Follow The Data

Published: 14 September 2017

Condriac’s data-focused approach to PR is changing the game 

As a progressive, future-thinking PR and Digital Marketing agency, Condriac’s approach to all work starts and ends with data. 

Data affords Condriac an unprecedented capacity to remain dynamic, agile and responsive to subtle changes in the way in which audiences respond to key messaging, creative concepts and value offerings. 

Traditionally, public relations has relied on time-tested methods of tailoring the development and execution of campaigns. These methods rely largely on data collection post-campaign launch, meaning insights and calibrations are only available once campaigns are already running for some time. While this outdated approach does have its merits as a process of learning about target audiences, Condriac has found that using carefully collected, statistically relevant data to guide PR campaign development from day one is a much more effective strategy. 

An argument may be made against this approach, in that it is perhaps too limiting or constraining on the potential scope and freedom afforded to creative and strategic processes. However, after years of using this data-centric approach for delivering profitable public relations campaigns, Condriac would argue that it is these very constraints that are largely responsible for their success. Knowing the specific interests, sensitivities and limitations of target audiences controls the focus, and as a result allows Condriac freedom to execute quickly, efficiently and most importantly, with confidence. 

Databases have been used to help identify potential areas of friction in demographics, audiences and focus groups for clients in a myriad of industries. Findings from digital-only campaigns are combined with empirical “in-the-field” data to attentively curate service offerings to current and future clients. This process enables a more personal, “in-house” approach to the relationships manage both with and for customers. 

In addition to the priceless value data provides us in the research, planning, execution and management of campaigns, another crucial area data aids us in is reporting. By basing reports on real, accurate data collected throughout a campaign’s lifecycle, our capacity to unearth insights for customers is magnified ten-fold. It is not unusual to discover information about client’s own customer that affects the very way their business is conducted going forward. This data enables clients to make the changes and improvements necessary for growth in their businesses, all while cutting costs and improving their focus on delivering valuable products and services to their own customers. 

In conclusion, in order to create dynamic, relevant, engaging, successful PR campaigns, simply follow the data. 

About Gary Meyer, Condriac’s Managing Partner

Gary is the founder and managing partner of Condriac. Gary boasts over 10 years’ experience in the industry and has worked on brands both locally and across Africa. He has a record of success in integrated digital marketing, social media and product launches for B2C consumer companies including Guinness, Hollard, Virgin Atlantic, Apple, Nintendo, TomTom, Microsoft and Dimension Data. Gary has created innovative online campaigns which have directly impacted brand awareness and reflected positive ROI. He offers unique expertise in the South African and African market through innovative strategies to resonate with consumers.

Condriac Quadruples in Size

Published: 05 September 2017

Condriac Digital Communications, a leading black-owned Digital and PR agency, has experienced tremendous growth in the first half of 2017 by acquiring new clients, doubling their workforce and have no intention of slowing down.

Tshepo Mphela joins the PR team as an Account Director, with 12 years of experience under his belt. This AAA graduate brings with him a wealth of experience in creative strategy and content creation to the agency. Having worked extensively at major PR agencies on clients such as Telkom, Shell, HP and MiWay, Tshepo’s extensive knowledge of the Public Relations industry makes him a dynamic and formidable publicist.

Public Relations Account Manager Candice Marescia, a College Campus IIE graduate, has a passion for events, media relations and brand management. Having worked on accounts such as Kellogg’s, General Electric, Eskom and Flight Centre, Candice brings a broad understanding of B2B and consumer brands to Condriac.

Karabelo Matlotlo also joins the PR team as an Account Executive. Karabelo studied Public Relations and Communications at the University of Johannesburg. Her career began at PR Expert, where she discovered her love for PR. She looks forward to advancing herself in the field of PR and welcomes the new opportunities ahead of her.

Thabo Ramosime joins the design team as a Graphic Designer. He earned his degree at the Vaal University of Technology and has worked on brands such as Castle Lite, Renault, Edgars, Jet Mobile and CNA. As a new team member who is passionate about design and illustration, Thabo aspires to take Condriac’s design and visual aesthetics to the next level.

Lauren Crooks joins the Condriac team as a Copywriter. Lauren is a psychology graduate and qualified life coach with a passion for words, people and all things digital. She has worked on a diverse array of retail brands and thrives on creating dynamic, engaging brand identities and developing strategic, creative solutions for clients.

