2018-2019 F1 in Schools and Jaguar Primary Schools Challenge Race Season Ready to Begin

Published: 10 April 2018

Following a successful 2017, F1 in Schools and Jaguar Primary Schools Challenge race (JPSC), where two teams were chosen to represent South Africa at the World Finals in Malaysia, a total of 66 teams have taken up the challenge to participate in the 2018-2019 season. 

The competition is fully subscribed with up to 33 teams participating in each competition, each for the F1 in Schools Challenge and for the Jaguar Primary Schools Challenge.  

Bez Sangari, CEO, Sangari Education, said: “The competition requires teams to design, manufacture and race their own miniature Formula One cars. The challenge has become well-known worldwide as an educational competition that actively promotes Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). It is a prestigious and fun event where the value of learning is showing exceptional results.’’  

Pieter du Plessis, F1 in Schools programme manager at Sangari Education, added: “The programme develops a true entrepreneurial spirit in students who are required to prepare a business plan, do research and build contacts with industry to gain sponsorship. Students gain first-hand experience in marketing and accounting, which are needed to provide a complete portfolio as part of the competition.” 

“What makes the F1 in Schools Technology Challenge different,” added Mr Sangari, “is that it entails a comprehensive and inclusive learning approach. Learners engage with subjects that improve their literacy, numeracy, sport and sports science, design and technology, art and design, textiles knowledge, STEM learning, computing, and business and enterprise.”  

“It focuses on using PBL (Project-based learning) as an approach where learners go through the physical experiences themselves. In teams, they are faced with challenges, victories, planning and obstacles that need to be overcome to succeed. This teaches true teamwork and develops communication, along with leadership skills from a young age.”  

Using 3D CAD software, students design a car based on the specifications set by the International Rules Committee and use Computational Fluid Dynamics Software (CFD).  With the 3D CAM software, the teams evaluate the most efficient machining strategy to manufacture their cars.  

The racing is sub-divided into nine district races. The top ten teams from each race go through to the regionals before the last ten go to the provincials where winners stand a chance to represent South Africa at the World Finals in 2019. 

“We are looking forward to an exciting year of racing in Gauteng. This time we are trying to limit traveling between districts and would like to use schools to host the events rather than travel to a central venue,” said Mr du Plessis.  

The first race for Johannesburg South and West district will take place on Saturday 14 April at Glenanda Primary School starting at 8h00am.

Learn the art of magic at the College of Magic in 2018!

Published: 17 January 2018

The world famous College of Magic is set to welcome a new generation of would-be magicians to its mysterious Victorian manor base in Claremont in 2018.Registration for its entry levels courses, which commence on Saturday 3 February 2018, is now open.

Cape Town’s eager young learners are invited to come and learn the thrilling art of magic at the College of Magic, the only magical organisation of its kind in the world, through its beginner programmes:

  • Course One, a 15-week introductory tour through the world of magic for budding young magicians from age 10 to 13.
  • Magic and Showmanship course, an intensive 30 lesson programme providing high school students with a solid introduction to magic.

The ever-popular lessons will be held on Saturdays at the College ‘s enchanting century-old building, where, in addition to commencing their magical studies, new students will also have access to Africa's largest magic museum, a multi-purpose Imagination Centre, a magical library, the Magic Shop and more

In 2018, the College of Magic celebrates 38 years of teaching the theatrical performing art of magic and its allied arts as well as vital life-skills to children and adults. The organisation is excited to welcome its new recruits:

“Magic provides a wonderful new way of learning for students, imbuing them with confidence, the ability to perform and captivate an audience and hope to realise their dreams. We look forward to sharing these positive effects with our aspiring magicians and we cannot wait to share the wonder of magic with all of you! ”, says David Gore, director of the College of Magic.

