R5,5 million over 11 years to those in need

Published: 28 November 2019

Crescent Lifestyle’s 11th Annual Beneficiary Payout amounts to R500 930.34 only made possible through the continued support of their loyal members.

Crescent Lifestyle is South Africa’s only complete Islamic Lifestyle product available via an award winning App. Founded in 2008, Crescent Lifestyle continues to empower, unify and enhance the Muslim lifestyle by creating sustainable revenue by offering various value-added products which are relevant to the Muslim community.

Crescent Lifestyle is proud to be a business with strong social responsibilities which support and uplift Muslim communities, on behalf of their members. Since inception, they have donated R5.5 million to various organisations around the country. This is made possible only through the loyal support of the Crescent Lifestyle Members whom are provided with a choice to donate their contributions to their chosen beneficiaries which includes Masjids, schools and various Non-Profit Organisations. One of the central tenets of Islam is the giving of alms and charity to those less fortunate than ourselves, and Crescent Lifestyle aims to facilitate this aspect for their members.

Crescent Lifestyle Managing Director Al-Firnas Patel, “After 11 years in operation Crescent Lifestyle continues to fulfil our vision to unite the Muslim community to work together to help those in need. Alhamdulillah, this has only been possible through the support of our loyal members.” 

Gift of the Givers R35,466-00
Beitul Aman Old Age Home R32,836-97
Al-Imdaad Foundation R26,020-88
Ikageng – Orphans with HIV R25,007-68
Sultan Bahu Centre R20,540-37
Vision Child and Youth Care Centre R17,155-36
Baitul Ilm Organisation R16,257-29
Muslim Judicial Council R15,934-00
Baitul Ansaar Charitable Foundation R13,977-59
Ihata Shelter R11,237-33

For more information about Crescent Lifestyle:

Website: www.crescentlifestyle.com
Instagram: crescent_lifestyle
Facebook: @CrescentLifestyle
Download the App: http://bit.ly/CresLife

Cash Converters creates a real, sustainable social impact in society

Published: 16 July 2019

Many of today’s entrepreneurs are as concerned with making a positive impact on the world as they are with making money. A whopping 94% want to use their skills to benefit a cause. However, only half the world’s population have confidence in the free market system, down from 80% just 15 years ago.

Against this backdrop, social enterprise has taken off as a new formula for success, combining capitalism with a “do-gooder” mentality. These self-funding, for-profit businesses also have a mission to tackle global issues such as alleviating poverty, improving education, and impacting positively on their communities.

Our research shows that all social entrepreneurs are incredibly enthusiastic about what they do for a living because it allows them to live their passion and embrace a career with meaning.

There are many reasons why people become entrepreneurs: personal satisfaction, creative independence or financial autonomy -- the list goes on. Yet all of these have one thing in common; at the core, they all are about freedom.

That freedom can come in many different forms: the freedom to make changes without waiting for corporate green lights, the freedom to offer a product or service that does business differently or maybe the literal freedom to attend a child’s school play.

What is it that drives you?The reason probably isn’t money -- at least it shouldn’t be.There’s a reason that career counsellors across the world ask the same time-old question: "If money were no object, what would you do?

"Money isn’t enough

“The siren call for many entrepreneurs isn’t money, it’s freedom. The freedom to create your own path, the freedom to build what you want with the people you love and for the people whom you love,” says Richard Mukheibir, CEO of Cash Converters.

“As the owner of your company, you can set your own targets and standards. And while the freedom of not having anyone standing in your way can be invigorating, the stress of knowing there is no one to blame for any failures can be too much to bear. This is when your “why” becomes imperative.

“If you aren't 100 percent committed to making your vision a reality, you won’t be impassioned enough to nurture your business through its inevitable growing pains. Businesses rarely make money right off the bat, so the dream of money alone will not be reason enough to see it through. Don’t trade in the shackles of your corporate day job for a gilded cubicle of your own making,” adds Mukheibir.

