Mozambique’s EDM scores double win at prestigious African Utility Week Industry Awards in Cape Town

Published: 17 May 2018

Mozambican utility EDM (Electricidade de Moçambique), Azuri Technology, Siemens and two water sector pioneers were some of the big winners at the African Utility Week Industry Awards that took place in Cape Town on Wednesday evening. Hundreds of power and water professionals gathered to honour the top projects and people in the industries on the continent in the fifth edition of the awards gala as part of the African Utility Week conference and exhibition. EDM scored a double win with the award for the Power Utility of the Year as well as the Outstanding Contribution Award in Power for Dr Mateus Magala, EDM’s Chairman and CEO.

South Africa’s Deputy Minister of Energy, Ambassador Thembisile Majola, was the guest of honour at the awards gala which featured two new categories, namely Energy/Water Reporter of the Year and Digital Solution of the Year.

Lifetime Achievement Award
Winner: Prof Roland Schulze, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
Roland Schulze pioneered formal scientific hydrological studies at South African universities by piloting the country’s first hydrology degree course in the early 1980s and then seeing the discipline grow from that of a single lecturer with a handful of students to a fully-fledged Centre for Water Resources Research.Schulze has initiated and been involved in national and international level hydrological research for the past 50 years, and in applied climate change research in the fields of agriculture and water for the past 30 years.

“I’m proud not only for myself but also for the many colleagues and my family that have helped me achieve this,” Prof Schulze said after receiving his award. “My vision for the water industry in general is that we become more efficient in the use of water, particularly in light of population increases and climate change, which might cause us to have less water than we are used to in the future. And that means efficiency in the main sectors that use a lot of water such as agriculture, industry and households.”   

Outstanding Contribution Award: Water
Winner: Dr Paul T. Yillia
Originally from Sierra Leone, Dr Paul T. Yillia has a broad understanding of water sector institutions, policies, strategies, and regulations with over 15 years of experience in operational and analytical work on water resources assessment and planning, as well as knowledge and experience in supporting institutions in operationalizing cross sector interactions between water, energy, environment and other global development themes.

From 2014 to 2017, he was recruited by United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) for Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) as Lead Policy Specialist to support the overall operational process of SEforALL. Dr Yillia is currently a guest research scholar with the Water (WAT) Program at IIASA and visiting scholar at Vienna University of Technology.

“I’m really grateful for this prestigious award, it’s really big”, said a beaming Dr Yillia, who also celebrated his fiftieth birthday on Wednesday. “I have a positive vision for the water sector in Africa although the challenges are huge. I believe Africa is growing, the population is growing and becoming more affluent and more resource intensive, and one of those resources is water. Combined with the climate change challenges, all of these need coordinated management, coordinated thinking and investment to address the water challenges in Africa.”

Innovative Technology of the Year Award
Winner: Azuri Technologies Ltd
AzuriTV was the first fully-integrated pay-as-you-go solar satellite TV package addressing rural off-grid consumers’ challenges of access to power, service coverage and the high up front cost of installation. Partnering with Mobicom Kenya, AzuriTV provides 58 satellite TV channels, 21 radio channels and includes a 24-inch television screen.

“Azuri is providing small scale solar power to thousands of households in Africa who don’t have access to mains electricity,” Simon Bransfield-Garth, CEO of Azuri Technology, said in a video message to the audience in Cape Town. He added: “this power gives people access to the basics of life: everything from lighting through to access to television with satellite content. This award is recognition of all the hard work, both in Azuri and our partners, and we are very honoured to have received the award and look forward to greater things to come.”

Energy/Water Reporter of the Year Award
Winner: Newton Sibanda, freelance journalist, Zambia

Newton Sibanda has been consistently and qualitatively covering energy and water issues for close to two decades, writing compelling articles for both local and international media. His work has not only had policy impact, but also inspired other journalists to cover the two areas. It is in this regard that in May, he was invited to attend the14th session of the UN Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD-14) at the UN Headquarters in New York where he presented a paper titled “Reporting on Energy Issues in Zambia.” 

“I’m extremely humbled, very happy, especially as this is a pioneer category and being the first winner” said the Zambian veteran journalist on Wednesday evening. “I have been covering water, energy, sanitation, environmental issues and climate change for quite a long time. I worked for the Zambian Daily Mail for over two decades and also for other international media. I had the opportunity to specialise in issues that are a passion for me.”   

Outstanding Contribution Award: Power
Winner: Dr Mateus Magala, CEO, Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM)
Dr Magala has been the Chairman and CEO of Electricity of Mozambique (EDM) since 2015 and has been responsible for the introduction of numerous reforms in the company, including the introduction of the Code of Ethics, full review of the organisational structure and measures that made it possible for the company to provide excellent quality services to the public and to increase the income, construction and expansion of infra-structures and maintenance of sustainable projects.

Under Dr Magala’s leadership, as part of EDM’s strategic objective to reach universal access by 2030, new connections were increased successfully in the second half of 2017.  The number of connections increased from less than 200 per day in the first semester, to a peak of 5000 on the last day of the year, reaching a total of 150000. This push to connect revived a sense of pride and moved all workforces in the company to adhere to the transformation. 

Power Utility of the Year Award
Winner: Electricidade De Moçambique (EDM)
Electricidade De Moçambique started a process of profound changes in 2015 with the aim to guide it to a totally different level of efficiency and efficacy, a pre-requisite to deal with the challenges to meet its obligations, both for the Government and for the Mozambicans. The company intends to achieve the universal access of energy and make Mozambique a power hub in Southern Africa by 2030.

“The awards are a reflection of the transformation journey that EDM has undertaken during the last 2.5 years” said Noel Govene, Chief Financial Officer of EDM, who received both awards on behalf of the Mozambican utility, “and it has really taken on the challenge to really transform the utility in Mozambique to what we believe are the three key pillars of the corporate strategy: namely to achieve universal access by 2030, to become an energy hub in Southern Africa and to achieve gender equality. The awards are testimony to a number of reforms already undertaken in the company to where we are today.”  

Water Utility of the Year Award
Winner: Sénégalaise des Eaux (SDE)
The Sénégalaise des Eaux (SDE), a subsidiary of pan-African industrial group Eranove has been operating and managing the public drinking water service in urban areas of Senegal since 1996. The company's performances during these two decades (1996-2016) have greatly contributed to the achievement by Senegal of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in the field of drinking water service. The SDE’s expertise is a reference in francophone Africa today.

With nearly 1200 employees, the SDE supplies more than 6.5 million consumers each day through individual connections and standpipes. The SDE has a quality management system (ISO 9001) integrating the Safety (OHSAS 18001) and Environment (ISO 14001) dimensions. SDE was also the first QSE certified (Quality, Safety and Environment) water production and distribution company in Africa.

On Wednesday evening, Emmanuel Ndong, SDE’s Director for Information Systems said he was very happy and proud to receive the award on behalf of the Senegalese water utility and said it gave the company confidence to continue with its projects into the future.  