Learn the art of magic:

The Course One and Magic and Showmanship courses will commence on Saturday 3 February 2018 and will run at the College of Magic (215 Imam Haron Road, Claremont). Fees for Course One (half year course) are R520 per month or R2 850 for full payment, and for the Magic and Showmanship course (full-year course) fees are R520 per month or R5 210 for the entire course. Fees include lessons, notes, magical equipment and allied arts such as puppetry, juggling and mime and clowning sessions.

To register, please call +27(0)21 683 5480 or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

For more information please visit www.collegeofmagic.com.

Magformers: the premium magnetic construction toy now available in South Africa

Published: 24 November 2017

Solarpop Distribution is proud to announce that as of November 2017, Magformers will for the first time be available to the South African market.

Magformers is the world leader in magnetic construction toys. With a strong brand philosophy believing that creativity is the driving force behind problem solving, Magformers is expected to be Lego’s main competition as soon as 2020. With 3D brain training, converting 2D to 3D, Magformers nurtures a ‘3D Brain’ capable of multifaceted thinking.

Magformers is unique in that it allows children to become familiar with various geometric shapes and colours, allowing them to acquire an understanding of basic mathematical concepts through play. Magformers has great value as a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) based toy offering great ‘learning through play’ opportunities.

Magformers was Amazon’s #1 selling toy in 2015 and #1 Educational toy in 2016, with a multitude of awards and nominations under its belt with a TOTY 2018 nomination in two categories being the most recent. Magformers was also featured in Toy Talk 2017 hosted by Nikki Bush and on the ‘best toys of the year’ segment hosted by Azania Mosaka on 702. https://omny.fm/…/the-best-of-azania-…/best-toys-of-the-year

Magformers is currently available to the public from local online retailers such as Takealot.com, Loot and Raru as well as prominent brick-and-mortar toy stores such as Hamleys, with a planned expansion of the retailer footprint in 2018. A series of demonstrations will also take place during the festive season at prominent brick-and-mortar-stores, taking full advantage of the visually interesting 2D to 3D construction method, allowing for complex 3D shapes and structures being laid out in 2D and then converted to a 3D construct. https://youtu.be/fxLh719ZZ-0

With a proven sales record in the international market, and a great reception into the local market, Solarpop foresee Magformers to be one of the top construction toys purchased for the 2017 festive season.

Five priceless gifts that you can give your child this Christmas

Published: 20 November 2017

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Many of us are familiar with Cliff Richard’s classic Christmas song, ‘Mistletoe and wine’. The chorus goes something like this:“Christmas time, Mistletoe and wine, Children singing Christian rhymes. With logs on the fire and gifts on the tree, A time to rejoice in the good that we see.” Christmas time is a few weeks away, department stores have been suitably decked out for over a month, and thousands of children are dreaming of family gatherings, delicious food and, of course, Santa Claus!  “Christmas time is associated with the buying of gifts and it, not unlike a shark feeding frenzy, elicits a culture of must-buys and massive overspending. Unfortunately, gifts are equated with stuff – toys, gadgets, computer games – the options are endless. This ‘stuff’, in turn, is temporarily exciting to receive but that joy is short-lived and soon, more stuff is demanded in order to fill the hole that is left.  ‘Stuff’ does not provide lasting fulfillment and long-term happiness!” says Cindy Glass, Director and Co-founder of Step Up Education Centres. 

Cindy adds, “Think about it for a moment: Our children are being starved of positive human connections, uplifting fulfilling experiences and the opportunity to grow into leaders who embrace life to the fullest! It is time for a change of mind-set when it comes to defining what gifts best serve our children during this holiday season.” 

Cindy offers a few novel, cost-effective gift ideas to consider:

GIVE THE GIFT OF TIME: Your children value your time, your encouragement and your engagement in their lives way more than a gadget!  By giving of your time, you give them a part of yourself!  In addition, you are better able to provide a sincere, non-judgemental ear to listen and understand.  

GIVE THE GIFT OF GIVING: Use this time to involve your children in choosing interesting gifts, wrap them with love and give these to the less fortunate. The very act of giving joy to others gives priceless joy to yourself!

