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Durban movie, Trafficked - Africa, Recognized in American Global Film Competition

Published: 22 September 2019

(Durban, South Africa) – Jato Ehijator, Film Director at Arts Lens Studios, has won a prestigious Award of Recognition from The Accolade Global Film Competition in the United States of America for a movie filmed in Durban. The award was given for Jato’s exciting feature film, Trafficked—Africa, which tells the story of a South African journalist who stops at nothing, including putting herself in harm's way, to halt a trafficking ring that has been acting with impunity.  Trafficked—Africa features a fast-paced, dynamic story line that highlights many of the social injustices in Africa.   

Trafficked—Africa is a platform to share Africa with the world” says the award-winning Director Jato Ehijator.  “This includes not only the diverse beauty inherent within the people, culture, and environment of our continent; but also, the often-harsh realities of life in Africa.”  He goes on to say, that “It is a true honor to receive an Accolade Award.”  The film was recognized not only within the feature film category; but also as a film focused on Liberation and Social Justice.  Additionally, Trafficked—Africa received an Award of Recognition for the original song Vuya Africa by Phumzile Mseleku.   

The Accolade Global Film Competition recognizes film, television, videography and new media professionals who demonstrate exceptional achievement in craft and creativity, and those who produce standout entertainment or contribute to profound social change. Entries are judged by highly qualified professionals in the film and television industry. Information about the Accolade and a list of recent winners can be found at www.accoladecompetition.org. In winning an Accolade, Jato Ehijator, joins the ranks of other high-profile winners of this internationally respected award including the Oscar winning production of The Lady in Number Six by Malcolm Clarke, the very talented Dave Bossert of Disney for his short documentary, The Tunes Behind The Toons, Hollywood industry veteran Ron Howard for When You Find Me and Highwire Films Australia for their popular ABC TV series twentysomething

Rick Prickett, who chairs The Accolade Global Film Competition, had this to say about Jato and latest winners, “The Accolade is not an easy award to win. Entries are received from around the world from powerhouse companies to remarkable new talent. The Accolade helps set the standard for craft and creativity. The judges were pleased with the exceptional high quality of entries. The goal of The Accolade is to help winners achieve the recognition they deserve.” 

In October, Trafficked—Africa will feature at multiple film festivals locally and globally.  This includes the Knysna Film Festival in South Africa as well as the Baltimore International Black Film Festival and Collected Voices in America.  More information about the film can be found at WWW.TraffickedAfricaMovie.COM as well as on Facebook and Instagram @TraffickedAfrica.

Shall We Dance is coming to Durban!

Published: 25 July 2019

Experience the excitement and thrill of live theatre dance at The Playhouse between the 6th and 15th of September 2019, for 10 shows of wonder!

Shall We Dance spans ten days and features talented local and international dancers, like Ryan and Angelique and dance partners Gerhard and Amor.

Audiences will be transported into the glittering world of dance.Our dancers will spend hundreds of hours honing their bodies, craft and routines in preparation for this celebration of the human body and spirit.

Performers of all ages will showcase their carefully choreographed moves in an array of dance genres – expressive freestyle numbers, elegant Latin and ballroom dance, exotic belly-dancing, tap tattoos, charming ballet, hip-hop and much more!

Get your tickets here now: https://www.webtickets.co.za/event.aspx?itemid=1491967977 

Here's sneak preview video: https://www.facebook.com/shallwedancedurban/videos/vl.403926276869959/328093698114503 

See you there! ?

Check out our website, or follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

Design the Official Loeries T-Shirt and be a VIP at Creative Week

Published: 27 June 2019

You’ve got ideas. You’ve got talent. And as a young creative, you just need the world to see your amazing creativity, artwork and execution, right? 

Now here’s your opportunity: Submit your most impressive creation for the official Loeries T-Shirt, in partnership with Barron, and you and a partner could be VIPs at Loeries Creative Week in August. 

To enter the competition 

1. Give us your design of what you think the ideal Loeries T-shirt should be. No limits… 

2. Go to loeries.com and download the T-shirt template. Post your creative design to Facebook or Instagram using the hashtag: #LoeriesBarronDesign. Share your designs with the world and get your people liking and loving your posts. The 20 most liked designs will be shortlisted and the Loeries committee will select the winning design. The winning design will be used for the Official Loeries T-shirt at Creative Week.

The winner receives two VIP tickets to Loeries Creative Week, 19 to 25 August, 2019, in Durban (Travel and accommodation excluded). 