Cash Converters offers an exceptional franchise opportunity which provides franchisees with a proven, recession-resilient business model for achieving real wealth while impacting positively on their community.

The Cash Converters franchise opportunity offers multiple revenue streams providing income from the retail floor and a range of unique financial services. Most people came to know the brand as a retail franchise dealing in second hand goods, and that is a major part of what the business does. Our retail side of the business provides for our customers’ monetary needs in two ways: buying and selling.

However, the fastest growing element in the Cash Converters business model is the financial services side of the business. With this part of the business the model goes beyond traditional retail franchising to offer customers secured money lending with Cash Advance or through unsecured money lending; via Cashies short term loan services.

Mukheibir comments: “Whatever happens in the world, people will always need access to cash, whether they are selling their unwanted possessions, loaning money or just looking to save on well-priced goods.

”The Cash Converters business model is based on the principle of providing consumers, in the communities they operate in, with access to cash through a number of different products and services that suit their personal and financial circumstances.

If you have an understanding of cash flow, have previous business experience, a trader mentality, and hands on approach to owning a business, then the Cash Converters opportunity may be perfect for you.

Mukheibir says “We are passionate about our business and we want our franchisees to share our passion. They should be excited by the prospect of owning and operating their own business from day to day. To sustain this, they need a high degree of energy, initiative and motivation.

”With franchising, there are so many areas, so many types of companies that you can easily find a mould that best suits your interests. Remember to choose something you love – this will ensure you're happy about your work each day, but also that your passion shows through. It will be apparent to your customers, too.

“By simply capitalising on core strengths and knowledge, companies and entrepreneurs can engage in a business model that will enable them to create – and demonstrate – real, sustainable social impact in society. Cash Converters offers such an opportunity,” says Richard Mukheibir.

Businesses Join Forces to Raise over R200k for Woodside Special Care Centre

Published: 03 December 2018

Since 2013, DSC Attorneys, a law firm specialising in personal injury and Road Accident Fund (RAF) claims, has been sponsoring an annual golf day to raise funds for The Woodside Special Care Centre, a residential home for profoundly disabled persons.

This year the event raised R220 000 – its biggest collection yet.

DSC Attorneys hosted the golf day at the Kuils River Golf Club on 15 November. All the funds raised were donated to the Woodside Special Care Centre.

The money raised through the event has steadily increased over the years with R70 000 being raised in 2013, R107 000 in 2014, R141 000 in 2015, R192 500 in 2016 and in R190 000 in 2017.

Office manager at DSC Attorneys, Michéle de Jager, says the support that this year’s golf day garnered was both overwhelming and heart-warming. “We first thought we’d surpassed our target of R200k by raising R215 000 this year, but then people were so inspired by Woodside’s work that we had a few last-minute donations come in. This pushed the final amount we collected to R220 000,” she says.The remaining funds were raised through entry fees, raffles, monies collected through smaller competitions and an auction on the day – where the items on auction were sponsored by the law firm.

DSC Attorneys also sponsored a four-ball team made up of the Woodside Centre’s board of trustees.

Woodside Special Care Centre is a residential home in Rondebosch East, Cape Town. It provides specialised care for persons who live with more than one disability, including intellectual and physical disabilities.“We wouldn’t be able to do what we do without people like the team from DSC Attorneys. They have been instrumental in making the lives of Woodside Special Care residents better,” says Clive Obery, Marketing Manager of the centre.

Obery says the funds donated by DSC Attorneys are utilised for the centre’s Wards of the Court Programme. The programme looks after children aged 6-12 who’ve been placed in the centre’s care by the State. Many of the children in the programme have three to four disabilities and are unable to bathe, dress or feed themselves.  “Their families don’t have the facilities, skills and training to provide them with the constant specialised care they need,” says Obery. It costs the centre approximately R11 000 per month to care for one of the 25 children in the Wards of the Court Programme.  The centre employs 122 staff and houses a total of 80 residents, some of whom have been living there for over 40 years. “We have about ten residents who’ve been here since the age of two and are now in their late 40s and early 50s. They end up staying here because there isn’t anywhere else for them to go,” says Obery.