GIVE THE GIFT OF COMPASSION AND GRATITUDE. Why not join your children in visiting and supporting an animal shelter – walk the dogs at the SPCA, for example. Visit an old age home with something special to give.  Encourage an attitude of love, compassion and gratitude by what you do and not just what you say!

GIVE THE GIFT OF EXPERIENCES. Do something you have not done before—zip-lining, hiking, playing a board game together and getting out into nature. Have fun together! Laugh, play and be silly together! Create positive memories that will last forever!

GIVE THE GIFT OF CREATIVITY. Make Christmas gifts, decorations and treats instead of buying them. There are thousands of easy-to-do, low-cost Christmas treasures on the internet! Creativity is exciting, fun and soul-fulfilling! “Christmas time is, indeed, the season for giving and sharing.  By exploring some of the ideas above, you will add great value to this time and the rewards of increased happiness and fulfilment will be worth the effort!” Cindy concludes.  

About Step Up
Established in 2016, Step Up Education Centres is a dynamic after-school remediation and tutoring franchise with a difference. Step Up offers children an opportunity to succeed in a schooling system that is, at times, very unsympathetic.  From the moment, a child walks through a Step Up Education Centre door they feel different.  They no longer feel silly or stupid. They no longer feel misunderstood. They no longer feel judged. After just one lesson they feel hope. They see possibility. After a few sessions, they walk taller, feel smarter, do better. Why? Because Step Up believes that every child has potential…and our passionate educators will not give up until they reach it!                                                                                                                                               

Press release disseminated on Behalf of:
Cindy Glass
Director and Co-Founder of Step Up Education Centres

Disseminated by:
Carmen White
Account Manager
Sam Watt Marketing Communications 

Deciding whether to keep a child back at school

Published: 13 November 2017

Imagine that you are observing from the side of a swimming pool and are watching children learn how to swim. As you watch, you notice the different variety of abilities, confidence levels and fears that they display in the water.  Some children seem to grasp these new skills with ease while others seem to struggle and need a bit of extra assistance and encouragement along the way.  With a swimming gala looming ahead, the decision has to be made as to who is competent enough to compete at the next level, and who may need extra practice in mastering the skills that are needed. 

“In a scenario such as this one, it is without a doubt that any child who has not sufficiently mastered the skills at this level will become more fearful, less confident and progress slower if they were forced on to a more challenging level. They may even risk drowning in the process!” says Cindy Glass, Director and Co-founder of Step Up Education Centres. 

She adds that while learning to swim is not quite the same as learning to read, write and progress academically, the principal of learning any new skill is the same. “It is best to achieve sufficient mastery of each level of study before progressing to more challenging levels of learning.

”Sadly, for generations, the need to repeat a school grade has been classified as a failure, leaving scores of parents and learners struggling to embrace the idea of repeating a grade to better master the necessary skills needed for the next level! “Yet, forcing a child, who is not ready, into the next grade could have a significantly negative impact on the child’s self- esteem and, worse, it could slow the learning process or even stop it altogether as the child’s struggles worsen with the pressures of the new grade!” Cindy explains.

Cindy gives the following advice to parents facing the decision of whether to allow their child to repeat a grade or not:

  1. Repeating a grade is NOT a failure. It is an opportunity for a struggling learner to better master the skills he needs! If you speak of failure, your child will feel like he has, indeed, failed! Your approach to a child repeating the grade will determine your child’s reaction toward it!
  2. Discuss all available options with your child’s teachers before making a final decision. Have an open mind – remember that this is about what is best for your child. Discuss any concerns that you may have openly and honestly.
  3. Consider your child’s level of competency in the current grade. If your child is struggling significantly, he is most likely going to struggle even more so in the next grade.
  4. Consider your child’s age and physical development. Remember, always, that YOU need to decide what is BEST for your child. A child who is significantly taller or older than his upcoming classmates may feel too embarrassed for a repeat to be of any help!
  5. Make a list of all the pros and cons of your child repeating the grade or going on. Ask yourself: What is best for my child?  What are the long-term benefits or harms? What would happen if I do/do not allow the repeat?