Finally, Dwayne Nienaber joins Condriac as a Digital Account Executive. Dwayne earned a Diploma in Blogging and Content Marketing from Shaw Academy and is Google Adwords certified. He worked in the telecommunications industry for 4 years, but made the switch to Digital because of it’s fast-paced, exciting and ever-changing nature.Dwayne’s strengths lie in his strong work ethic and problem-solving and analytical nature.

“We have an ambition to become a leading agency in South Africa, and in order to do this, we hire people based on their great attitude, a particular skill set and sometimes a plain old gut feeling. We believe that our latest hires demonstrate all of this and will be instrumental in reaching our ultimate goal”, says CEO of Condriac, Keshia Patchiappen.

A History of Women in Advertising

Published: 28 August 2017

In a highly transformative and evolving industry, the South African advertising landscape is not as representative as one would expect from such a progressive and diverse nation. Digital marketing in South Africa is still demonstrates an imbalanced gender dynamic.

In an industry where 45% of the workplace is female, a mere 3% of directorship is held by women. Today, only 2.4% of women are CEOs and Only 9.2% of women hold chairperson positions. Women in leadership positions remain a minority within an industry that does not lack female representation: 50% of graduates studying marketing degrees are women.

“Despite there being no shortage of women in the industry, there doesn’t seem to be nearly enough in leadership roles,” says Facebook Africa's regional director, Nunu Ntshingila. “We need to see women that are authentic, we need to see women that are empowered, and we need to see women that are progressive because our girls need to see not only that what is possible, they’ve got to see what they need to become.”

It seems that the advertising industry has no trouble attracting women to the field, it is retaining them that is the problem. Women in creative roles appear to leave the industry in the middle of their careers, a move which is primarily attributed to having children. While many women return to agency, taking a break often hinders the opportunity to progress in their careers. Further to this, women are challenged with work-life balance in ways that their male counterparts are not. One can argue that taking on the dual roles of motherhood and career woman shifts the focus from a dedicated climb up the career ladder.

While the representation of women in advertising agencies in general is a bone of contention, the diversity of women in this field is much to be desired. There is a pervasive lack of black women in creative leadership positions or founding their own agencies in comparison to the increasing amount of white women and black women in the same position. The focus needs to shift: diversity is not solely about the number of women in leadership roles, but rather consider that a wide array of cultures, races and ethnicities are represented within agencies. Ultimately, diversity results in creativity, innovation and progressive concepts; agencies will reap the rewards of an exceptional offering from an entirely inclusive workforce. Diversity does not lower the bar. Diversity raises it.

It is essential to have strong female leaders in advertising agencies to inspire and motivate other women. We must celebrate women of colour who hold positions of prominence in the industry. It is important to understand what the female workforce would need to help them stay in the industry - this could mean child care assistance, destigmatising flexi-time and correcting salary inequalities. At the end of the day, it is about creating an environment that empowers women and allows them the courage and self-confidence to flourish within their roles, as creatives and leaders.

About Keshia Patchiappen, Condriac CEO

Keshia Patchiappen is paving the way for women of colour with her dynamic, strategic approach to the realm of digital marketing and communications. Keshia has experienced a stellar career trajectory, rising from an intern to CEO through 11 years of experience across all advertising platforms. She has worked for global communication agencies and a vast number of clients ranging from automotive, construction, consumer and corporate brands.

Keshia is passionate about revolutionising the way in which brands are marketed in the digital space, and is extremely focused on the inclusion of data in cohesive Public Relations and Communications strategies. Her tenacity, creativity and thorough knowledge of the industry allows Condriac to continue to break new ground and provide clients with an invaluable competitive edge.

Digital State of Mind

Published: 07 July 2017

The South African socio-political climate is currently undergoing rapid change and this has far-reaching effects on business. The recent cabinet reshuffle has adversely impacted the economy, with two leading financial agencies being forced to downgrade the credit and trading status of our country. This change in status quo has decision-makers in various industries tightening their belts, and it begs the question: What can businesses do to remain relevant, and to thrive in these tough economic times?

Unfortunately, marketing budgets are often the first internal expenditure to be pruned. Research, however, has proven that brands that have survived previous economic slumps and recessions are those that have continued to market themselves and have thus remained part of the decision purchasing cycle. It is imperative, then, that businesses, that wish to remain in the forefront of consumers’ minds, continue with their marketing endeavours. 

