Today’s CSRs are under pressure to do a lot more for customers. Is your IT department equipped to deliver what they need?

Published: 10 May 2018

Discerning, informed, and connected.

With a multitude of choices in the marketplace, multiple buying channels, and instant access to information, today’s customers have never been more empowered, or more demanding. They’ve come to expect the ability to deal with a company on their own terms, very often opting for the convenience of self-service. So, when they do take the time to call a company, it’s usually because they have an immediate need—an issue they want resolved right away, and to their complete satisfaction.

An effective customer service representative (CSR) plays a critical role in meeting those expectations. No detail—from the CSR’s speaking voice to the quality of the sound on the line—is too small. And, the CSR must possess a certain kind of temperament, professionalism, and skill—but these alone are not enough. Answering the phone is just the start. Today’s customer service representative (CSR) listens, understands, and acts upon a customer’s needs with skill, rigor and thoughtfulness. Every minute, every day, the CSR needs to demonstrate that they have the customer’s best interests in mind, while presenting the company in the best possible light.

In fact, for the customer, the CSR doesn’t just represent the company, they are the company. Their job is to completely engage with the customer to provide the most informed advice, support, and guidance.

Problem-solver, diplomat, expert, empathizer: a CSR needs to be all these, and more. How can you help equip them for success?

A headset is a vital tool to the CSR. When it’s performing as expected, it’s barely noticeable. But if a setting needs to be adjusted or updated, it’s immediately noticed—and IT needs to handle it, right away. For companies with hundreds or even thousands of CSRs, it has meant a lot of effort for IT to manage their needs efficiently—until now.

Plantronics has a solution that helps IT monitor, manage, and maintain headsets. Plantronics Manager Pro is a cloud-based management tool that results in effortless management for IT, helping ensure users always have well-maintained headsets that enable them to confidently engage with customers, and ultimately improve the customer experience.

Now available in South Africa, find out how Plantronics Manager Pro can help make headset management effortless. Learn more here.

About Plantronics Plantronics is an audio pioneer and a global leader in the communications industry. We create intelligent and adaptive solutions that support our customers’ most important needs: experiencing and facilitating simple and clear communications while enjoying distraction-free environments. Our solutions are used worldwide by consumers and businesses alike and are an optimal choice for open office environments. From Unified Communications and customer service ecosystems, to data analytics and Bluetooth headsets, Plantronics delivers high-quality communications solutions that our customers count on today, while relentlessly innovating on behalf of their future. For more information visit 

Pupils stand a chance to WIN BIG in annual clean-up and recycle

Published: 31 July 2017

Schools around the country stand a chance to once again win big prizes in Plastics|SA’s annual schools competition, entitled “Let’s do it … Let’s Clean-Up South Africa!”

According to Douw Steyn, Director: Sustainability at Plastics|SA, the aim of this national competition is to educate and encourage schools, communities, businesses and organisations to play their part in cleaning up their immediate surroundings.

“We have been running this national competition for the past 10 years as part of our annual Clean-up and Recycle SA activities. During this time, we have given away prizes to deserving schools for hosting various clean-up activities and being committed recyclers of their waste,” Steyn says.

The competition is open to primary and high schools as well as businesses or organisations around the country who are eager to initiate a clean-up and/or recycling activity in their area.  By writing a short report about their clean-up and recycling, and sending in the photographs and information of what they had managed to accomplish, they stand a chance to win one of the following exciting prizes: 

Primary School R5 000 R2 000 R1 000
High School R5 000 R2 000 R1 000
School: Primary & High 6 Seater Picnic Table Garden Bench Plastic Recycle Bin
Business/Organisation&nbsp 6 Seater Picnic Table Garden Bench Plastic Recycle Bin

Entries for last year’s competition were received from around South Africa and were judged based on how many participants were involved in their respective projects and whether they managed to involve their community. Kabega Primary in Port Elizabeth was announced as the ultimate winner for proving their mettle as a group of learners committed to sustainability and cleaning up their environment based on the amount of recycling and other environmental and sustainability activities they were involved in.

The closing date for this year’s competition is 31 October 2017. Entry forms and competition rules can be downloaded from Entries will be judged during the first week of November and the winners will be announced shortly thereafter.

“We look forward to seeing new schools enter the competition this year and proving their worth as our eco-warriors of the future. There is wealth in waste and we want as many schools as possible to benefit from this competition that teaches pupils the importance of looking after their environment, whilst at the same time benefitting the school and their community,” Steyn concludes.

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