How to Business’ delivers real-world business advice that can transform any company

Published: 25 June 2019

Reputable South African businessman and attorney Pieter van der Merwe has released his first published book this week. The book turns his personal experiences working with some of the largest corporations and emerging startups into an exciting and informative guide on how to properly build, grow and maintain successful business operations.

With the entire spectrum of doing business covered in one book, van der Merwe takes a unique approach that takes readers through his own journey in the world of business. At each turn, he introduces vital principles for creating a prosperous and backs them up with real-world lessons.

The casual approach to the introduction and explanation of business principles makes the information shared easy-to-digest and keeps readers interested throughout the whole book.

“I wrote the book in order to take readers on a journey through the world of business, as experienced through my eyes. As an admitted South African business lawyer that has spent over 20 years specialising in South African and international commercial law, I have had the opportunity to work closely with leading business people, entrepreneurs, and as a commercial advisor in a wide range of business situations, I gained a wealth of knowledge and experience that led me to successfully advising my clients to manage their affairs in the best way possible.”

HOW TO BUSINESS ISBN: 978-0-620835-59-6 Author: Pieter van der Merwe Retail Price: R240 (Incl. Vat)

Publication Date: May 2019


Format: Paperback and Online Category: Non-Fiction, Self-Help

Contact For media inquiries about ‘How to Business’ including interviews with author, please contact: Maria Joubert for Pieter van der Merwe Purple Word Box PR Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tel: 061 441 4920

Do.Fail.Learn.Repeat - Advice From A Seasoned Entrepreneur

Published: 12 November 2018

Cape Town, South Africa (September 2018) - Nic Haralambous - entrepreneur, author, speaker and stylish sock icon - has done it again. The businessman behind startups such as Motribe, ForeFront Africa and the popular fashion brand Nic Harry, has released his debut book, Do.Fail.Learn.Repeat. and it is exactly what you need to read if you are looking for an honest, open look at the life of an entrepreneur.

From the age of 16, Nic has been exercising his entrepreneurial skills. Starting with building web-based products and moving on to creating full-sized companies in the tech world. He has built businesses from the ground up and seen many of them succeed, but he’s also seen a number of them fail.

After graduating from Rhodes University, Nic tried to make his way up the corporate ladder, but soon found that working on his own passions and interests was what he really wanted to be doing. So, that’s what he pursued. Founding multiple startups until he found his current brainchild, Nic Harry.

The funky sock brand has taken South African men’s fashion by storm, and recently added a range of underwear and T-shirts as well. All products are made with soft bamboo fibres, allowing for comfort, style and variety for guys who want variety in their wardrobes.

Now, Nic has written and released a business biography, in which he outlines his business successes and failures, as well as the lessons he learnt along the way. In the book he gives an accurate and truthful account of how he got to where he is today. He opens up about failing, and shares how he got back up after each failed attempt.

The book came out in July 2018 and has hit all major bookstore shelves. It is also available on his website. Online buyers will receive a signed copy, and can add a pair of Nic Harry socks, that match the book’s cover, to their carts as well. Nic is also available to be booked for talks, where he shares his experience and knowledge with like-minded individuals.

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Shango Publishing and Gudani Raulisa Announce the Release of a Fiction Novel, The Year of Fire

Published: 09 July 2018

Johannesburg 09 July 2018 – Shango Publishing and Gudani Raulisa are proud to offer the latest work from Gudani Raulisa, The Year of Fire, hitting bookstores in Johannesburg from 25 August 2018; launching at Skoobs Theatre of Books in Fourways.

The Year of Fire is a compelling tale, unpacking the deepest issues of rape culture, misogyny and student politics in a narrative by Victor.

“Patriarchy and rape culture, like racism or homophobia, are not merely a blip on the screen of human existence. They’re deeply ingrained in us, like an indelible stain on a precious garment. Only two things could be done with and to such stains: spread the stain throughout the garment with a dye or cut it out. If you spread the stain, it can no longer be seen as a deviation, because the whole garment will now bear the same colour attribute.

If you cut it out the garment will lose its elegance and value, but this is what the military would term an acceptable loss. This man had done neither, instead, he had disaffected me from himself and other men, like a leper he wanted to be driven out of society to rot alone in the wilderness” –

Gudani Raulisa weaves a heart-wrenching tale of gender disparities against an apprehensive backdrop of cataclysm and student politics, eliciting key reflections on the state of gender relations in our society. 

New e-Book Launch – Long Walk For Nothing by Dominic L Miller

Published: 30 August 2016

New e-Book Launch – Long Walk For Nothing by Dominic L Miller

One British man’s extraordinary 765km walk across South Africa in an ostrich costume

Following the release of the humorous new e-book, Long Walk for Nothing (click for Kindle page), Dominic L Miller will be in South Africa for promotional purposes from 17th to 24th September 2016 and available for interview during this time. As well as detailing his experience from start to finish, central to this unique story are the numerous acts of kindness by normal everyday South Africans. The book rightly acknowledges each and every one. The S.A.P.S in particular, contrary to continual headlines regarding brutality and corruption, were more than agreeable in providing lifts to a British fancy-dress fundraiser.

The walk generated continued press coverage throughout, featuring on e.TV national news (click for footage), four appearances on 567 Cape Talk radio station (click for press coverage page) in addition to national and regional newspapers. You have probably read Nelson Mandela’s Long Walk To Freedom. Now you can read about Dominic L Miller’s 765km Long Walk For Nothing from Port Elizabeth to Cape Town in South Africa. That’s 18 marathons in 35 painfully unsupported days while wearing an ostrich costume.

This feel-good story about South Africa has initially been published in e-book format before offering a Print-On-Demand option in the near future. Dominic L Miller lived for a total of nine years in South Africa, so his book paints a positive and accurate picture of modern day South Africa. The reviews the book has received to date attest to this.

Complimentary copies furnished upon request


Mr Dominic L Miller - Website: - Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Phone: +31 (0)644329803