The heart of your business’ success lies in marketing. Most aspects of your brand depend on successful marketing. The overall marketing umbrella covers advertising, public relations, promotions and sales. Traditional advertising, being one of the longest standing forms of publicity, has certain drawbacks, and is slowly giving way to the rising popularity of “the internet of things”. 

Traditional marketing means are becoming increasingly expensive and a lot more onerous to measure than digital marketing. Purchasing television, radio, or printed ads tend to be pricey, and often doesn’t have concrete ROI’s or measurable statistics. Difficulty in measuring the conversion rate of your ads, for example, creates a challenge in gaining a good understanding of the ad’s efficiency and the results they offer. Traditional media also employs a forced strategy, whereby a product is forced onto the consumer, even if they are not necessarily seeking the product or service in the first place. Initially, digital marketing and a social media presence were thought to be a “phase” that would dwindle over time. However, the converse has happened, and the industry is not only surviving, but it’s thriving. 

More and more it is noted that these platforms are rolling out more capabilities of individualising marketing communications. They boast a plethora of insights and statistics, which in turn leads to a greater return on investment. This is one of the most compelling reasons why your brand should not be caught dead without some sort of marketing tactics deployed online. 

Digital marketing is far more cost efficient in comparison to traditional marketing. Online ads are flexible, meaning that a business can switch a strategy mid-campaign, based on results obtained. It allows you to analyse where the interest of the consumer was captured or lost by viewing exact results, such as, the number of page visits, the number of times your page was visited, call tracking and even footage of what the consumer did while visiting your site. Adspend on digital campaigns can be as minimal as a few thousand Rands per month, allowing smaller business entities to compete with big businesses and even popular brands. 

Social media has amplified brands’ digital messaging endeavours. Social media marketing companies have made a significant splash in recent years, gaining huge revenues for their clients by connecting them with large, previously unexplored customer bases. 

The number one way to socialise in today’s society is through social media. Having an online presence leads to increased customer service; it is an accepted norm for consumers to head to the internet first before they pick up the phone to call in. With online marketing, businesses have the added advantage of socialising with groups or individuals, affording them the opportunity to specifically target their ads. Brands can direct their marketing strategies to specific countries and states. More granular targeting strategies are now available to include demographics like gender, interests, or even the type of device they utilise. These ways of targeting your ads can inform marketing strategies as to how an audience consumes information, and in what direction they should take their campaign. 

Digital marketing is imperative for a brand to remain relevant amidst turbulent socio-political times. It provides a range of opportunities, including increasing brand impact. Any marketing objective is to have potential customers learn about your business, discover your brand and recognise it in the future. A digital presence allows this. By employing targeted advertisements, it increases the chance of sales by showing ads to people who are most interested in your product. 

The internet is “always on”, and by creating relevant and engaging content a brand opens itself up to connecting with, and enticing, current customers as well as making valuable touch points with potential clients. A business needs to create customer relationships in order to drown out the competitors and advertising noise. By engaging with them frequently on social media, one builds trust and more importantly generates brand loyalty. Social media and digital marketing provide the perfect breeding ground for brands to remain visible and generate awareness of business offerings, regardless of the marketing budget. 

Written by Sheri Govender , Junior Account Manager at Condriac Digital Communications

About Condriac
Condriac Digital Communications is a full-service communications agency that specialises in programmatic lead generation, public relations and web development. “We are in the business of bridging the gaps between consumers and brands“.

At Condriac Digital Communications the team will help you ensure that your brand remains engaging and relevant in an ever-evolving digital landscape, shaping your online footprint to meet the needs of an increasingly demanding and digital-savvy clientele.

Condriac follows the data, creating calculated (data informed) content, strategically placed online (social and SEO) supported by targeted digital media to drive new and existing audiences in order to generate predictable and repeatable results. 

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Issued by:                 Zaida de Jager - Marketing Manager at Condriac Digital Communications
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Raspberry Pi 3 Compute Module delivering low-cost development capabilities

Published: 15 June 2017

Targeting embedded systems designers developing industrial applications, the new Raspberry Pi 3 Compute Module offers quad-core processing power 

Johannesburg, South Africa, 15 June, 2017 - RS Components (RS), the trading brand of Electrocomponents plc (LSE:ECM), the global distributor for engineers, today announced the latest version of the Raspberry Pi Compute Module, based on the Raspberry Pi 3 architecture.