Outstanding Contribution Award: Young Leader
Winner: Dr Rebekah Shirley
Dr. Rebekah Shirley is the Director of Research at Power for All, a coalition of more than 200 distributed renewable energy organizations (companies, NGOs, banks, trade associations) campaigning to achieve universal electricity access. A passionate woman and expert scientist from the African diaspora, Rebekah is using cutting edge technology to lead a new generation of energy researchers to tackle some of the sector’s biggest challenges.

Launched in 2014, Power for All works in some of the least electrified countries in Africa and recognized that the lack of awareness on advances and impacts of DRE technology was a major impediment to strategic energy decision-making. Rebekah came to the campaign in late 2015 to address this problem head-on. Over the past three years she has built the Platform for Energy Access Knowledge (PEAK) - a novel DRE research platform forged through industry-academic partnership with a mission to make data accessible, understandable and useable by Africa’s critical energy influencers—policy makers, financers, regulators.  

Says Dr Shirley: “It is truly an honor to be recognized for the "behind-the-scenes" work my team at Power for All and I do. Research is not often an award highlight, but now more than ever, Africa needs innovators who understand how to make research, data and knowledge relevant to the public and leaders it serves. We have a huge opportunity to collectively address economic growth, climate change, poverty, food security, access to energy, water and healthcare, all of which are imminent and interconnected challenges. Sustainable solutions will require our institutions to deliver rigorous, applied, locally appropriate, interdisciplinary research and true partnership with industry. I hope to continue growing this capacity for critical thinking, bringing more African women into research to strengthen the gender voice, and fostering stronger communication and collaboration across the continent.”

Grid-Tied Renewable Energy Project Award (10MW+)
Winner: Xina Solar One Thermo Solar Plant, Abengoa, South Africa

Xina Solar One is located near Pofadder in the Northern Cape Province and is bordered to the north by Kaxu Solar One, the country’s first solar thermal plant in operation that uses parabolic troughs, which was also built by Abengoa. Both plants make up the largest solar platform in sub-Saharan Africa, reliably helping South Africa meet its ongoing energy demands.

The 100 MW Xina Solar One plant, completed in August 2017, features important technical improvements in its solar field and storage system which makes it a very competitive plant, using parabolic trough technology to generate renewable and sustainable and dispatchable power from the sun. It furthermore features a thermal energy storage system using molten salts that can store the necessary energy for a further 5.5 hour supply, and thereby assist in meeting the South African peak demand.

Abengoa’s Javier Payan said on Wednesday: “this project not only features very sophisticated technology but we have also created a community trust in Pofadder as well as socio-economic projects to improve the lives of the local community.”

Small-Scale Renewable Energy Project Award (Under 5MW)
Winner: Rafiki Power, Tanzania
Rafiki Power currently operates solar PV and battery mini-grid projects in ten villages in Tanzania, supplying electricity to more than 4000 people. Customers are connected to the distribution grid with pre-paid smart meters which enable mobile money payments and a fully automated control of the energy consumption. The solution provides electricity access for an average 24 hours, given expected demand levels.

Rafiki Power focuses on mini-grids because they are more cost-efficient, i.e. more than 50% cheaper than national grid extension and much faster to deploy. Furthermore, compared to other solutions, such as stand-alone systems, mini-grids provide reliable AC power enabling productive use and are long lasting (20+ years). 

“We are very honoured to be the winners amongst the other finalists that are also really good rural projects,” said Adrian Mapunda, the GM of Rafiki Power after receiving his award.  He added: “my message to prospective investors in small projects is that even though the PV industry is very capital intensive, it is still a solution to most of the African communities who do not have access to energy. Therefore, we as a company have done this, we know how it works, we’ve got the technology and the skilled people, and it can be done.”    

Deal of the Year Award
Winner: Albatros Energy Mali
Albatros Energy Mali will build, own, operate and transfer a 90 megawatt (MW) thermal power station in Kayes, western Mali and it will be the West African nation’s first independent power project (IPP) to feed into the national grid, increasing effective baseload installed electricity capacity by circa 30%. The project’s shareholders are AIIM Seed Partnership (AIIF3), Redox Power Solutions, Burmeister & Wain Scandinavian Contractor (BWSC) and Denmark’s Investment Fund for Developing Countries (IFU).

Ruth Beckers of Albatros Energy Mali: “This project is going to change the lives of the people of Mali enormously, as the demand for electricity is huge. We are also doing quite a substantial corporate and social responsibility programme because we don’t want to just build a white elephant.”

Ashwin West of AIIM: ”As the first IPP in this country this is a groundbreaking project for the team and the government of Mali.”

Their message to other prospective investors in energy projects in Africa? “Don’t be  scared,” says Ms Beckers, “do a good analysis of the country and find the right strong local partners.”

The Digital Solution of the Year Award
Winner: Siemens
Siemens South Africa installed a micro grid solution at its headquarters in Johannesburg. The main aim of this is to showcase to customers a reference project that is enabled on site as well as to provide a basic and cost effective solution which will be a benefit to customers. This has also created an energy efficient campus generating its own green energy and providing a cost effective energy mix, including a combination of PV, diesel generators, the utility infeed and batteries.

“I have been promoting micro grids for rural areas all over Africa for several years now and it is nice to get an award and recognition for a project,” says Marco Rahner, Head of Technical Sales of the Digital Grid Division at Siemens South Africa. “We’re currently bidding for a project to do the same in Burundi for rural hospitals so that those communities can have a better life.”   

Industry support
The awards received major industry support in the form of sponsorships from Aberdare Cables, Eaton, ESI Africa, Lucy Electric, Mazars, SBS Tanks, Siemens, Standard Bank, and Steinmüller.

African Utility Week is the flagship energy event organised by the multi-award winning Spintelligent, leading Cape Town-based trade exhibition and conference organiser, and part of Clarion Events Ltd, based in the UK. Other well-known energy events by Spintelligent are Future Energy Nigeria and Future Energy East Africa. More events include Agritech Expo Zambia, Property Buyer Show, DRC Mining Week, Eduweek, Farm-Tech Expo Kenya, Nigeria Mining Week and the Mining Baraza in Kenya.

Twitter:    #AUW2018  
Linkedin: African Utility Week

Senior communications manager:  Annemarie Roodbol
Telephone:  +27 21 700 3558
Mobile:  +27 82 562 7844
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.    

Finalists announced for African Utility Week Industry Awards show continent-wide success and buy-in

Published: 08 May 2018

The fifth annual African Utility Week Industry Awards received nominations from far and wide for the 12 different categories celebrating excellence in the energy and water industries. The finalists have been announced for the awards which honour pioneering utilities, projects and people in the energy and water industry on the continent during 2017/2018.

The awards gala dinner takes place on 16 May and forms part of the African Utility Week conference and expo taking place at the CTICC in Cape Town. This year, two new categories were added, namely excellence in energy or water journalism as well as digitally advanced utilities.