Barron has been creating unique corporate and promotional products for over 25 years and is also the proud sponsor of the Media Innovation Category at the Loeries this year. It is a category focused specifically on new methods and approaches to advertising, on any media platform.  

Loeries CEO Andrew Human explains that “the Loeries Africa Middle East celebrates creativity and brilliance in the advertising and marketing space. It rewards brand communications that make us feel something, question the status quo and rethink our way of doing things. We’re delighted that Barron is sponsoring this competition, and we fully expect some unique and interesting design entries.”  Loeries Creative Week takes place in Durban from 22 to 25 August. Go to loeries.com for more information and to book your tickets

The measure of a man brought to the fore in One Man Play

Published: 05 April 2019

Bhagwan Gave Me This Life The return of a HIT play, in Hindi.

Bhagwan Gave Me This Life was written and directed by well-known theatre veteran Vivian Moodley and is brilliantly performed by Pranesh Maharaj.

Billed as a Hindi play, it is performed in the unique Durban patois that developed from Hindi, with smatterings of English and isiZulu. Set in Inanda in 1981, the drama focusses on the life reflections of a widower Balram. “Vivian had a script in his hand that he wanted me to read. I lunged at it, to get back to him a day later and say that I'll do it. That's when he gave me the ultimate twist in this production: He wanted me to perform it in Bhojpuri (Nataalie Hindi). The Producers at the time were not convinced that a theatre piece in Hindi, in this day and time, would ever work. To be honest, I was not convinced either. Then Vivian and I got to carving this piece of art and four weeks later it was ready to open. That full house and standing ovation on the opening night is what gave us hope. Hope that this kind of serious theatre has a place in this country and in this world. We made some promises back then about taking the play around... well, we are back.” - Pranesh Maharaj. 

The sight of those wood and iron, or tin houses as they were known, evoke strong feelings for many people. The corrugated walls, wooden doors with patterned glass panels, sash windows and the verandas with lush coastal vegetation around them speak of a bygone era, although many of those same houses are still standing today. We find a disconsolate Balram, snoozing on an upholstered car seat, propped up against the wall. He is not sleeping peacefully – his dreams recall the tragic dramas of his life and when he awakens, it is to find himself still alive – and alone. Loneliness is the biggest enemy that elderly people have to overcome – and when they have had a life surrounded by family members and the community, it can be a hard pill to swallow. We watch Balram struggle as an ageing man, portrayed with great sensitivity and authenticity by the much younger Pranesh, go through some of the daily rituals that help his day pass. He prays by the shrine, fills the upturned wheel rim with water for the birds and takes a nip of cane spirits from a small bottle hidden in a safe box. There are other treasures in that box and the sight of them bring to mind memories of his youth. The anklets with bells and the silver headdress that were worn by his wife, recall his first meeting when he was a shy young man in the marriage market. With amazing skill and expertise, Pranesh paints the portraits of the eccentric aunts that acted as marriage brokers, as well as playing the entire family of characters who attend the wedding.

Pranesh play out the male and female roles with an adroit combination of hilarious lip syncing and the use of his own tuneful and powerful voice. Most impressive are the tabla-like rhythms that he extracts from an old paint tin in his pursuit of happiness.We are carried along on the wave of the story, a story that, says Vivian, is a composite picture of the community he grew up in and and inspiration that stem from various 'Indian' communities within the Greater Durban area. The tale of the two brothers, the woman abused by her alcoholic husband, the grandparents longing for a child – all are grist to the mill of the story teller. Pranesh shoulders all the roles, giving each their weight and value, teasing out the comedic lines and giving full range to the dramatic tragedy that serves as the denouement. The human condition can be described as the unalterable part of humanity that is inherent and innate to human beings and is not dependent on factors such as gender, race or class. It includes concerns such as the meaning of life, the search for gratification, the sense of curiosity, the inevitability of isolation, or awareness regarding the inescapability of death. 

While Bhagwan (God) gave me this Life is almost 90 % Hindi, it was possible to follow the characters and their ranging emotions due to Pranesh’ expert acting and musicianship – ask anyone who has watched the piece already. One of the objects of this very worthwhile project is to take pride in mother tongue and to preserve its use, so ‘culture specific’ is to the point, yet it contains much laughter and 'edge of the seat' drama. Following back to back successes with lengthy runs at various venues in 2014/15, the play has been revived. So Come watch it at the Durban North Conference Centre on 02, 03, 04 & 05 May 2019. Tickets are R150 per person at COMPUTICKET online or at Shoprite / Checkers. 

Get your skin summer ready!