“There is no denying that the decision to repeat a struggling learner is an emotionally tough one to make.  Take your time and do what you feel is best for your child. Remember, how you react to the situation will set the tone for how your child responds to it!” Cindy concludes.                                                                                                                                             

About Step Up

Established in 2016, Step Up Education Centres is a dynamic after-school remediation and tutoring franchise with a difference. Step Up offers children an opportunity to succeed in a schooling system that is, at times, very unsympathetic.  From the moment, a child walks through a Step Up Education Centre door they feel different.  They no longer feel silly or stupid. They no longer feel misunderstood. They no longer feel judged. After just one lesson they feel hope. They see possibility. After a few sessions, they walk taller, feel smarter, do better. Why? Because Step Up believes that every child has potential…and our passionate educators will not give up until they reach it!                                                                                                                                               

Press release disseminated on Behalf of
Cindy Glass
Director and Co-Founder of Step Up Education Centres

Disseminated by
Carmen White
Account Manager
Sam Watt Marketing Communications
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Practical Strategies for Stressed Matriculants

Published: 27 October 2017

The final countdown has begun! Matriculants all around the country are in the thick of the much anticipated (and most often feared) final exams! It is like climbing Kilimanjaro! The summit is clearly in sight and the anticipation of finality lies within reach on the horizon!  BUT, there is a steep, seemingly treacherous climb to navigate and that is the Matric final exam!

Cindy Glass, Co-founder and Director of afterschool remediation franchise, Step Up Education Centre says, “Fear of the final exams is deep-rooted and reinforced from generation to generation!  It is that fear of failure or of not achieving the desired outcomes that ensures that matriculants find this experience a less-than-pleasant one! Ironically, it is fear, anxiety and stress that will add unnecessary pressure to each individual and this could significantly slow or even halt their ability to effectively tackle these exams”.

It is with this in mind that Cindy share the following helpful strategies to ease the pressures of the final exams:

Know that you can do this! You can choose to make good choices today! Stamp out any thoughts of failure—do not entertain any negative beliefs about yourself. Remember, if you think you can or your think you can’t, you will be right!

Make sure you have a dedicated place of study. You need a desk and chair, good lighting and plenty of fresh air. The most effective way to study is pen-to-paper. You brain is able to remember information 7 times better if you write it down!

Use your study time effectively. That means – put off ALL distractions. No cell phones, no TV.  This is about YOU and you need to have the courage and determination to make choices that honour you!

Break up your workload into bite-size manageable pieces. Use a desk calendar or something similar and write down what you will need to cover every day. Tick off as you go. This will give you direction and it will keep you motivated as you achieve each task.

During your exam, answer all the easy-mark questions first. Go through the paper and answer all the questions you feel most confident about. This will ensure you finish the paper, it will build your confidence and it will leave you enough time to tackle the more challenging questions. Remember to number your questions clearly!

Don’t forget to make time to exercise-even if it is just for 30 mins a day. You need to take care of yourself more than ever at this time. Make sure you eat healthily-avoid sugars and refined foods. You definitely want to avoid energy drinks as they give you a false sense of security and could lead to a disastrous exam experience!

“These exams can feel overwhelming, but they are do-able!  Do not invite fear, anxiety and stress in for tea! You can do this. Pace yourself, plan your study schedule, take care of your health. The summit is in sight – head up – step by step!” Cindy concludes. 