Designed for professional engineers to develop embedded systems, the new Raspberry Pi 3 Compute Module (CM3) fits into a standard DDR2 SODIMM socket and provides the same basic processing capabilities as the Raspberry Pi 3. In common with the Raspberry Pi 3, CM3 incorporates a 64-bit Broadcom BCM2837 application processor, built around an ARM Cortex-A53 quad-core processor running at up to 1.2GHz, and 1GB of LPDDR2 RAM.

It provides 4GB of on-board eMMC Flash storage, and retains an identical pin-out to the original Compute Module (CM1). In addition, RS are stocking the new low-cost Raspberry Pi 3 Compute Module Lite (CM3L). This includes the BCM2837 application processor and 1GB RAM, but has no on-board Flash storage.

Developers can provide an eMMC device or SD card socket on their application-specific base board. Like its predecessor, the Raspberry Pi 3 Compute Module is designed for integration into industrial-type applications. One example is the range of next-generation large-format displays from NEC.

These integrate a socket for an optional Raspberry Pi 3 Compute Module, and are designed for use in brightly lit public spaces such as schools, offices, shops and railway stations. The Raspberry Pi 3 Compute Module can also be purchased from RS as part of a development kit, bundled together with the Compute Module IO Board.

This simple, open-source, development board brings out all of the IO connectivity of CM1, CM3 or CM3L to pin headers and flexi connectors, and allows the developer to program on-board eMMC Flash over USB. It serves as a prototyping platform, and as a starting point for the development of application-specific base boards. “Our initiative to extend the deployment possibilities of the Raspberry Pi has already been a huge success, with many innovative applications being developed based on our first Compute Module,” said Eben Upton of the Raspberry Pi Foundation.

“We expect that this more powerful second-generation device, in conjunction with existing ecosystem resources including software and accompanying hardware, will enable further penetration into industrial markets.” “The introduction of this new version Compute Module shows strong commitment from the Raspberry Pi Foundation to the industrial arena, moving beyond the platform’s original mission as an educational programming tool,” said Rob Maycroft, Global Product Manager for Raspberry Pi at RS.

“Embedded system designers can draw from the resources of the extensive Raspberry Pi community and build upon the enhanced processing capabilities of the Raspberry Pi 3 to develop exciting new applications.”  The Raspberry Pi 3 Compute Module and associated development kit and companion board is now available from RS Components. For more information on Raspberry Pi products available from RS, visit:   


About RS Components

RS Components is the market leader in the high service level distribution of electrical, electronic, mechanical, tools and industrial products. Operating in 26 countries whilst serving a further 100 through third-party distributors, RS serves every sector of industry in the procurement of their products relating to maintenance, repair, operations, low volume production, research and development.   

With over 500 000 products across 2500 leading brands, the company is committed to ensuring that their 1,5 million customers have fast access to a broad, as well as deep range, of products and technologies, all under one roof. RS’s customers, whether ordering single or multiple items, experience a quick, easy, secure, painless and cost effective process.  The RS catalogue, available at, offers full colour pictures with extensive clear product specifications. 

Free access to thousands of datasheets ensures the correct product choice.  Order placement is easily facilitated through, the call centre, e-mail, fax and trade counter.  Locally held stock is delivered to customers within 24 hours, and products held internationally, within four to six working days.    

It is proven that departments traditionally spend 80% of their time sourcing products that account for only 20% of their total procurement spend. RS is focussed on reducing the customers “total cost of product ownership” by reducing the need to make multiple calls to various companies to source products, reducing supplier related administration and allowing for the amalgamation as well as consolidation of supplier bases. 

Through this process, procurement efficiency is improved and time is freed up to concentrate on the more important business decisions.  For more information, please visit the website at  

Press Office:                                                                       

Le-andra Olivier

PR and Communication Specialist

RS Components South Africa

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

+27 11 691 9345 

Further information is available via these links:

Twitter: @RSNewsSA; @RSElectronics; designsparkRS

Facebook: Components on LinkedIn -    

Relevant Links:


RS Components South

DesignSpark Magazine - 

Arduino Education Kit for young students aids technology learning

Published: 15 June 2017

CTC 101 Education Kit, available from RS Components, offers hands-on innovative training in electronics, programming and mechatronics 

Johannesburg, South Africa, 15 June, 2017 - RS Components (RS), the trading brand of Electrocomponents plc (LSE:ECM), the global distributor for engineers, has announced the availability of the Arduino CTC 101 Education Kit, which is a complete e-learning platform enabling young students to learn the fundamentals of electronics, programming and mechatronics.