Published: 23 October 2018

Summer is on the horizon! Much like you prep your skin for the grueling winter months, it’s important you update your beauty routine before the weather strikes hot, especially in Durban with its infamous heat waves fast approaching. It is our lifestyle where many of us will be spending a lot more time in the sun and on the beach. We will also be saying goodbye to the layers and unpacking those flip flops, shorts, summer dresses and swimwear, thereby exposing more flesh to the harsh elements of the sun.  

Here are a few easy tips to be mindful of, to maintain a healthy skin this summer 

1) Rock the sunscreen look, every dayWith outdoor activities in full swing this summer, it’s important to remember to protect your skin. Ensure that you have sun protection on all parts of your body that’s exposed to the sun. A lot of UV exposure can cause permanent damage, from sunburn, wrinkles, fine lines as well as premature aging. A good tip on purchasing sunscreen products is to be sure that they protect against UVA and UVB, have an SPF 30 or higher and are water resistant. Make sure you re-apply every two hours when outdoors and more if you can. Seek shade whenever your shadow appears to be shorter than you, and wear protective clothing, which includes long sleeves,  wide brimmed hats and sunglasses when out in the sun.

 2) Drink up!As tempting as it is to enjoy one or two cold beverages by the pool or on the beach, it’s important to also keep yourself well hydrated. The heat of summer tends to absorb all the moisture from our bodies, so remember to drink at least eight glasses of water daily. Always keep a bottle of water with you at all times, and ensure you refill it until you have reached your quota.

 3) Treat your feet!If you’ve stuffed your feet inside boots and closed shoes all winter, they probably could use a little TLC for the upcoming sandal weather. Jump-start your program with a salon pedicure, and after the jump start maybe try Sorbets easy DIY foot care tip, which will help soften your feet while you sleep. First, remove thicker skin with a foot file. Apply a rich emollient cream or ointment, and then cover your feet in plastic wrap and cotton socks. Leave this on overnight. Repeat every day until you achieve smooth skin, then once a week to maintain the soft skin. Treat yourself to a pedicure regularly, to get rid of the dead skin. You can follow a beauty regime at home, but it is also nice to pamper yourself at Sorbet Granada Square in Umhlanga.  

4) make sure your glow continues…Last but definitely not least, remember your face needs some extra attention during summer too. There’s a big misconception that your face doesn’t need to be moisturised in the summer months. This couldn’t be further from the truth. The only difference is that you need to find a lighter moisturiser, that’s non-greasy and definitely have a SPF in it especially during the day. If you have dry skin, it tends to get even drier in the summer months. Sun exposure, heat and chlorine can dry out your skin in the warmer months as you spend more time outside or poolside. You may also become more dehydrated as the temperature rises which can affect your skin’s appearance.

You could try a Hydro Skin facial at Sorbet Granada Square, Umhlanga. It’s the complete hydration solution that best treats those summer factors such as dehydration, irritation and premature aging- it’s perfect for these hotter months. Komila Naidoo’s (owner of Sorbet Granada Square Umhlanga) favourite mask to make up at home in the summer months is an avocado and honey mask, which is very easy to formulate. 

Komila’s home Avocado and Honey pamper mask:

  • Scoop out an avocado into a bowl
  • Smash it into a smooth paste
  • Add a spoon of honey to the mix
  • Apply it to your face, and let it sit for 20 minutes (it will dry up completely)
  • Rinse your face with cold water and pat it dry with a cloth

You can do this mask once a week for healthy and smooth feeling skin. 

Ultimately it is important to look after your skin, as it’s the only one you have. Very importantly, you should have your skin regularly assessed by the experts so that you know what products you can or shouldn’t use as well as the kind of skin regime you need to follow.  

Book a free skin assessment at the newly revamped Sorbet Granada Square on 031 561 2538. 


Published: 17 October 2018

Park Square, uMhlanga’s newest business and lifestyle development is due to open its doors in November 2018. Interfacing beautifully with its surrounds, the development offers a future-forward, people-centred destination where the surrounding communities and professionals can shop, work and connect. Hunt PR’s Melanie Rosettenstein connected with Jarryd Murray, MAP Architects Director and co-founder, to get the inside track on the vision to create a connected community through this new building.

When in 2015 Jarryd Murray and Charles Taylor, director’s at MAP Architects and his team were approached by Nedbank to design a space that would accommodate their KwaZulu-Natal team, the brief was to create a structure which would allow the easy flow of people through the development but also accommodate a 17,500m² space to house their staff in addition to general commercial and retail space.

