GLAD has the festive season all wrapped up!

Published: 27 November 2018

GLAD products are the festive season’s handy helpers and used right, versatile survival tools. With the increase in cooking, baking, leftovers and entertaining over the next few months, GLAD comes to the party to make this crazy time of year just a little easier!   Whatever your festive plans, stock up on the essentials, you will be glad you did!

Cooking and baking festive treats made easy:GLAD Bake and Cooking Paper is ideal for baking AND frying! Line a frying pan with Bake and fry your chops, and make the pap in a pot lined with Bake. Cook as usual and when you’re done simply lift the paper out. Food tastes delicious, pans and pots stay in good condition and cleaning is easy!

Use GLAD Bake and Cooking Paper to wrap meat, chicken or fish into individual 'parcels' to bake or steam. Different herbs, spices and marinades can be added to each parcel to please individual tastes.Glad Oven Roasting Bags ensures all the goodness, juiciness and flavour stay within, without the oil or mess for a hearty family meal. Also suitable for microwave cooking.

GLAD loves leftovers and so will you with these ideas:Freeze it! GLAD Freezer Bags are thick, strong and suitable to freeze all types of food. Included in the bag is a tie to seal in freshness and minimise freezer burn.Leftover meat can be wrapped in GLAD Cling Wrap, refrigerated, and then used for sandwiches for lunch the next day. Meat bones can be used for stock for soups and stews – as a homemade stock makes all the difference! Keep the stock in the fridge or freezer for when you need it.Left over sauces and gravy can be frozen in GLAD Ice Cube Bags and defrosted as needed.

Cover the top of the ice cream container before putting the lid back on and returning to the freezer with GLAD Press'n Seal to prevent ice crystals from forming.

Dealing with the aftermath of the festivities:Use GLAD Drawstring Bags with ForceFlex Stretchable Strength, to fill your bin to the brim, because it’s tear resistant! So fill 'em, stretch 'em and stuff 'em with just about anything and everything! They are the most reliable way to dispose of trash!As an added bonus, GLAD Swingbin ForceFlex Bags have a Eucalyptus scent for a clean, fresh smell to help control odours.Plus, the drawstrings makes handling easy and hygienic.  GLAD products will certainly help you out this festive season, and all the year through. These superheroes will save good food from going bad and make cooking and cleaning a breeze.

Our gift to you this festive season is convenience and making the tough jobs easier, leaving you with more time to simply enjoy. Happy Holidays from GLAD! All GLAD products are made for your convenience with the purpose of keeping your food fresh for longer. GLAD – Saving good food. From going bad.

Please visit for more information and follow ‘GLAD SOUTH AFRICA’ on Facebook; Available in the GLAD aisle of most supermarkets Website :     Facebook : Glad WebsiteGlad Facebook Jodi Lynn Karpes This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. LinkedIn +27 (84) 876 5431 TwitterFacebookInstagram

Pupils stand a chance to WIN BIG in annual clean-up and recycle

Published: 31 July 2017

Schools around the country stand a chance to once again win big prizes in Plastics|SA’s annual schools competition, entitled “Let’s do it … Let’s Clean-Up South Africa!”

According to Douw Steyn, Director: Sustainability at Plastics|SA, the aim of this national competition is to educate and encourage schools, communities, businesses and organisations to play their part in cleaning up their immediate surroundings.

“We have been running this national competition for the past 10 years as part of our annual Clean-up and Recycle SA activities. During this time, we have given away prizes to deserving schools for hosting various clean-up activities and being committed recyclers of their waste,” Steyn says.

The competition is open to primary and high schools as well as businesses or organisations around the country who are eager to initiate a clean-up and/or recycling activity in their area.  By writing a short report about their clean-up and recycling, and sending in the photographs and information of what they had managed to accomplish, they stand a chance to win one of the following exciting prizes: 

Primary School R5 000 R2 000 R1 000
High School R5 000 R2 000 R1 000
School: Primary & High 6 Seater Picnic Table Garden Bench Plastic Recycle Bin
Business/Organisation&nbsp 6 Seater Picnic Table Garden Bench Plastic Recycle Bin

Entries for last year’s competition were received from around South Africa and were judged based on how many participants were involved in their respective projects and whether they managed to involve their community. Kabega Primary in Port Elizabeth was announced as the ultimate winner for proving their mettle as a group of learners committed to sustainability and cleaning up their environment based on the amount of recycling and other environmental and sustainability activities they were involved in.

The closing date for this year’s competition is 31 October 2017. Entry forms and competition rules can be downloaded from Entries will be judged during the first week of November and the winners will be announced shortly thereafter.

“We look forward to seeing new schools enter the competition this year and proving their worth as our eco-warriors of the future. There is wealth in waste and we want as many schools as possible to benefit from this competition that teaches pupils the importance of looking after their environment, whilst at the same time benefitting the school and their community,” Steyn concludes.

For more information, visit or