The finalists for the African Utility Week Industry Awards 2018: 

Lifetime Achievement Award
• Siengui Apollinaire KI, Secretary General, Western African Power Pool, Burkina Faso
• Alex Gisagara, Director of Engineering, National Water and Sewerage Corporation, Uganda
• Irene Muloni, Cabinet Minister for Energy and Minerals, Uganda Ministry of Energy, Uganda
• Roland Schulze, Professor Emeritus of Hydrology Centre for Water Resources Research School of Agricultural, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
• Elijah Sichone, Executive Secretary, Regional Electricity Regulators Association of Southern Africa (RERA), Namibia

Outstanding Contribution Award: Water
• Anthony Turton, Professor Centre for Environmental Management, University of Free State, South Africa
• Paul Yillia, Research Scholar (Water Programme), International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria
• Silver Mugisha, Managing Director, National Water and Sewerage Corporation, Uganda

Energy/Water Reporter of the Year Award
• Emeka Anuforo, Senior Energy Correspondent, Guardian Newspaper, Nigeria
• Chris Yelland, Energy Reporter, EE Publishers, South Africa
• Fredrick Mugira, Coordinator and Editor Water Journalists Africa Network, Uganda
• Sally Ngakanyanga, Independent Journalist, Zimbabwe
• Newton Sibanda, Freelance journalist, Zambia
• Saya Pierce-Jones, Reporter, Smile90.4 FM, South Africa   

Outstanding Contribution Award: Power
• Mouhamadou Makhtar Cisse, CEO, Société Nationale d’électricité du Sénégal (SENELEC), Senegal
• Herta von Stiegel, Executive Chair, Ariya Capital, Kenya
• Ana Hajduka, Founder & CEO, Africa Green Co. United Kingdom
• Jean Bosco Mugiraneza, CEO, Rwanda Energy Group Limited (REG), Rwanda
• Mateus Magala, President of the Board of Directors (CEO), Electricidade De Moçambique, E.P., Mozambique
• Chris Prengels, CEO, Tiger Power, Belgium / Tanzania 

Power Utility of the Year Award
• Compagnie Ivoirienne D’Electricite (CIE), Cote d'Ivoire
• Société Nationale d'électricité du Burkina Faso (SONABEL), Burkina Faso
• Electriçidade De Moçambique, Mozambique
• Public Utilities Corporation, Seychelles  

Water Utility of the Year Award
• Office National de l'Eau et de l'Assainissement (ONEA), Burkina Faso
• National Water and Sewerage Corporation, Uganda• Sénégalaise des Eaux, Sénégal 

Outstanding Contribution Award: Young Leader
• Beatrice Muthoni, Renewable Energy Consultant, KTDA Power Company, Kenya
• Edmand Aijuka, CEO, Kamata, Uganda
• Rebekah Shirley, Director of Research, Power for All, Kenya
• Rose Mutiso, Co-Founder & CEO, Mawazo Institute, Kenya 

Grid-Tied Renewable Energy Project Award (10MW+) 
• Access Power, EREN RE, Uganda
• Xina Solar One Thermo Solar Plant, Abengoa, South Africa
• Building Energy - Tororo Solar Power Station, Uganda 

Small-Scale Renewable Energy Project Award (Under 5MW) 
• InnoSun Energy Holding, Namibia
• Jiro-Ve, Madagascar
• National Department of Tourism - Robben Island Solar Photovoltaic Micro-grid project, South Africa
• Rafiki Power, Germany / Tanzania
• Solarkiosk, Germany / Zambia

Innovative Technology of the Year Award
• SENER, South Africa
• Azuri Technologies, United Kingdom
• I Drop Water, South Africa 

Deal of the Year Award
• Metito, United Arab Emirates
• Ministry of Energy, Zambia
• Albatros Energy Mali, Mali
• Africa Finance Corporation, Nigeria 

The Digital Solution of the Year Award
• National Water & Sewerage Corporation, Uganda
• Siemens, South Africa 

Industry supportThe awards have also received major industry support in the form of sponsorships from Aberdare Cables, Eaton, ESI Africa, Lucy Electric, Mazars, SBS Tanks, Siemens, Standard Bank, and Steinmüller. 

Award-winning energy platform
The 18th annual, multi-award winning African Utility Week will gather over 7000 decision makers from more than 80 countries to discuss the challenges, solutions and successes in the power, energy and water sectors on the continent. Along with multiple side events and numerous networking functions the event also boasts a six track conference with over 300 expert speakers.

The African Utility Week expo offers an extensive technical workshop programme that is CPD accredited, free to attend, and offers hands-on presentations that take place in defined spaces on the exhibition floor. They discuss practical, day-to-day technical topics, best practices and product solutions that businesses, large power users and utilities can implement in their daily operations.

African Utility Week is the flagship energy event organised by the multi-award winning Spintelligent, leading Cape Town-based trade exhibition and conference organiser, and part of Clarion Events Ltd, based in the UK. Other well-known energy events by Spintelligent are Future Energy Nigeria and Future Energy East Africa. More events include Agritech Expo Zambia, Property Buyer Show, DRC Mining Week, Eduweek, Farm-Tech Expo Kenya, Nigeria Mining Week and the Mining Baraza in Kenya.

Dates for African Utility Week:
Conference and expo: 15-17 May 2018
Awards gala dinner:  16 May 2018 – please note that seats are limited
Site visits: 18 May 2018
Location: CTICC, Cape Town, South Africa

Twitter:  #AUW2018  
Linkedin: African Utility Week

Senior communications manager:  Annemarie Roodbol
Telephone:  +27 21 700 3558
Mobile:  +27 82 562 7844
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Women dominate the African Utility Week Industry Awards in Cape Town this year

Published: 22 May 2017

750+ top power and water professionals gather to honour achievers

Women are making an invaluable contribution to the power and water industries as reflected by the many ladies amongst the winners of the 2017 African Utility Week Industry Awards that were announced at the CTICC in Cape Town last week. Three of the awards, namely Lifetime Achievement, Outstanding Contribution to Power as well as Young Energy Leader Award, were won by women.

More than 750 top level power and water professionals attended the fourth edition of the African Utility Week Industry Awards gala dinner which honour pioneering utilities, projects and people in the energy and water industry on the continent.

Former South African President Nelson Mandela’s personal assistant, Zelda la Grange, delivered an inspiring guest keynote address with charming anecdotes of working with and for the legendary anti-apartheid activist and politician.

The complete list of winners of the African Utility Week Industry Awards:

Lifetime achievement award:
Helen Tarnoy, Co-Founder & Managing Director, Aldwych International Ltd, United Kingdom, an engineering company that has been involved in some of the most successful independent power projects on the African continent.

“I first went to Africa in 1998 and I have never left; so I have almost 20 years of working in the independent power sector in Africa,” Helen said in a pre-recorded video acceptance speech. “I won’t say that it wasn’t a struggle in the beginning, it was. There was a lot of education to be done about how private companies could contribute to the economies of the countries in which they were working by providing sustainable power at an affordable price. That is still what we aim to do today. The difference today is that we are seeing more and more people coming into the market.”

Helen has been a passionate devotee to the African power market since her first contact with it in the mid-1990s. Her first major success was to lead the recovery and eventual success of the Songas Gas to Power Project in Tanzania. Following on the success of the Songas Project, Helen actively participated in all phases of several other AES successes in Africa including the acquisition and successful construction of the Ebute Power Project in Lagos, the privatisation and early operation of the Kelvin Power Plant in Johannesburg and the acquisition of a majority position in the Sonel vertically integrated utility in Cameroon.