Having grown up on the KwaZulu-Natal north coast, Jarryd loves the great outdoors and has witnessed the area’s urban transformation over the years. Passionate about creating dynamic urban spaces in our landscape, it’s no wonder that on designing Park Square, he has designed a space that responds perfectly to Durban’s climate and at the same time will be a connected urban landmark on the uMhlanga Ridge.

After spending some time pinning down the vision, Jarryd and his team set about conceptualising an off-the-ground design that would see the commercial elements ‘hovering’ above a perfectly activated retail arcade and square which people could use for shopping and simply enjoying the city’s unique, outdoor lifestyle. The idea to create a connected community which would simultaneously be an exceptional business destination for professionals to work and socialise and a dynamic urban space to activate the local community, was born.

The emphasis at Park Square is undoubtedly on transparency. The simple and modular building design features raw concrete slabs, steel beams, generous concrete overhangs and glassed infills. Column placements, exposed ramps and staircases are optimised to allow for easy foot traffic flow throughout the building. “Even though Park Square has them, our brief was for the design to discourage people from using the elevators,” says Jarryd.

The development’s 36,000m² commercial element is housed on the perimeter of its upper floors and features its own rooftop which is punctuated with over 100 planters to be filled with indigenous landscaping. Abundant space to sit and take a break or meet informally is available to effectively take the office outside and into nature for the benefit of workers. “Here professionals can use the outside spaces to relax and unplug. All the offices are just a short walk from each other and this underpins the connected nature of this business community,” says Jarryd.

Nedbank’s space features a double volume lobby, a vertical garden and is open to people moving in and around the building. While the development’s western side is open and multi-levelled, the eastern side which faces the CJ Saunders Park is mostly glass. Jarryd remarks, “We wanted to create something unique on the park side which gives back to the surroundings. By using timeless glass, the beautiful KwaZulu-Natal light reflects off the building in a sensitive and ever-changing manner.”

More than 3,500m² in size, the generous open square features an amphitheatre, grassed spaces and substantially-sized planters with Fig trees that will ultimately grow to create a lush and shady canopy over the square.

The retail section opens onto the square which means shops and restaurants are easily accessible to the square as an extension of their premises. Linear directional paving channels people through the building’s elements linking with the surrounding buildings and amenities such as the CJ Saunders Park, Gateway Theatre of Shopping and a proposed nearby GO!Durban Integrated Rapid Transport Network stop. The square’s paving is more static and encourages people to stop and use the common break areas like benches and incidental grassy areas. Murray comments, “This space is not overly designed and has been left open, dynamic and versatile for people to use in a way which comes naturally to them.”

The retail section, approximately 4,500m2 in size, includes the Retail Arcade, the development’s main artery which seamlessly links the open square on the western side with the CJ Saunders Park on the eastern side. The arcade’s orientation allows you to see the park through the main building. The connection between the two elements is framed by the park’s trees and those on the square to bring natural elements closer. Murray says, “There are no dead ends within the building which reinforces the easy flow of people through the different sections.”

170 covered retail parking bays and approximately 50 street parking bays ensure ease of access. Among others, the confirmed tenants include a new concept Spar and Tops, Armitage Gent’s Boutique, Seattle Coffee and Mike’s Kitchen. Sergeant Coffee, Hello Hunny, The Eye Gallery, Eazi Laundromat, Pizza Hut, Medstone Pharmacy and PostNet also form part of the tenant mix that can be found at Park Square.

The 1,500m² top tier Spar will feature a 150m² Tops with whisky-tasting. Showcasing a unique aviation theme and even a reception desk, this is a brand-new concept for Durban where shoppers will enjoy a highly convenient and super trendy shopping experience. Jarryd says, “This on-trend, interactive retail experience is exactly what we envisioned when we designed Park Square. Together with our other retailers, the well-considered retail mix means that professionals and the local community won’t have to shop anywhere else.”

Responding to Durban’s warm, outdoor climate, Park Square’s open design reveals the human activity taking place within the development. The result is a visibly connected, integrated and open community where people can come together in a vibrant, urban space. While final construction continues at great pace to complete the development, Murray concludes, “We look forward to presenting this landmark development to the community as we are sure it will be a place that everyone can enjoy and benefit from.”

Visit www.parksquare.co.za to find out more.

Durban Cheese & Wine Festival

Published: 17 September 2018

Come and enjoy a beautiful day out at Chris Saunders Park, on Sunday the 23rd of September for the first ever Durban Cheese & Wine Festival! 