The CTC 101 kit has been designed for teachers and other instructors working in education and is specially tailored for the 13 to 17 age group at secondary schools. Each kit includes enough electronic components for a class of 24 students and a teacher. Today, Arduino is one of the most popular open-source electronics platforms.

Initiated in 2005, the Arduino project targeted the development of low-cost and easy-to-use hardware and software that could be used by non-engineers or simply anyone new to electronics that was interested in creating digital electronic projects.  Building upon this foundation, the Arduino Education programme was set up to empower educators with the necessary hardware and software tools to create a more hands-on and innovative learning experience.

As a major element of the initiative, the CTC, or Creative Technologies in the Classroom, is Arduino’s one-of-a-kind STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) programme for upper secondary education.  

The CTC enables the introduction of students to the fundamentals of programming, electronics and mechatronics through a series of well-documented projects and easy-to-assemble experiments. Training for the programme is available online and through a combination of recorded lectures, support materials and Q&A forums, via Arduino. Specifically, the CTC 101 kit supports programming and mechatronics with five themed modules and offers more than 25 hands-on experiments.

All the parts in the kit are completely reusable, thereby enabling experiments to be reconfigured in endless combinations and further developed for more advanced students and projects. Each CTC 101 kit includes enough electronic components for a class of 24 students and a teacher.

It includes: six Genuino 101 programmable microcontroller boards; six Arduino Education Shields; a set of sensors and actuators; component modules; breadboards; a wide selection of electronic components, connectors and wires; plus other elements such as servo motors, USB cable, wheels and bearings, batteries and power modules. Initially, the CTC 101 is exclusively available from RS at  


About RS Components 

RS Components is the market leader in the high service level distribution of electrical, electronic, mechanical, tools and industrial products. Operating in 26 countries whilst serving a further 100 through third-party distributors, RS serves every sector of industry in the procurement of their products relating to maintenance, repair, operations, low volume production, research and development.   

With over 500 000 products across 2500 leading brands, the company is committed to ensuring that their 1,5 million customers have fast access to a broad, as well as deep range, of products and technologies, all under one roof. RS’s customers, whether ordering single or multiple items, experience a quick, easy, secure, painless and cost effective process.  The RS catalogue, available at, offers full colour pictures with extensive clear product specifications. 

Free access to thousands of datasheets ensures the correct product choice.  Order placement is easily facilitated through, the call centre, e-mail, fax and trade counter.  Locally held stock is delivered to customers within 24 hours, and products held internationally, within four to six working days.  

 It is proven that departments traditionally spend 80% of their time sourcing products that account for only 20% of their total procurement spend. RS is focussed on reducing the customers “total cost of product ownership” by reducing the need to make multiple calls to various companies to source products, reducing supplier related administration and allowing for the amalgamation as well as consolidation of supplier bases. 

Through this process, procurement efficiency is improved and time is freed up to concentrate on the more important business decisions. 

For more information, please visit the website at 

Press Office:                                                                       

Le-andra Olivier

PR and Communication Specialist

RS Components South Africa

LThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

+27 11 691 9345 

Further information is available via these links:

Twitter: @RSNewsSA; @RSElectronics; designspark RS Facebook: RS Components on LinkedIn - 

Relevant Links: 

RSProRS Components South Africawww.electrocomponents.comDesignSpark Magazine - 

A new innovative app makes eating out, Guilt-Free, this Festive Season

Published: 05 December 2016

With the help of a simple FREE app, South Africans can now choose healthier meals when eating out, AND be rewarded for it.  Leading nutritional solutions company, CHOW offers a restaurant programme available in over 300 restaurant outlets nationwide, that makes choosing healthier meals easy for consumers, this festive season.      

The serious side

South Africa is a nation in transition with people increasingly looking for convenience meals, fast foods and out-of-home dining, one of the consequences of rapid urbanisation.  In the most recent national population health survey, almost half of adult South Africans reported that they eat outside of the home with almost a third doing so on a weekly basis.1 This trend is not confined to adults, with 1 in 3 South African adolescents eating out 2 – 3 times per week.2    Increasing intakes of fat, sugar and salt, accompanied by a decline in fruit, vegetables and fibre-rich foods have played a part in the rising obesity, diabetes and hypertension rates in South Africa.  A multi-strategy approach is required to curb the rising prevalence of these non-communicable diseases in South Africa.  The National Department of Health’s (NDoH) Strategy for the prevention and control of obesity in South Africa acknowledges that no stand-alone approach is likely to succeed and recommends action through policy and environmental change.3 The obesity strategy recognises CHOW as a cog in the wheel to create an enabling environment where healthy food choices are accessible and available when dining out.  