Outstanding contribution award: Water
Philip Gichuki, Managing Director, Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company, Kenya

“It is a great honour to win this award,” said an overjoyed Eng. Gichuki on Wednesday evening. He continued: “this is meant for my staff. It is this dedicated team that has made this happen. I look forward to continue to work with them every day in order to make a difference in people’s lives.”

As the Managing Director of Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company, Eng. Gichuki is responsible for running all facets of the business. He has a proven executive management track record and over 20 years of experience in managing growth in the water and sanitation sector.

Most notable in his management of the company is the innovative inclusion of low income (informal) settlement communities as partners (customers). In 2016, the company participated in the planting of over 150,000 trees in catchment areas to help deal with climate change. Eng. Gichuki has been instrumental in guiding the sector to develop county specific implementation plans.

Outstanding Woman of the Year in Power/Water
Rose Kaggwa, Director: Business and Scientific Services, National Water and Sewerage Corporation, Uganda

“Women must aim to be the best they can be, because at the end of the day, the best multi-tasker is a woman,” Rose Kaggwa said after receiving her award, adding “in order for us to create change, when we say ‘water for all’ and we say ‘sanitation is a right’ it cannot be done without women. So women must rise up and begin to speak.”

Rose has spearheaded the development and implementation of vocational training and skills development of plumbers and Electromechanical technicians within the NWSC which has benefited over 500 staff and contributed to the operational efficiency of the organisation. Rose is the first African to sit on the UNESCO – International Hydrological Progamme Advisory Board for human settlement, water and sanitation and holds the position of Vice President. In 2017 she was awarded the Golden Jubilee Award for excellence in leadership in service delivery by His Excellency the President of Uganda, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni.

Rose is very active in the International Water Association and was at the helm of the International Water Chief Executive Organization forum held in June 2016 that brought together 14 CEOs from various water utilities in Africa and 56 key stakeholders to deliberate on the strategic priorities of the water sector in Africa and efforts to strengthen collaboration. 

Power Utility of the Year
Ethiopian Electric Power, Ethiopia

Mr Abeb Kahsay, Executive Officer of EEP received this very prestigious award for the company: “It is an honour to be here and hold this award. It is a sign of the success of what we have achieved so far. It will strengthen us for the future to work even harder to serve our people so that we can address the problems of the community.”

Ethiopia strives to be the hub of renewably sourced energy in the region and beyond. Ethiopian Electric Power is instrumental to this ambitious plan. EEP is a sole provider of bulk electricity to users, mainly to the Ethiopian Electric Utility; direct industrial customers; and exports to neighbouring countries. Djibouti and the Sudan are connected to Ethiopia by a high-voltage power line.

EEP operates and maintains more than 12 hydropower and three wind power plants distributed in different parts of the country with installed capacity of more than 4290MW, including the Gibe III plant (1870MW). There are two major hydropower projects under construction, namely the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (6000MW) and GenaleDawa 3 (254MW). 

Water Utility of the Year
Lilongwe Water Board, Malawi

“We have made a lot of improvements and innovations in the last couple of years and this has made a difference in how we deliver our service in Lilongwe, the capital of Malawi,” said a very pleased Alfonso Chikuni , CEO of Lilongwe Water Board, on Wednesday evening. “This award is for all the employees of Lilongwe Water Board who really took to the new institutional direction and approach that we had to take before we could produce results.”

The Lilongwe Water Board is a statutory organisation that supplies water to the residents of Lilongwe, the capital City of Malawi and its surrounding areas. Currently, Lilongwe City has a population of about 1,000,000 and the company serves around 70% of the population. There are about 65,000 metered customers and more than 700 water Kiosks (communal water selling points) within the City. The total pipe network for LWB is estimated at 1,600 Km.

Successes in 2016/17 include the significant strides it has made in the reduction of Non-Revenue Water from around 41% in January 2016 to 26% by December 2016 thereby offering a cheaper water source in a way and by increasing capacity to deliver services by initiation and completion of infrastructure projects. 

Large Scale Renewable Energy Project (10MW+)
Bokpoort CSP Power Plant, ACWA Power, ACWA POWER, South Africa

Nandu D Bhula is the CEO of the power plant: “this is the second time we have won an award here, the first time we won for Community Project of the Year, now we are recognised for being the best Large Scale Renewable Energy Project. With CSP being a renewable project with some storage makes it a reliable load following operator, so it gives the best of both worlds which is fantastic. For Bokpoort it is just amazing to be the pioneer of, what I think, a revolution in the solar industry.

ACCIONA, SENER and TSK built Concentrated Solar Power plant in South Africa set a new African record for the continuous, round the clock supply of electricity. Within the first month of commercial operation, the newly-inaugurated 50 MW Bokpoort CSP plant, produced electricity for a continuous period of 161 hours, equivalent to almost six days. Bokpoort CSP’s 50MW is equal to powering 21 000 households and has over 8 600 collectors at the plant with more than 136 000 mirrors. At its construction peak, over 1 300 jobs were created at the plant, filled largely by the local community previously dependent on farm work. 

Small-Scale Sustainable Energy Project (under 5MW)
Stortemelk Hydro, Renewable Energy Holdings, South Africa

“It is a great honour for us to be recognised amongst all our peers across the continent. There are not many small scale projects such as ours around in South Africa so we sometimes feel a little bit on our own. We do our best to try and keep the standard high so for me and my team this is great encouragement that we are going in the right direction” – this is according to Anton-Louis Olivier, MD of Stortemelk Hydro.

Stortemelk Hydro RF is located in Clarens in the Free State, South Africa and has a capacity of 4.5MW. The Stortemelk Hydro will result in a reduction of 540 000 tons of CO2 emissions over its 20 year life span and was constructed on an existing dam. The Hydro is the first to use a vertical Kaplan turbine and air cooled indoor transformers in hydro power in South Africa. The highly integrated and compact design reduces operational risk and maintenance costs. The project was constructed on time and on budget with 98% availability in the first 6 months. 

Technology of the Year
Solar Turtle, South Africa

“What is really unique about Solar Turtle are the safety features for women working in high crime rate areas such as informal settlements, rural communities or war-torn countries of the world. That is what we are really hoping to achieve. Not just making examples for the next generation of women to follow, but doing it safely.” So said James van der Walt, CEO of Solar Turtle, who accepted the award at the gala dinner on Wednesday night.

The SolarTurtle is an ultra-secure solar powered MU in a box. Shipping containers are converted into small, mobile solar power stations. These SolarTurtles are designed for off-grid schools where conventional solar PV solutions will not work. In crime-ridden areas across Africa traditional solar PV solutions have failed. The solar panels are typically stolen within a few months of deployment. The problem is so severe that the Gauteng provincial government was prepared to dismiss solar power as a possible electricity solution for schools and community centres.

