Gauteng pupils and Aussie Circus unite in bid to beat cancer in children

Published: 27 May 2016

Aussie: The Australian Circus Spectaculars’ has accompanied its debut in Gauteng with the announcement of a schools’ fundraising effort for children affected by cancer. Classes within individual schools that raise the most money for CANSA’s children’s arm, CANSA TLC (Tough Living with Cancer) will win tickets to see performances of Aussie Circus. The Australian Circus, which kicked off its world tour in Cape Town last month, has donated close to 1000 tickets (valued at over R200 000) for the CANSA TLC fundraising initiative, which begins in Gauteng, but will be rolled out nationally over the coming months, while the circus is on tour.

“We are delighted to have Aussie Circus and Gauteng schools as partners in this auspicious fundraising initiative,” said Vera van Dalen, National Project Manager for Childhood cancer support. “The funding will go towards a number of projects, which include providing accommodation for families of children undergoing hospital treatment, to actually providing medical assistance to children in need,” she said.

Commenting on the circus’ involvement in the fundraising effort, Aussie’s executive producer Sebastian Cassie said: “CANSA TLC is a cause close to our hearts, and we welcome the opportunity to give back to the South African community.” Cassie said that the support Aussie has received from the South African public has been heartening, especially given that this is the first time that the circus has performed here.

“We have been overwhelmed by requests by towns and cities throughout the country, for us to come and perform,” he said. The CANSA TLC fundraiser will initially be rolled out to 24 schools throughout Gauteng. Each class within a school will receive donation tins, and the class that raises the highest number of donations, will receive complimentary tickets to the circus. As part of raising awareness of the fundraising campaign and stimulate enthusiasm, performers at Aussie circus will be staging presentations at individual schools throughout the campaign.

Aussie Circus will be touring Gauteng throughout May and will be moving to Bloemfontein later next month.

Schools interested in participating can contact Jan Karsten on 083 555 5509.


CANSA’s TLC Programme focuses on raising awareness of childhood cancers and early detection, as well as providing tangible love, care and support to youth and families affected by cancer.

Children and teens diagnosed with cancer or affected by cancer (a family member has cancer) are supported, as we believe no child or family should have to face cancer on their own. Because it’s Tough Living with Cancer.

About AUSSIE: The Australian Circus Spectacular

AUSSIE is a modern, circus spectacular that represents the daring, inventive, and cheeky nature of the Australian spirit. The show blends traditional acrobatic cirque performances in the air and on the ground, hilarious slapstick comedy, and modern, extreme stunts to ensure that there is something for all of the family to smile, clap, laugh, and gasp at.

The circus is currently touring South Africa, touching down in Cape Town, George, Port Elizabeth, East London, Durban, Bloemfontein, Pretoria, Sandton and Carnival City (Johannesburg) between February and December 2016!