About Step Up

Established in 2016, Step Up Education Centres is a dynamic after-school remediation and tutoring franchise with a difference. Step Up offers children an opportunity to succeed in a schooling system that is, at times, very unsympathetic.  From the moment, a child walks through a Step Up Education Centre doors they feel different.  They no longer feel silly or stupid. They no longer feel misunderstood. They no longer feel judged. After just one lesson they feel hope. They see possibility. After a few sessions, they walk taller, feel smarter, do better. Why? Because Step Up believes that every child has potential…And our passionate educators will not give up until they reach it!  

Press release disseminated on Behalf of
Cindy Glass
Director and Co-Founder of Step Up Education Centres

Press release disseminated by
Carmen White
081 260 4011
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Sam Watt Marketing Communications

Handy homework hints

Published: 26 October 2017

­Homework is generally a painful process that is rarely met with excitement and anticipation. In fact, Cindy Glass, Co-Founder of Step Up Education Centres, the after-school remediation and tutoring franchise says, “In all my years teaching, I have yet to meet a parent or learner who cannot wait to do extra school work in the afternoons!”

Whilst countries like Japan, the Czech Republic and Denmark assign little to no homework, South Africa doesn’t follow the same trend. “For us, homework is unavoidable, it is simply a part of our schooling system, whether we like it or not,” says Cindy.

With that in mind, Cindy says that we need to not only find a way to help our children complete their homework tasks, but help them to enjoy doing it as well! She offers the following handy homework hints:

Create a fun, practical workspace

It is important to assign one specific area in the house to do all school tasks. By doing this you will train your brain to automatically kick into work-mode when you sit down.

  • Have a desk and comfortable chair
  • Have all the necessary stationary
  • Make the space beautiful – display art or any awards/reward charts to keep your child motivated
  • Keep it neat  

Switch off all distractions for the duration of the homework time 

Cell phones, TV, games and sometimes even music can be a distractor for both parents and learners. As a result, you both need to switch off (or place on silent) all digital devices.

  • If you are a learner, let your friends know you will be unavailable for that period
  • If you are a parent, switch your phone on silent as cell phone noises can be very distracting, prolonging the homework experience 

Be clear on what needs to be done 

By knowing exactly what needs to be done and by when, you will find it easier to complete the task.

  • Use a whiteboard to list the tasks that need to be completed on that day
  • Start with the easy tasks first as this will give your child an immediate sense of achievement
  • For older learners who have projects or longer assignments, decide which part of each will be completed on that day, in addition to daily homework
  • Tick off each task as you complete it

Get extra help if you are stuck!

  • For parents, ‘Google’ will tame many-a-challenge. Phone a friend if you need to.  Whatever you do – do NOT behave negatively – explain to your child that there is a solution to every problem and you can work together to find it!
  • If your child is struggling consistently, seek professional help from an after-school remediation centre.
  • For older learners, make sure that they listen carefully in class. They need to ask their teacher if they are unsure of what is required.

Remember, your child is not always going to feel okay about doing homework.  Whenever this happens, Cindy suggests that you incorporate what she calls the ’10-minute rule’, “The first 10 minutes of anything is the worst.  Get through those 10 minutes and you will find that the work will flow more easily and they will begin to enjoy the feeling of accomplishment.” 

If all else fails, contact Step Up Education Centres – we’re to help your child reach their full potential!  

About Step Up
Established in 2016, Step Up Education Centres is a dynamic after-school remediation and tutoring franchise with a difference. Step Up offers children an opportunity to succeed in a schooling system that is, at times, very unsympathetic.  From the moment, a child walks through a Step Up Education Centre doors they feel different.  They no longer feel silly or stupid. They no longer feel misunderstood. They no longer feel judged. After just one lesson they feel hope. They see possibility. After a few sessions, they walk taller, feel smarter, do better. Why? Because Step Up believes that every child has potential…And our passionate educators will not give up until they reach it!  

Press release disseminated on Behalf of
Cindy Glass
Director and Co-Founder of Step Up Education Centres

Press release disseminated by
Carmen White
Sam Watt Marketing Communications
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8 terrific tips to make Term 4 count!