When DSC Attorneys first hosted the golf day in 2013 at the Bellville Golf Club, 24 four-ball entrants took part. Since then, it’s grown to accommodate a full field of 34 teams, including business partners of the law firm and private individuals, many of whom have made the competition an annual tradition.

After the day of golf, the teams enjoyed a gala dinner where prizes were awarded to the top 19 teams.  This year the winning four-ball was the team from Groote Post Wine Estate in Darling.Anyone who wants more information or would like to make a contribution to Woodside Special Care Centre can contact Clive on 021 696 2811 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Catch for a cause gives back as community takes hands

Published: 08 November 2018

Loskopdam, South Africa – On Saturday, 3 November 2018, Loskopdam, A Forever Resort hosted their own fishing competition. The competition, Catch for a Cause raised funds for two NGOs, Boikano Disablity Care Centre near Groblersdal and Middelburg Care Village.

With more than 100 entries the day was filled with sunshine, lucky draws, good food, swimming and entertainment including a performance by the band, Vancout. An awards ceremony took place after the competition for winners of the two biggest Carp and Mudfish alongside a junior boy and girl who won themselves a bait boat. The heaviest fish of the day was a Carp weighing in at 3, 34 kilograms.  

A total of R49 300.00 was raised for each of the two NGOs. However, one loyal fisherman took it up a notch and made a donation that raised the total to R50 000.00 for each of the two NGOs. “As much as this was a jovial family day, we couldn’t help but get emotional when we handed the cheque over to the two NGOs as this money will help approximately 130 children”, said Monica van der Linde, General Manager at Forever Loskopdam. 

“Our hearts are so grateful to each and every person and child who attended the Catch for a Cause, we are also thankful to have had incredible sponsors who made this day possible  for our community and would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Seagull Lifestyle Products, Boude & Blaaie, Outdoorsman Witbank (Andre Booysen), Frik Geyser, Sand & Klip, Macy’s & Fiyas, Isabel & Alwyn Pretorius, Mbidi Lodge, Action Car Traders, Janet Sweets – Squeezy, Musketeer Engineering, Pentagon Security, Pretoria West Trading, Pest Control Specialists, Promoworld, Lucy and Andre Tlam, Aubrey van Wyngaardt, Legend Liquors Witbank, Midas Middelburg, Vleismark Groblersdal, Wurmhoekie (Rudi Stoltz), Forever Badplaas, Warmbaths, Swadini and Mount Sheba, Forever Resorts (PTY) Ltd, Heneck Sacks, Tevo as well as Buco Middelburg”.   

“We would also like to extend a special word of thanks to our Service Providers Radio Kosmos, SAPD Waterwing (Capt. Grobler), Legacy Emergency Services, Columbus Fishing Club, Loskopdam Nature Reserve (Andre Hoffmann) and our passionate Forever Loskopdam Staff”. 


NPC and Attorneys Tackle Disability Stigma One Hug at a Time

Published: 24 October 2018

According to the World Health Organization, as many as 15% of all South Africans live with a disability. Many of these people are children – and in too many cases, they’re not receiving the basic support they need.

International NPO, Human Rights Watch, estimates that half a million children with disabilities aren’t being offered access to quality education. South Africa’s Department of Basic Education statistics for 2017 indicated that 11 461 children with disabilities were on special school waiting lists.

With so many overwhelming statistics, it’s easy to focus on the logistical problems and, in the process, forget about the children who make up those figures. Many of these kids say the hardest part about being disabled is the discrimination. Being treated like a number only makes it worse.

“Sometimes all these kids need is just some love and attention. They are children after all and they deserve to have some joy in their childhood, says Nicolene Mostert founder of NPC, One Chance At Life (OCAL) Global. Mostert’s organisation does much to combat the stigma associated with disability.