The SolarTurtle is a solar kiosk designed for unparalleled security and maximum portability. These container-based solar kiosks are assembled off site then deployed by simply offloading the container and unfolding the panels towards the sun. In the morning when it is safe the panels are unfolded from their secure location to feed from the rays of the sun. In the evening when it is unsafe the panels are folded away into the hard shell of the container. The power from the SolarTurtle feeds the school and a small woman-owned solar kiosk business inside the container. 

Deal of the Year
100MW Kathu Solar Park Project, Engie, South Africa

“This is really a great achievement by a large, multi-disciplinary team and we are very proud of this award,” said a delighted Maarten van der Horst, Director and Chief Business Development for power and gas investments at ENGIE Africa, after receiving the award. He continued: ”we are also very grateful and proud of the engagement we received from the local community and from the national government. At the moment the construction is very much underway, the financial close took place in May 2016 and the construction is on track within the timelines and COD is anticipated at the end of 2018. We are making every effort to deliver and stick to that timeline.”

In July 2016 a consortium led by French multinational electric utility company Engie achieved financial close on the 100MW Kathu Solar Park project in the Northern Cape province of South Africa. Developed by the consortium, the park is sponsored by the SIOC Community Development Trust, Lereko Metier, Public Investment Corporation, Investec Bank, and the Kathu Local Community Trust. Lenders on the project are Rand Merchant Bank, Nedbank Capital, ABSA Capital, Investec, and the Development Bank of Southern Africa. Once in operation, Kathu Solar Park will have the capacity to supply 80,000 households across South Africa and will help reduce carbon emissions by 300,000t every year.

The solar project is expected to be connected to the grid by the end of 2018, supplying clean and dispatchable electricity to the South African power utility Eskom under a 20-year power purchase agreement.

Outstanding Contribution Award: Power
Charlotte Aubin-Kalaidjian, Founding Partner, GreenWish Partners, France, Senegal, Cote d’Ivoire & Nigeria

Charlotte thanked the award audience via video message: “We all have a duty to respond to Africa’s pressing energy deficit. Renewable energy together with innovative business models are at the core of the solution. By giving me this award you are proving that I was right in the path that I chose eight years ago. I am grateful for your trust, especially as a woman entrepreneur.”

Charlotte Aubin-Kalaidjian is founder and CEO of GreenWish Partners, the independent power producer dedicated to renewable energies in Sub-Saharan Africa. In the past 12 months, GreenWish led the development, structuring and financing of the Senergy 2 solar PV plant, the first solar Independent Power Producer in West Africa. Charlotte’s commitment to the sustainable development of Africa is also demonstrated by her involvement and board positions in the R20 NGO dedicated to climate change actions, the Women in Africa Initiative, as well as sponsor and Jury Member of the Energy Generation Academy out of Lomé, Togo. She also acts as business angel and mentor with a focus on social and environmental entrepreneurs as well as young artists. She has initiated an ambitious Photo Project “Solar Magic” with Initiative for Global Development to illustrate the potential of solar on Africa society, economy and environment.

Young Energy Leader
Fatima Oyiza Ademoh, Founder & CEO, Ajima Youth Empowerment Foundation, Nigeria

Fatima also spoke in a video message after she was announced the winner: “I want to thank all those who have believed in my quest to extend electricity access to off-grid communities, especially in the Waste-2-Watt (W2W) Project. And for all the young people out there, let’s keep being the agents for change in our communities.”

Fatima Ademoh is an energy and finance specialist and currently serves as the Project Developer in the United States African Development Foundation (USADF) funded off-grid Renewable Energy project being implemented by Ajima Farms in Nigeria. In this capacity, she led the preparation of funding proposal that secured US$150,000 grant in the USADF Power Africa Off-Grid Energy Challenge.

Industry support
More than 170 entries were received for the African Utility Week Industry Awards. Huawei, the well-known global information and telecommunication giant, was the lead sponsor this year while other supporting partners were Aberdare, Eaton, Enel, ESI Africa, KPMG, Lucy Electric, SBS Tanks, Standard Bank, Steinmüller Africa.

Leading water and energy platform
African Utility Week is organised by Spintelligent, a multi-award-winning exhibition and conference producer across the continent in the infrastructure, real estate, energy, mining, agriculture and education sectors. Other well-known events by Spintelligent include Agritech Expo Tanzania, CBM-TEC, Kenya Mining Forum, Future Energy East Africa (formerly EAPIC), Future Energy Nigeria (formerly WAPIC), Future Energy Central Africa (formerly iPAD Cameroon), iPAD Nigeria Mining Forum, DRC Mining Week and EduWeek. Spintelligent is part of the UK-based Clarion Events Group.

Linkedin: African Power Forum

Contact: Senior Communications Manager:  Annemarie Roodbol
Telephone:  +27 21 700 3558
Mobile:  +27 82 562 7844
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.    

It’s ladies first as African Utility Week Industry Awards Finalists are announced

Published: 01 May 2017

Former President Mandela’s PA Zelda la Grange guest speaker in Cape Town

This year’s African Utility Week Industry Awards in Cape Town on 17 May will have a distinctly feminine feel with an all women cast and a strong line-up of ladies amongst the finalists for the coveted awards for leading energy and water professionals.

Former South African President Nelson Mandela’s personal assistant, Zelda la Grange, is this year’s guest speaker at the awards. She currently serves as the Patron for the First for Women Foundation, is non-executive Director of the non-profit organisation Healing Hands and annually acts as a co-ordinator of Bikers for Mandela Day. 

The MC for the African Utility Week Industry Awards is Claire Mawisa, well-known media personality, broadcaster and Carte Blanche investigative journalist. Women are also well represented amongst the award finalists and this year four ladies grace the shortlist for the Lifetime Achievement Award. Huawei, the well-known global information and telecommunication giant, is the lead sponsor for the African Utility Week Industry Awards.

List of finalists

The fourth edition of the annual awards will once again honour pioneering utilities, projects and people in the energy and water industry on the continent. To reflect the evolution of the energy and water sectors, the following new categories are included this year:
- Small-Scale Sustainable Energy Project (under 5MW)
- Innovative Technology of the Year
- Deal of the Year

Lifetime Achievement Award
- Azeb Asnake, Chief Executive Officer, Ethiopian Electric Power, Ethiopia
- Barry MacColl, General Manager: Research, Testing & Development, Eskom, South Africa
- Dale Robertson, President, Enerscan Consultants Ltd, Canada
- Des Muller, Chairman, NIASA Supply Chain Development Sub-Committee, South Africa
- H.E. Dr. Elham Mahmood Ahmed Ibrahim, Commissioner for Infrastructure & Energy, African Union Commission, Ethiopia
- Fred Kabagambe-Kaliisa, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Energy & Mineral Development, Uganda
- Grania Rosette Rubomboras, Programme Officer: Power Projects, Nile Basin Initiative NELSAP, Rwanda/Uganda
- Helen Tarnoy, Co-Founder & Managing Director, Aldwych International Ltd, United Kingdom
- Oladele Amoda, Managing Director & CEO at Eko Electricity Distribution PLC, Nigeria
- Wim Jonker Klunne, Programme Director: Energy & Environment Partnership Programme, Southern and East Africa 