Published: 26 October 2017

Term 4, for so many, can feel much like approaching the finish line of the Comrades Marathon.  Although the end is in sight, the distance already covered in the race may have been significantly challenging.  As a participant, your goal would be to successfully complete the race and claim the victory of having conquered the challenges along the way.

1. “Just as a runner in the Comrades Marathon would need to motivate himself to continue towards his goal, despite being tired, sore and perhaps frustrated or disillusioned, so learners and parents will need to find positive ways to keep motivated and determined in the face of the anticipated exams and other assessments”, says Cindy Glass, Owner of afterschool remediation franchise, Step Up Education Centres. Runners who successfully complete the Comrades Marathon do so because they are prepared for the inevitable challenges that will be experienced along the way. The challenges of Term 4 can be navigated more easily with these helpful tips:

2. Arrange to get exam timetables and the exam scopes (what will be tested in each subject) as soon as possible. Work with your child in breaking the seemingly overwhelming task of getting through it all into bit-size, manageable pieces.

3. Create a daily to-do list and teach your child to tick off each completed task. This will give her a great sense of accomplishment and keep her motivated!

4. Get hold of practice tests and past papers. Ask your teachers. These are the BEST tools to use to learn for tests and exams!

5. Create a study-friendly environment for your child. Set aside a special place with a desk and chair. Never study on a couch or a bed- the brain will go into sleep-mode! Switch off cell-phones and the TV during the period of study.

6. Before getting started, make sure that your child knows what needs to be done during the allotted time. When completed, tick off on the to-do list.

7. Do not forget to factor in time for exercise, healthy eating and rest. These are essential stress-busting activities!

8. Study tip: The brain is said to remember things 7 times better when it is written down!  Encourage your child to write important information down while studying.

“Term 4 can indeed feel much like the final struggle in the Comrades Marathon. Just like runners often seem to accomplish the impossible through good preparation and planning, so too, can your child!  Focus on the end line.  Encourage your child through your positive outlook on the term ahead and reap the rewards of a more confident, motivated learner! Go for it!” Cindy concludes.

Press release disseminated on Behalf of
Cindy GlassDirector and Co-Founder of Step Up Education Centres

Press release disseminated by
Carmen White
Sam Watt Marketing Communications
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Teach your children the art of making mistakes!

Published: 24 October 2017

Imagine if babies were afraid of making mistakes. Learning to walk, holding a cup and speaking a language would be nearly impossible skills to master. For how would they learn to do anything new? How could they achieve any level of skill at anything if they didn’t stumble and fall?

Why, then, have we developed a fear of and a loathing intolerance for our best friend, the mistake? Why are our children so afraid of making mistakes that they often prefer not to even try? Why do we allow ourselves to feel enslaved by the very thing we should embrace?

Cindy Glass, Owner and Founder of afterschool remediation franchise, Step Up Education Centres looks to shake up our thinking in terms of mistake making. She says, “Generations of people have passed on the untruth that making mistakes is to be avoided at all costs and worse, making mistakes, even minor ones, mean punishment and humiliation. Mistakes, for so many children are a constant source of anxiety and fear. Surely it is time to consider the merits of making effective mistakes! After all it is ONLY through making mistakes that we are able to learn anything new!”

Bill Gates and Richard Branson are examples of modern day businessmen who used their devastating mistakes to learn valuable lessons which would eventually catapult them to success. Thomas Edison failed a whopping 9000 times in his quest to create the electric lightbulb. He is famous for saying that he would never give up because he had simply learned 9000 different ways of how not to make a lightbulb!

So, if the path to success is paved with mistakes, how do we master that art and instil this learning in our children?

Cindy sheds some light:

You need to embrace mistakes: There is only one effective way to teach our children to embrace their mistakes and use them as valuable opportunities to learn. As parents, WE need to own and embrace OUR mistakes. We need to acknowledge them for what they are and find effective solutions as we learn better ways of doing things. We need to teach our children to be comfortable with making mistakes because we are comfortable in making our mistakes.