The organisation’s goals are to provide wellness activities, economic opportunities and sustainable skills development programmes for differently abled people. With the assistance of DSC Attorneys, a law firm specialising in personal injury and Road Accident Fund (RAF) claims, the organisation is tackling the issues one step at a time.

One of the projects OCAL Global is currently running involves working with differently abled children in the Pixley ka Seme District in the Northern Cape. The goal is to bring some normality to these children’s lives, through simple, fun activities like colouring-in, face-painting and playing games. Mostert has been working in this area for several years and has identified over 2000 children under the age of 12 who have disabilities and who haven’t once seen a doctor or been properly diagnosed.

12-year-old Thato (name changed), for example, suffers from cerebral palsy and needs his mother’s constant assistance to perform basic day-to-day activities. Because he can’t walk, his mother often has to carry him on her back, covering long distances when she runs daily errands.

On a recent trip, DSC Attorneys and OCAL Global delivered a wheelchair to Thato and his mother. The simple donation has made a real difference to the boy’s and his mother’s lives. Thato reports feeling much more independent and his confidence has grown. His mother says, “It’s the first time in 12 years that I’ve felt hope”.

“Sometimes we think we need to make some big change to have an impact, but even the smallest effort can have a huge effect on someone’s life. I was really grateful to see that”, says Jacqueline Hudson, associate attorney at DSC Attorneys.

OCAL Global is focused on making persistent impact at grass roots level, “because that is how we bring change and hope to those who need it most,” says Mostert. She says much change can be brought by companies just evaluating their approaches to corporate social investment.

Anyone who’s interested in supporting OCAL’s cause can contact Nicolene Mostert on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call on 083 314 7349.

Rising to the top: how muffins make a difference

Published: 18 October 2018

The Emthonjeni informal settlement in Zandspruit is part of F.A.C.T., a project focused on reaching out to the most vulnerable.

The goal is to improve quality of life without uprooting people’s lives.  As part of its commitment to making a difference through hands-on support and community upliftment, Ozone Information Technology Solutions, leading South African channel partner and distributor, works closely with the organisation and the Emthonjeni community.

“We support Emthonjeni residents in a muffin project that allows us to consistently donate around R2,000 every month,” says Henk Olivier, MD, Ozone Information Technology Solutions.

“These muffins are made and sold within the community at R1.50 per muffin but it costs them R3 per muffin to make. We have stepped in to cover the shortfall.” The project is set to remain a part of Ozone’s focused commitment towards uplifting communities and people and, to date, F.A.C.T. has provided the Emthonjeni community with 59 995 meals. To find out more about Emthonjeni visit http://www.embarkfoundation.co.za/projects/f-a-c-t/.

To find out more about Ozone Information Technology and how it can work with your business to create intelligent technology, visit www.ozone.co.za, call +27 10 591 5588, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

BIC educational roadshow continues with its ‘Legacy of Learning’

Published: 20 October 2016

For the fifth consecutive year, BIC® is currently visiting schools across Gauteng on its educational roadshow. This year, the stationery brand continues its efforts towards improving the quality of education in our schools with the message: ‘If You Can Dream It, You Can Be It’. The aim is to motivate pupils to strive for greatness regardless of their circumstances.   

The activation, presented by the brand character ‘BIC Boy’ and a team of brand activators from Zinto Marketing Group who have partnered with BIC since the outset of these national educational roadshows, imparts key educational messages ‒ emphasising the importance of making good career choices and planning for the future from a young age. The format engages learners to interact with the brand which encourages pupils to strive towards creating and leaving their own legacy.  

BIC® has also launched a colouring-in competition being run concurrently with the roadshow, which inspires learners to get creative. It brings excitement to schools and awards cash prizes to the winners as well as the teachers and schools with the most entries. The winning school will select an under-resourced school of their choosing as the recipient of a cash donation. In addition, BIC will refurbish one other school in need of maintenance and repair.  