With wines and cheeses from all over, there will be plenty to choose from to satisfy everyone’s palette.  Wander through and try out various different wines from an array of wine farms from all over South Africa, once you have found your favourite head on over to the cheese stalls and create your own cheese board. Once you have your cheese choose from a selection of artisanal pairings such as homemade breads, peppers, charcuterie, jams and so much more.

With your vino in one hand and cheese board in the other find a comfy spot in the park and sit back and relax to the sounds of some of the very best our local acoustic talent has to offer.

 Every ticket includes a complimentary branded Durban Cheese & Wine Festival wine glass, as well as 10 taster tokens- so you’ll be able to taste any 10 wines your heart desires. 

The gates open at 11:00 on the Sunday, and the event will end at 18:00. Tickets are on sale through Webtickets at www.webtickets.co.za. Early Bird is R150, general is R170 and on the day is R190 (Kids between 2 and 13 years old get in for R30, and under 2s get in for free.) For any queries, check out the Facebook event page at https://www.facebook.com/events/1129194643923759/. 

Please note:No Own Food or Drink No Umbrellas with spikes No Glass No Weapons No Pass Outs No Refunds


Published: 04 September 2018

Adhir Imrith (33) is one of the lead engineers involved in the development of Park Square - Durban’s much anticipated new mixed-use development on uMhlanga Ridge.  As an Associate at Arup South Africa, a leading global designing, planning and execution firm in the built environment, Adhir has been at the forefront of innovative design and planning over the last few years.

Adhir grew up in Durban and graduated with a BSc. Civil Engineering degree from the University of KwaZulu-Natal.  While completing his degree, he interned at Arup – an experience that changed his life, as well as his approach to engineering and design. In the 11 years after he joined Arup as a graduate, Adhir has been identified as a growing leader, both in the industry and in the firm. He now finds himself leading key projects with his own unique vision and drive for innovation.“At Arup we have a very specific way of embracing our role in the built environment,” explains Adhir. “We have a very on-the-ground approach to urbanisation – this means we can see design solutions from all angles, addressing multiple needs. At Arup we refer to this ‘Total Architecture’”.   

According to Adhir the concept of ‘Total Architecture’ works hand in hand with the idea of ‘Total Design’.  So, what does this mean and how do these concepts interact and ultimately impact the process?  “There is a deliberate collaboration and an added value to the wider team that comes out of a strong emphasis of working closely with both the client and the team,” he says.  “Ultimately this level of collaboration creates a better built environment,” he adds.

A great example of the power of this collaborative approach is Park Square. There was a very strong working relationship between the architect, Jarryd Murray of MAP Architects, and Imrith. Adhir unpacks the thinking: “With Park Square uMhlanga, the engineering of the structure was shaped to complement the architectural vision – but at the same time the architecture was shaped to genuinely embrace the structure of the building – the two were very much interlinked.

“Park Square’s iconic large spaces and raking columns, though required from a structural point of view, have been beautifully expressed through the architecture and design,” explains Adhir. He goes on to say that one of the greatest but fulfilling engineering challenges to overcome in the design of Park Square was the iconic Nedbank lobby. “The architectural intent for the lobby was to create a large volume with minimal support, this coupled with raking slabs, hanging walkways and complex façade interfaces resulted in two ‘chopstick’ like steel raking columns that have become a signature of the building. It is this respect and trust between structural engineer and architect that enables great architecture and design”. 

The success of Park Square’s design and development is a consequence of the extraordinary team involved and Imrith’s giant leap from graduate to associate - reflective of the impact that he has made on the development sector and uMhlanga Ridge’s most sought-after retail and premium commercial development.

To find out more about sales and letting opportunities at Park Square, contact Petal Pillay at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The Mercury Wine Week

Published: 03 August 2018

South Africa’s oldest wine event, the renowned Mercury Wine Week, which takes place this year from Wednesday 29 to Friday 31 August 2018, is celebrating 40 years of migrating the country’s premier wine estates from the Cape to Durban every winter.

To commemorate the milestone, the event which is a highlight on Durban’s winter social calendar, taking place over three evenings offering Durban’s wine- lovers a sampling smorgasbord of over 70 wine estates each showcasing their finest wines, will for the first time take place at Sibaya Casino and Entertainment Kingdom.

The Mercury Wine Week affords Durban’s wine-enthusiasts with the opportunity to meet and mingle with some of the country’s leading wine-makers from the Cape winelands’ finest red, white, rosé and sparkling wine estates, to sample the country’s finest blends.