Outstanding Contribution Award: Power
- Akon, Founder, Akon Lighting Africa, Various Countries
- Charlotte Aubin-Kalaidjian, Founding Partner, GreenWish Partners, France, Senegal, Cote d’Ivoire, Nigeria
- Hendrik Schloemann, Founder & CEO, Zonke Energy, South Africa     
- Lovemore Chilimanzi, Technical Director, Africa GreenCo, South Africa
- Michael Gratwicke, Head of Energy, Rift Valley Energy, Tanzania & Zimbabwe
- Sicelo Goodwill Xulu, Managing Director, City Power, South Africa        

Outstanding Contribution Award: Water
- Chris Heymans, Senior Water & Sanitation Specialist, World Bank Water and Sanitation Programme, Kenya
- Joyce Msiru, Chief Executive Officer, Moshi Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority, Tanzania
- Philip Gichuki, Managing Director, Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company, Kenya
- Silver Mugisha, Managing Director, National Water and Sewerage Corporation, Uganda
- Yolandi Schoeman, Managing Director, Baoberry, South Africa            

Outstanding Woman of the Year: Power/Water
- Agatha Nnaji, Managing Director, Geometric Power, Nigeria    
- Azeb Asnake, Chief Executive Officer, Ethiopian Electric Power, Ethiopia       
- Chantelle Abdul, Chief Executive Officer, MOJEC Meter Company & MOJEC Power, Nigeria   
- Eunice Ntobedzi, Innovator, EmPowered, Botswana      
- Rethabile Melamu, General Manager, Green Economy, South Africa    
- Rose Kaggwa, Director: Business and Scientific Services, National Water and Sewerage Corporation, Uganda         
- Sandisiwe Ncemane, Manager: Business Development - Energy Projects, Coega Development Corporation, South Africa  
- Subha Nagarajan, Managing Director, OPIC, Côte d'Ivoire         

Young Energy Leader Award
- Astria Fataki, President, Energy Development, France/Togo
- Beatrice Muthoni, Renewable Energy Consultant, KTDA Power Company, Kenya       
- Faith Chege, East African Regional Associate, Factor[e] Ventures, Kenya      
- Fatima Oyiza Ademoh, Founder & CEO, Ajima Youth Empowerment Foundation, Nigeria
- Paseka Lesolang, Founder, Water Hygiene Convenience, South Africa 
- Samir Ibrahim, CEO & Co-Founder, SunCulture, Kenya   

Power Utility of the Year
- Ethiopian Electric Power, Ethiopia
- Geothermal Development Company, Kenya
- KenGen, Kenya
- Rwanda Energy Group Limited, Rwanda

Water Utility of the Year
- Lilongwe Water Board, Malawi
- Nairobi City Water & Sewerage Company, Kenya
- National Water & Sewerage Corporation, Uganda
- ONEA, Burkina Faso  

Large Scale Renewable Energy Project
- Bokpoort CSP Power Plant, ACWA Power, South Africa
- Gilgel Gibe III, Ethiopia
- NOORo, Morocco
- Senergy 2 solar PV plant, GreenWish Partners, Senegal
- Solar Capital De Aar 3 PV project, Phelan Energy Group, South Africa 

Small-Scale Sustainable Energy Project
- Off-Grid Pay-as-you-go Solar Home Systems, Mobisol, East Africa
- Kwa Mtoro, E.ON Off-Grid Solutions GmbH / Rafiki Power, Tanzania
- Mwenga Hydro Ltd, Rift Valley Energy, Tanzania
- PayGo Solar Home Systems, Azuri Technologies, Kenya
- Solar Turtle, South Africa
- Stortemelk Hydro, Renewable Energy Holdings, South Africa 

Innovative Technology of the Year
- Asset Management Framework, Globeleq South Africa Management Services, South Africa
- Gou Tou Prepayment Project, Umeme Limited, Uganda
- Ikeja Smart Metering Project, Ikeja Electricity Distribution Company, Nigeria
- Jisomee Mita, Nairobi City Water & Sewerage Company, Kenya
- Solar Turtle, South Africa 

Deal of the Year
- 100MW Kathu Solar Park project, Engie, South Africa
- Innovative Solar Systems, Lumos Global, Nigeria
- Lubilia Kawembe Hydro Ltd, FMO, Netherlands
- Senergy 2 solar PV plant, GreenWish Partners, Senegal
- ZESCO New Electricity Connections, Standard Chartered Bank/USAID, Zambia 

Leading water and energy platform
African Utility Week takes place from 16-18 May 2017 at the CTICC in Cape Town, gathering over 7000 decision makers in the power and water sectors from more than 40 countries to source the latest solutions and meet over 300 suppliers. The expo will feature free to attend technical workshops and technology demonstrations. The event has won the Association of African Exhibition Organisers (AAXO) award for the Best Trade Exhibition 6001-12000 sqm category. Part of the event is Energy Revolution Africa, a new platform for community scale projects, which will provide a unique forum for solution providers to meet with the new energy purchasers such as metros and municipalities, IPPs, rural electrification project developers and large power users, including mines, commercial property developers and industrial manufacturers.

African Utility Week and Energy Revolution Africa are organised by Spintelligent, a multi-award-winning exhibition and conference producer across the continent in the infrastructure, real estate, energy, mining, agriculture and education sectors. Other well-known events by Spintelligent include Agritech Expo Tanzania, CBM-TEC, Kenya Mining Forum, Future Energy East Africa (formerly EAPIC), Future Energy Nigeria (formerly WAPIC), Future Energy Central Africa (formerly iPAD Cameroon), iPAD Nigeria Mining Forum, DRC Mining Week and EduWeek. Spintelligent is part of the UK-based Clarion Events Group.

Dates for African Utility Week and Energy Revolution Africa:
Conference and expo: 16-18 May 2017
Awards gala dinner:  17 May 2017
Site visits: 19 May 2017 Location: CTICC, Cape Town, South Africa

Linkedin: African Power Forum

Senior communications manager:  Annemarie Roodbol
Telephone:  +27 21 700 3558
Mobile:  +27 82 562 7844
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

National Water Week and World Water Day: are PPPs the solution to Africa’s water struggles?

Published: 17 March 2017

Strong focus on water at African Utility Week in May

South Africa’s National Water Week kicks off on Monday, 20 March while globally World Water Day is celebrated on Wednesday, 22 March.  

In the informal settlement of Langrug in Franschhoek, an innovative wastewater treatment project is changing the lives of the community for the better while reversing the effects of water pollution in the Berg River. “The only way to stay healthy is to work hand in hand with each other and with Genius of Space, since they are trying to change our lives in the community,” says Vumile William Dlova, who is working as a flow agent in the Biomimicry Genius of Space project.

He adds: “This system changed the community because our children are now playing in a clean, dry place with no dirty water running between houses. There are no more flies around. We are living in a healthy environment.”

Although water and sanitation are generally available in Langrug informal settlement, these services are limited and have led to the disposal of wastewater and solid waste throughout the settlement, causing a health hazard and flowing into storm water drains and ultimately into the Berg River and polluting it. The Genius of Space system gives Langrug residents the opportunity to dispose of their grey water in disposal drums where it is filtered. The water then flows into a system of underground pipes into tree gardens were it gets treated. Some 500 Langrug residents are currently using the 27 disposal points in the settlement.