Launched in 2011, the ‘Buy a pen. Donate a pen’ initiative has donated over five million pens that assist under-privileged learners across South Africa by contributing a pen for every one purchased. The aim to ensure that our future learners are able to change opinions through education with the notion: ‘The Pen is Mightier than the Sword’.  

For more information, visit za.bicworld.com. Alternatively connect with them on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BicSA/ or on Twitter: https://twitter.com/bic_sa.  

To contact Zinto, visit the website: www.zinto.co.za for details. 

Vote for your ‘Cascades Woman of Substance’ at Cascades Centre throughout August

Published: 12 August 2016

KWAZULU-NATAL, PIETERMARITZBURG, 10th August 2016 – Launching on Friday, the 12th of August and running throughout the month of August at the Cascades Lifestyle Centre is the Cascades Women of Substance campaign. Cascades Lifestyle Centre has selected four Pietermaritzburg women-led charities doing substantial work for women in the community, and ask Cascades residents and shoppers to vote for the woman they would like to see win. The woman with the most votes received by the end of August, will win R5 000 plus another R5 000 donated to the charity they head up. Voting can only be done at the three dedicated voting stations located throughout the Cascades Lifestyle Centre from Friday, 12th August 2016.

At each voting station there will be a pad of voting slips. Tick your favourite, add your name and signature and pop it into the box. Says Michelle Chinnu, Property Manager at Ducatus, mastermind of this campaign, “August is about honouring hero-women and what better way to do this than highlight some of the extraordinary work being done by ordinary women in our Pietermaritzburg community. We hope that the prize money will go some way into helping them help more women in need, plus a little gift from us to say thank you.” The four women selected are Sinikiwe Biyela (Lifeline PMB and Rape Crisis), Caro Smit (SADD - South Africans against Drunk Driving), Rene Morcom (Assist, Thandi House), and Julie Hay (Singakwenza) Sinikiwe Biyela is the Director at Lifeline PMB and Rape Crisis.

This organisation promotes emotional wellness for individuals and communities and offers a 24/7 helpline. Biyela has extensive experience aimed at preventing HIV infection, and in assisting women in their recovery from traumatic experiences. She was a finalist in the Shoprite Checkers Women of the Year Awards in 2012 for her GBV work, and in 2014, was a finalist in Africa’s Most Influential Women in Business and Government. Says Biyela, “We are extremely grateful to have the Cascades Centre promote the services available to women in Pietermaritzburg, and look forward to this campaign raising awareness.” Caro Smit launched SADD - South Africans against Drunk Driving - after her 23 year old son, Chas, was killed by a drunk driver. Smit believes that the best way to get over adversity is to help others. Smit says “You can help yourself overcome adversity, plus make a difference to others, by getting involved with one of many charities, or if there is not a suitable charity available - get one started!” Today, SADD supports many victims and families after drink-driving crashes and offers advice for court.

Rene Morcom is co-founder of Thandi House, Assist PMB’s flagship project. It a family-centred home caring for sick, orphaned, abandoned, abused and disabled children of all ages. Morcom believes no matter what hardships women face, women have a strength that can see them through. “Look inside yourself and believe in your own potential,” she says. Julie Hay is co-founder of non-profit organisation, Singakwenza, which provides sustainable early childhood education in economically disadvantaged areas using resources made solely from recycling. Hay says, “Young children learn best when they are actively involved in play but the cost of educational toys is prohibitive to around 5.2 million children under the age of four. The only way we are going to change our education statistics is by improving access to early childhood development programmes.” To vote for your Woman of Substance, visit Cascades Shopping Centre from Friday 12th August and fill out a voting form found at one of the three voting stations located throughout the Centre. Campaign ends on Wednesday 31st August 2016.

Compiled by Hot Salsa Media on behalf of Cascades Lifestyle Centre For all press enquiries – email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.