To further celebrate the event’s 40th anniversary, a distinctive Bubbly area will feature the large and growing number of SA’s Méthode Cap Classique estates and their wide variety of sparkling wines.

To ensure the safety of visitors, Mercury Wine Week has partnered with internationally renowned transportation network company Taxify, to offer discounted rates to and from the event.

Be sure to be a part of Durban’s premier winter wine event by booking your tickets online from iTickets at R120 or at the door at R140. The price includes a tasting glass and unlimited wine tasting.

For further information visit www.mercurywineweek.co.za.

Park Square Leads The Way For Future Forward Work Spaces

Published: 22 May 2018

Rapid technological advancements have gifted people with the ability to redefine their work lives. Saying goodbye to the nine-to-five, many professionals around the world are now untethered from their desks, able to work remotely from anywhere and at any time thanks to WIFI, smartphones and a whole host of other tech savvy tools. The benefits of this work method have been lauded for increasing productivity and work-happiness in employees. While it seems work may have left the building, companies and employees are still in need of future-forward spaces to connect, collaborate and share ideas.

As a result, many office developments are responding to this need by providing considered work environments that emphasize openness, transcend the idea of the daily grind and encourage a healthy work life balance in campus-style and community orientated spaces.In a 2017 article for Director, Monica Parker a behaviourist and founder of organizational change consultancy, Hatch, whose clients include Microsoft, Deloitte and the BBC says, “People always need a place to come together, and while coffee shops are great, people still like to have a place they can call a work home. I don’t think work has left the building – there is still that communal driver.”Today, companies are understanding more and more the importance of nurturing productivity through the significant benefits of open and flexible office environments. These benefits include creativity, knowledge sharing, teamwork and coordination. While Google, Apple and various other tech advanced companies have been operating like this for decades already, South Africa is just beginning to ride the crest of the flexible and open work wave.

Cue Park Square, Nedbank’s iconic R1billion mixed-use office and retail development located within uMhlanga’s New Town Centre and thriving commercial hub. Bordering the popular CJ Saunders Park and featuring innovative commercial and retail offerings, Park Square with its considered restaurants, shops and coffee bars will offer a connected work culture incorporating a unique leisure offering seamlessly linked to a vibrant and open urban square.  The Four Star Green Star-rated building, due for completion in October this year, includes 36 000m² of commercial space, 4 000m² of retail and an impressive 3 500m² open public piazza. Furthermore, it’s easily accessible to pedestrians, offers abundant parking and is close to a GO!Durban Integrated Rapid Public Transport Network (IRPTN) stop. Ken Reynolds, Nedbank Property Finance Divisional Executive, property expert and Director of Nedport Developments, a subsidiary of Nedbank and Park Square’s developers says, “Projects like Park Square are effectively turning the South African urban planning paradigm around.

This innovative and connected space encourages people to think beyond the boardroom, take time to unplug and to connect with one another. By similarly drawing the surrounding communities for shopping and relaxing, the overall effect is a sociable, communal space that emphasises a convenient and balanced work life experience.” Park Square has already secured a series of high profile tenants including Nedbank, Spar and the IBV International Vaults.

Spar Marketing Manager, Travis Anderson says, “Customers no longer want to shop in large centres. They want the convenience of parking, walking straight into the building, doing their shop and walking straight out. We love Park Square because of its convenient location in a fast-developing area and its proximity to the CJ Saunders park which will allow us extra exposure as we piggy back off activities held there.” Reynolds says, “If you can imagine your day like this; arrive at work with your barista-made coffee in hand, in a reusable mug of course, use the morning for planning and responding to mails followed by a quick jog around the park at lunch, tuck into an artisanal deluxe sandwich bought from the Spar then attend afternoon meetings and drinks in the Square with your new client? Then you have imagined a day at Park Square.” Not forgetting profitability, a positive work environment increases productivity and in turn can have a significant impact on a company’s success. A reduction in staff downtime having amenities within walking distance of employee’s desks also reduces stress, as well as the lunch-hour rush with staff being able to avoid having to leaving the campus for their various requirements – from healthcare to lunch and even a spot of recreational shopping. Reynolds says, “Park Square offers mutual benefit for the employer and the employees with its unique commercial and lifestyle aspects. This world-class destination offers a win-win situation for both, where staff benefit by working in an open, future-forward environment and companies reap the rewards on their bottom line,” he concludes.  

To explore investment opportunities, contact Samantha Stewart (082 903 0828/ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or visit: www.parkquare.co.za to find out more.

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