During the upcoming African Utility Week in Cape Town in May, water conference delegates will attend a special site visit to the Genius of Space project at Langrug to see a successful project based on biomimicry principles in action. Biomimicry means the design and production of a system that is modelled on biological processes.

Strong focus on all aspects of water

As always, water management forms an important part of African Utility Week and this year the conference will focus on how private public partnerships can assist water utilities to become more responsive and efficient in their practices. “Drinking water and wastewater utilities in Africa are struggling to cope with the increasing demand for services, especially in rapidly growing urban areas” says African Utility Week event director Evan Schiff, “and responding adequately to this ever increasing demand necessitates strong and active partnerships between the private sector in particular and municipal governments.”

He explains: “these partnerships need to identify and secure much needed finance, as well as clean and more efficient technology to achieve the water and sanitation targets set out in the Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, improve the environmental footprints of utilities and municipalities in response to the Paris Agreement. The water track at African Utility Week 2017 will bring together experts from public and private sectors to support utilities and municipalities become more responsive and efficient in their practices.”

Here are some of the featured experts who will address the water conference sessions:  
- Phillip Gichuki, CEO, Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company, Kenya
Alfonso Chikuni, CEO, Lilongwe Water Board, Malawi
David Onyango, Managing Director, Kisumu Water & Sewerage, Kenya
Dr Anton Earle , Director Africa Regional Centre, Stockholm International Water Institute, SA
Dr. Paul T. Yillia, Program Manager (Water-Energy Nexus), Sustainable Energy for All (Se4All), United Nations
Antonino Manus, Water Lead, Infrastructure and Major Projects, KPMG

Real world expertise shared in Cape Town
The 17th annual African Utility Week will gather over 7000 decision makers from more than 80 countries to source the latest solutions and meet over 300 suppliers. Along with multiple side events and numerous networking functions the event also boasts a five track conference with over 300 expert speakers. The conference programme will once again address the latest challenges, developments and opportunities in the power and water sectors: ranging from generation, T&D, metering, technology and water. These include two exclusive plenary keynote sessions featuring the most sought-after international speakers.

Already leading global advisory firm KPMG has confirmed that it is returning to African Utility Week, this time as its exclusive diamond sponsor. Other industry stalwarts EPG, Huawei, Landis+Gyr, Lucy Electric, Ontec and Shell are platinum sponsors while Conlog, Oracle, SAP and Vodacom are gold sponsors again.

The African Utility Week expo offers an extensive technical programme sessions that are CPD accredited, free to attend, hands-on presentations that take place in defined spaces on the exhibition floor. They discuss practical, day-to-day technical topics, best practices and product solutions that businesses, large power users and water utilities can implement in their daily operations.

The fourth edition of the African Utility Week Power Industry Awards brings together 800 of Africa’s most renowned power and water industry professionals. The Power Industry Awards is the leading gathering to recognise, reward and celebrate the successes of Africa’s power and water sectors during 2016/17.

Energy Revolution Africa will provide a unique forum for solution providers to meet with the new energy purchasers such as metros and municipalities, IPPs, rural electrification project developers and large power users, including mines, commercial property developers and industrial manufacturers. The latest innovations and projects in the sectors of renewables, future technology, energy efficiency, micro/off-grid and energy storage will be showcased.

African Utility Week and Energy Revolution Africa are organised by Spintelligent, leading Cape Town-based trade exhibition and conference organiser, and part of Clarion Events Ltd, based in the UK. Huawei has also been a longstanding supporter of another flagship event of Spintelligent, formerly known as WAPIC (West African Power Industry Convention) in Lagos, and rebranding as Future Energy Nigeria and returning in November this year. Other leading events in Spintelligent’s power portfolio are Future Energy East Africa (formerly EAPIC), Future Energy Uganda and Future Energy Central Africa.

Dates for African Utility Week and Energy Revolution Africa:
Conference and expo: 16-18 May 2017
Awards gala dinner:  17 May 2016
Site visits: 19 May 2016
Location: CTICC, Cape Town, South Africa

Linkedin: African Power Forum

More about the Genius of Space project:

Contact: Senior communications manager:  Annemarie Roodbol
Telephone:  +27 21 700 3558
Mobile:  +27 82 562 7844
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

African Utility Week Industry Awards include new gas, small scale and ICT categories to reflect evolution of energy and water sectors

Published: 16 February 2017

Nominations are open for top industry professionals and projects  

“I know the energy revolution is powering up and ready to take off. We should embrace energy trade with each other”.  With these words Mr Kandeh Yumkella, UN Under-Secretary-General and Former Special Representative of the Secretary-General and CEO, Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All), accepted the Lifetime Achievement Award at last year’s African Utility Week Industry Awards.

The fourth edition of the annual African Utility Week Industry Awards will once again honour pioneering utilities, projects and people in the energy and water industry on the continent on Wednesday, 17 May, during African Utility Week and Energy Revolution Africa at the CTICC in Cape Town. Award categories vary from the Power and Water Utility of the Year Awards, Young Energy Leader Award and Outstanding Woman of the Year: Power/Water and include exciting new categories to reflect the latest developments and evolution of the energy and water sectors.  The new categories include:
•   Small-Scale Sustainable Energy Project (under 5MW)
•   Innovative Technology of the Year
•   Deal of the Year
•   ICT Excellence Award
•   Gas-to-Power Project of the Year

Benchmark of excellence
These prestigious industry awards will be presented during a gala dinner welcoming 800 of Africa’s most distinguished power and water industry professionals to recognise those that represent a benchmark of excellence for the industry. Entries for nominations for the awards close on 17 March and the public is invited to nominate themselves or colleagues and projects that have made outstanding contributions to the energy and water sectors.

Johannesburg’s City Power, George Airport and Akon Lighting Africa were also amongst the exciting and pioneering power and water professionals, utilities and projects that were winners at last year’s sold-out awards gala evening, while Uganda’s NWSC won the coveted Water Utility of the Year Award for the third  year in a row.

2017 Award Categories:
Individual Awards:  

Lifetime Achievement Award

The Lifetime Achievement Award is presented to an individual for prolonged and consistent achievements who has made a significant contribution to the development and future of the energy/water industries during his or her career.   The nominee can be from a utility, public or private company and should be someone who has helped to achieve strategic advancement of the sectors by proactively sharing knowledge, encouraging the adoption of new technologies or establishing exemplary financial governance practices. This individual is well recognised across the globe for their influence and insight to the energy or water sectors in Africa.  

Outstanding Contribution Award: Power
This award celebrates the accomplishments of an individual in a senior position from a utility, public or private company who has displayed passion and commitment to the power industry, while also demonstrating leadership, vision and success.  

Outstanding Contribution Award: Water This award celebrates the accomplishments of an individual in a senior position from a utility, public or private company who has displayed passion and commitment to the water industry while also demonstrating leadership, vision and success.  

Outstanding Woman of the Year: Power/Water     
This award celebrates a woman in the power/water industries for outstanding achievements who has made a contribution to and impact on the sector, whether from a utility, public or private company.      

