Beware the pitfalls of installing artificial grass

Published: 11 July 2017

Cape Town – 11 July 2017 : The drought has obliterated what was once your beautiful, lush lawn and water is becoming increasingly scarce, so you’ve finally decided to take the plunge and install artificial lawn.

You’re not alone, which is why the Artificial Lawn Industry is booming country-wide.

But as with any booming industry, you’ll find the professionals and then many companies that hop on the bandwagon and generally offer an inferior product and service.

“The Artificial Lawn Industry in South Africa is at this time, entirely self-regulated” says Marten Govender, MD of Perfect Grass, based in Cape Town and with a new branch, recently opened in Gauteng.

“This poses a whole host of potential concerns for the consumer, most of which they are entirely unaware of”.

Water savings, low maintenance, hygiene – these and more are the benefits cited by artificial grass companies everywhere. But the dangers of artificial grass and how to recognise a good quality product, are topics that are rarely discussed.

A quick Google search will reveal countless discussions around the health concerns surrounding artificial grass. When it comes to grass quality and installation, you’ll mostly be directed to solving issues yourself when you decide to go the DIY route.

So how do you make a truly informed decision?

Marten shares a few candid insights with us, which consumers really need to know.

Accreditations – insist on them

Although there is no standards authority, or regulatory body for artificial grass in South Africa, consumers have the right to ask a potential installer, whether or not they’re an accredited installer for the products they are selling.

Govender explains: “Artificial grass is generally imported into the country from Europe, China or alternately bought locally. The top manufacturers in the field, offer full guarantees on their product, and so they provide in-depth training to installers. South African grass importers and manufacturers, in turn, have to train any company that buys from them.”

Warranties – get them upfront

Only an accredited installer will be able to offer warranties, which are typically between 5 – 8 years (at the very least). You must insist upon seeing this warranty in writing along with any invoicing.

Health and Safety – recognise the dangers

For decades, a key concern around artificial grass has focused on the chemical components used in the manufacture and installation of artificial grass. From excessive heat and abrasions, to cancer and hygiene, artificial grass continues to receive a bad rap.

“Again, we’re looking at quality here. Getting the right grass, means benefiting from years of research and innovation.” says Govender.

“A good quality grass matches the temperature of natural grass and is just as soft and flexible. Most importantly, a top-quality grass needs no infill. Insist on grass that will retain its shape and pile naturally, with no infill at all”

Another particularly important aspect of good quality grass, is that it is lead free. Remember, as a consumer you have the right to ask for detailed specs from your installer, including the components their brand of grass is made from.

Installation – know what lasts and what doesn’t

Apart from the quality of the grass, one of the biggest differentiators between a good and questionable artificial grass company, is their method of installation.

Govender advises “Some companies will suggest a concrete slab on which they’ll lay the grass. This is always a bad idea. Artificial grass needs proper drainage to last. For a natural feel, and good drainage, the installer should be using a layer of builder’s sand, and a layer of quarry dust. This stabilises the area, without being hard and also prevents weeds from growing through the grass.”

So always ask your installer about the installation process.

Take your time and exercise diligent scrutiny

Like with any investment, you need multiple quotes and options to choose from. Apart from checking on everything we’ve suggested, you should request a sample of the grass from your installer. Compare apples with apples and be 100% sure before handing over your hard-earned cash.

We all know that installing artificial grass will mean a fairly large outlay, so take your time. Know your facts and make sure you choose an installer such as Perfect Grass. In other words, pick a reputable company committed to providing the best standard of grass and an outstanding service - before, during and after installation. 

Enthusiastic gardner, Ezra Fredericks who with Radio 828 AM, recently won an installation valued at R 25k, commented “I give the Perfect Grass team 100% and Marten Govender 200% because I know that this company not only does a great job with the best products, but donates artificial grass to so many worthy causes and communities.”For more advice on choosing your installer, take a look at this article on hiring the right artificial grass contractor.

About Perfect Grass

From their head office in Cape Town, Perfect Grass provides clients with a fully accredited, eco-friendly product that is rugged, UV resistant and safe for pets and kids. They serve the entire Cape Peninsula, Boland, Winelands and Helderberg – right up to Hermanus. Perfect Grass has also expanded to Gauteng, with their recently opened branch which now serves all areas of Johannesburg and Pretoria.

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For more information and media queries please contact:

Perfect Grass
Marten Govender
+27 21 555 2805
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