May 2016

The Oliver Kahn Safe-Hub will officially open in Gugulethu-Manenberg during a launch event on Wednesday, May 18 with 100 representatives from nonprofit, government, business and the local community. Attendees will gather on the grounds of Intshukumo Comprehensive High School, opposite Nyanga Junction in the heart of Gugulethu-Manenberg. The launch will be kicked off by former Germany captain and goalkeeper, legendary footballer Oliver Kahn.

The Oliver Kahn Foundation is a long-standing partner of AMANDLA EduFootball, the NGO that developed the award-winning Safe-Hub Model. Kahn said of the Safe-Hub launch: “I strongly believe that if we create a positive, encouraging environment for young people, they can achieve anything. This Safe-Hub will be a meeting-point to drive youth and community development – it’s a place for learning and fun, and I am incredibly proud to be a part of it.”

The Safe-Hub Model is designed to globally disrupt the intergenerational cycles of poverty, unemployment and inequality that trap young people growing up in urban slums. Each Safe-Hub includes an artificial turf field, training academy, psychosocial support centre, and a Youth Café, which is run by local youth and offers free WiFi access and meeting space. A platform for community engagement as well as youth development, the Safe-Hub also includes commercial space for young entrepreneurs and local start-ups, as well as shared office space for local NGOs and government initiatives.

The Safe-Hub Model uses an evidence-based approach that has been refined by AMANDLA over 9 years of working in some of South Africa’s most challenging areas. AMANDLA and its partners collectively operate three Safe-Hubs serving up to 6,000 young people in Diepsloot, Khayelitsha and now Gugulethu-Manenberg. Planning is underway for additional Safe-Hubs within South Africa, as well as the first Safe-Hub outside of the country, to be located in Berlin, Germany.

For more information on the Oliver Kahn Safe-Hub launch, kindly email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. To request media credentials for the event, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

AMANDLA EduFootball   AMANDLA EduFootball is an international Non-Profit Organisation that is based in South Africa and Germany. The organisation’s mission is to create safe spaces that bring together the power of football and learning to empower youth and change lives. AMANDLA’s vision is: “A world where all young people access equal opportunities, strive to realise their full potential and dare to dream...“   AMANDLA is endorsed by the United Nations Office on Sport for Development and Peace. The organisation has won numerous international awards such as the Beyond Sport Award.

The Oliver Kahn Foundation   The Oliver Kahn Foundation is a German charitable foundation that pursues exclusively charitable objectives with the vision of ‘Empowering Young People’. The basis of the Foundation is the ‘Du packst es!’-Programme, a motivational learning programme based on an 11-step approach to reaching one’s personal vision. Oliver Kahn is an internationally recognised former football star generating visibility, partnerships and networks for the Safe-Hub campaign. For more information visit

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