Teach them to own their mistakes: One of the most valuable tools that you can give your child is to teach him to own his mistakes. To achieve this, we need to remove the fear that is associated with making mistakes by finding it within ourselves to be tolerant of the imperfectness of our children. After all, we are no strangers to making mistakes. As parents, our reaction to any mistake will set the tone for ownership and positive learning. This does not mean that consequences are no longer important-quite the opposite! Choose your battles. Accidents are accidents and deliberate mistakes are choices.

“Children who are taught to use their mistakes as learning opportunities are considerably less anxious and are significantly more confident in their exploration of the world they live in, and this is beautiful!” Cindy concludes.

CPUT Engineering Labs turn Pro

Published: 23 August 2017

Johannesburg, South Africa, 23 August 2017 - RS Components the global distributor for engineers recently partnered with the Cape Peninsula University of Technology to kit out their new engineering labs in Bellville, Cape Town. RS Sponsored equipment to the value of R250 000 to be used in the project labs which are run by the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering (DEECE).

The four project labs will be used by over 450 students annually, to learn about electronics, mechanical and electrical engineering. The students will get the opportunity to learn about and work with actual engineering equipment by doing various assignments and projects according to their course curriculum.

The Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) is the only university of technology in the Western Cape and is the largest higher education institution in the region. The equipment supplied to the labs is from RS’s private label range, called RS Pro – short for ‘professional’.

This range has grown to more than 50 000 high-quality, competitively priced industrial products and electronic components that have been developed over a period of 80 years in conjunction with global manufacturers.“RS Components has always been engaged in developing and supporting engineers and in recent years our involvement with education has grown in line with the demand for young people with STEM skills in South Africa,” said Brian Andrew, GM of RS Components South Africa.

“Being the global distributor for engineers and technical professionals, it made sense to partner with the CPUT as they are developing the next generation of technicians and technologists who are going to be required to be multi-skilled across engineering disciplines. We wanted the students to have access to the necessary tools and equipment so that they could practically put the theory they are studying into practice and have a taste of what the professionals use. Our RS Pro range matched the requirements of the labs by having great quality and performance while being affordable. We are extremely excited to see what these young students will be cooking up in the labs.” The official opening of the labs will take place on the 24th of August at the CPUT Bellville Campus.

There will be an opening by the Dean of the Faculty followed by a tour of the project labs.

About RS Components 

RS Components is the market leader in the high service level distribution of electrical, electronic, mechanical, tools and industrial products. Operating in 26 countries whilst serving a further 100 through third-party distributors, RS serves every sector of industry in the procurement of their products relating to maintenance, repair, operations, low volume production, research and development.   

With over 500 000 products across 2500 leading brands, the company is committed to ensuring that their 1,5 million customers have fast access to a broad, as well as deep range, of products and technologies, all under one roof. RS’s customers, whether ordering single or multiple items, experience a quick, easy, secure, painless and cost effective process. 

The RS catalogue, available at za.rs-online.com, offers full colour pictures with extensive clear product specifications.  Free access to thousands of datasheets ensures the correct product choice.  Order placement is easily facilitated through za.rs-online.com, the call centre, e-mail, fax and trade counter.  Locally held stock is delivered to customers within 24 hours, and products held internationally, within four to six working days.    

It is proven that departments traditionally spend 80% of their time sourcing products that account for only 20% of their total procurement spend. RS is focussed on reducing the customers “total cost of product ownership” by reducing the need to make multiple calls to various companies to source products, reducing supplier related administration and allowing for the amalgamation as well as consolidation of supplier bases.  Through this process, procurement efficiency is improved and time is freed up to concentrate on the more important business decisions. 

For more information, please visit the website at za.rs-online.com 

For more information contact
Shaun Watson
Account Manager
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+27 (0) 87 941 3497

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