Introducing the CHOW solution

CHOW owner and registered dietitian, Mr Stefan van der Merwe, recognised the need to provide the public with an exciting and innovative solution to eating out, without compromising on health.  “We have to be realistic – in today’s fast-paced world, people want convenience and eating out, is here to stay.  Through the CHOW programme we aim to take the guesswork out of choosing a healthy meal and aim to make eating out a possibility that can fit within everyday healthy habits. We further aim to play our part in driving restaurants and fast food establishments to provide healthier meal options”, explains Mr van der Merwe. The CHOW programme accredits healthy meals in restaurants, based on a range of guidelines and criteria developed and administered by a team of registered dietitians.  Once a meal has been accredited, it is allowed to showcase the CHOW mark, an official endorsement approved by the NDoH.  Meals showcasing the CHOW mark has to include beneficial food groups such as vegetables, wholegrain carbohydrates, healthy fats, lean or plant protein or dairy.  In addition, limits are set for certain nutrients including total kilojoules, saturated fat and sugar. The CHOW programme is further integrated with a mobile application, free for download, which essentially acts as a national healthy eating directory.  Making use of GPS tracking, when opening the app, nearby CHOW accredited restaurants, meals and full nutritional information is just a tap or a click away.   

Get rewarded for making healthy choices

An important step in changing consumer behaviour towards the healthy, is being rewarded for it.  At CHOW, incentivising healthy choices is a key strategy to keep individuals engaged in the process in order to entrench healthy eating as a daily habit. When consumers order a CHOW accredited meal they will earn CHOW bucks which can be used in exchange for vouchers from participating healthy partners as well as earn loyalty points from leading loyalty programmes. 

Driving change and transparency in the food industry 

CHOW is on a mission to change the way consumers choose meals when eating out, hoping to increase consumer demand for healthier options and inevitably driving change within the food industry.  Spur Marketing Manager, Mr Etienne Ralphs, is proud to be a part of this changing dynamic: “We were one of the first restaurants to offer and showcase healthier menu options to our customers.  We are a family restaurant and one of the biggest national franchises in South Africa, so we feel a strong commitment to play our part in offering healthy choices – CHOW has made this process easy, accessible and appealing”.  CHOW strives towards a collaborative approach with participating retailers, with CHOW dietitians appointed to each and every restaurant to support with meal analyses and accreditation, menu development and auditing as well as general nutrition and health support.   Now more than ever, it is vitally important to find innovative ways to meet consumers where they are, providing solutions rather than restrictions, utilising technology to drive healthy behaviours and to take action to support the health of South Africans.

For more information and to download the CHOW mobile app visit

Shisana O, Labadarios D, Rehle T, Simbayi L, Zuma K, Dhansay A, Reddy P, Parker W, Hoosain E, Naidoo P, Hongoro C, Mchiza Z, Steyn NP, Dwane N, Makoae M, Maluleke T, Ramlagan S, Zungu N, Evans MG, Jacobs L, Faber M, & the SANHANES-1 Team (2014) South African National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (SANHANES-1): 2014 Edition. Cape Town: HSRC Press Feeley A, Musenge E, Pettifor JM, Norris SA. Investigation into longitudinal dietary behaviours and household socio-economic indicators and their association with BMI Z-score and fat mass in South African adolescents: The Birth to Twenty (Bt20) cohort. Public Health Nutrition: 2012; 16(4): 693–703.  National Department of Health. Strategy for the prevention and control of obesity in South Africa. 2015.        

For more information or to arrange interviews contact: Chow Nutritional Solutions Stefan van der Merwe This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 031 564 1001 078 271 3747                       

About CHOW (Choose Healthy Options Wisely)
CHOW Nutritional Solutions Pty (Ltd) is a specialist nutrition solutions and nutrition technology company. CHOW is run & managed by experts in the field of nutrition and dietetics. The focus at CHOW is to provide South Africans with practical approaches to make healthy choices easier and to modify dietary behaviour in the process. CHOW offers accreditation and nutritional solutions services to restaurants and restaurant groups, corporate canteens, retailers, school and work canteens and government organisations.

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