Young Energy Leader Award
This award recognises a person under the age of 35 from a public or private company who has made an outstanding contribution to the energy/water sectors. This young professional has had commendable career achievements to date and is already playing a leading role in their sector.  

Organisational / Project Awards:  

Power Utility of the Year
This award recognises a power utility in Africa that has excelled in any one or more of the following fields: Service delivery, project roll-out, technology roll-out, revenue protection measures, loss reduction, grid integration and new energy sources, including company contribution to sector growth, demonstrated expenditure reduction, increased capacity to deliver services and revenue collection, completion of infrastructure development or sustainable maintenance projects.  

Water Utility of the Year
This award recognises a water utility in Africa that excels in any one or more of the following: Service delivery, project roll-out, technology roll-out, revenue protection measures, loss reduction, water quality and sanitation solutions, including company contribution to sector growth, demonstrated expenditure reduction, increased capacity to deliver services and revenue collection, completion of infrastructure development or sustainable maintenance projects.  

Large Scale Renewable Energy Project (10MW +)
This award is for a project completed by an African utility, off-grid producer, IPP, government or investor.  

Small-Scale Sustainable Energy Project (under 5MW) – NEW CATEGORY

This award is for a connected sustainable energy project providing electricity for either a commercial or rural electrification setting.  

Innovative Technology of the Year – NEW CATEGORY This award will acknowledge a business that has achieved commercial success from energy-focused advanced technology, research or developing products, services, or solutions relevant to the energy sector.  

Deal of the Year – NEW CATEGORY
This category will recognise an outstanding energy deal which reached financial closure between 1 January 2016 and 31 December 2016.  

ICT Excellence Award – NEW CATEGORY
The ICT Excellence Award provides a platform to recognise utilities from across Africa that have utilised ICT technology to improve the lives of all its customers as well as the citizens of the country. The award aims to promote successful deployment and application of innovative ICT solutions and services that have contributed improvements in service delivery and utility efficiency.  

Gas-to-Power Project of the Year – NEW CATEGORY
The gas-to-power project of the year award launches in 2017 to recognise those companies who are not only pioneers in the gas to power space but also those who, through innovation and creativity, have contributed to the commercial and industrial development of the country in which they operate and have had a positive societal impact.   For further information on the awards please visit  

Leading water and energy platform
African Utility Week
takes place from 16-18 May 2017 at the CTICC in Cape Town, gathering over 7000 decision makers in the power and water sectors from more than 40 countries to source the latest solutions and meet over 300 suppliers. The expo will feature free to attend technical workshops and technology demonstrations. The event has won the Association of African Exhibition Organisers (AAXO) award for the Best Trade Exhibition 6001-12000 sqm category.

KPMG is diamond sponsor
Already leading global advisory firm KPMG has confirmed that it is returning to African Utility Week, this time as its exclusive diamond sponsorship. Other long-running supporters and industry stalwarts EPG, Landis+Gyr, Ontec and Shell are also back as platinum sponsors while Conlog, Oracle, SAP and Vodacom are gold sponsors again.

Part of the event is Energy Revolution Africa, a new platform for community scale projects, which will provide a unique forum for solution providers to meet with the new energy purchasers such as metros and municipalities, IPPs, rural electrification project developers and large power users, including mines, commercial property developers and industrial manufacturers.

African Utility Week and Energy Revolution Africa are organised by Spintelligent, a multi-award-winning exhibition and conference producer across the continent in the infrastructure, real estate, energy, mining, agriculture and education sectors. Other well-known events by Spintelligent include Agritech Expo Tanzania, CBM-TEC, Kenya Mining Forum, Future Energy East Africa (formerly EAPIC), Future Energy Nigeria (formerly WAPIC), Future Energy Central Africa (formerly iPAD Cameroon), iPAD Nigeria Mining Forum, DRC Mining Week and EduWeek. Spintelligent is part of the UK-based Clarion Events Group.

Dates for African Utility Week and Energy Revolution Africa:
Conference and expo: 16-18 May 2017
Awards gala dinner:  17 May 2016
Site visits: 19 May 2016
Location: CTICC, Cape Town, South Africa
Linkedin: African Power Forum

Senior communications manager:  Annemarie Roodbol
Telephone:  +27 21 700 3558
Mobile:  +27 82 562 7844
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

African Utility Week’s growth and success a reflection of confidence in continent’s energy and water sectors

Published: 31 May 2016

“I know the energy revolution is powering up and ready to take off”  

“Everyone who was part of this year’s African Utility Week felt the same passion for the energy and water sectors on the continent and had the feeling that we are on the brink of enormous progress“, says Evan Schiff, event director of the African Utility Week conference and exhibition that took place in Cape Town and gathered a record 6445 attendees from 17-19 May.

“Technology, water and renewable energy were strong themes this year,” Schiff adds “and there’s no doubt that renewable energy as well as smart technology are changing the way power and water utilities operate and deal with their customers.”

There are big plans in the offing for next year: “as the industry evolves, so will the event” says the African Utility Week event director, “our exhibition will be even bigger next year as we grow into the new expo space at the CTICC to reflect the new markets and developments in the sector, including a focus on non-utility scale projects, large power users, rooftop solar installations, energy storage, lighting products, independent power producers (IPPs) and EPCs (engineering, procurement and construction).”

The event featured 250 exhibitors from 40 countries, 299 speakers who addressed the packed strategic conference over three days in six different topic streams while inspiring industry pioneers engaged the audiences in the daily high-profile keynote sessions. African Utility Week addressed the latest challenges, developments and opportunities in the power and water sectors: ranging from generation, transmission & distribution, metering, clean energy, finance and investment, water supply and energy efficiency.

“The energy revolution is powering up”
A notable presence at the CTICC in Cape Town this year was Sierra Leone’s Dr Kandeh Yumkella, UN Under-Secretary-General and Former Special Representative of the Secretary-General and CEO, Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All), who not only made a lasting impression during the opening day’s keynote session but also won the Lifetime Achievement category at the African Utility Week Industry Awards.  On receiving his award Dr Yumkella said: “I know the energy revolution is powering up and ready to take off. We saw again this week that we have the technology and the innovation. Sometimes we are too suspicious of each other, we should embrace energy trade with each other”.

Other award winners included Johannesburg’s City Power (Utility of the Year), Uganda’s National Water and Sewerage Company (Water Utility of the Year), and Akon Lighting (Clean Energy Project of the Year) reflecting the enormous pan-African progress in the energy and water sectors.

The sold-out exhibition also featured country pavilions from Germany, India, The Netherlands, France, South Africa and China. There were dozens of packed, free-to-attend CPD-accredited technical workshops on the expo floor, product demonstrations and technical site visits. Attendees at African Utility Week came from more than 81 countries, including 27 African nations, and 79 power and water utilities were represented.

Annual industry platform
An important part of this year’s growth at the event were the many side events from the industry that have turned African Utility Week into an annual industry platform in the Mother City. These included the Oil & Gas Council’s Cape Town Assembly, KPMG’s IPP Conference, Nuclear Power Africa, the Standard Transfer Specification Association’s AGM, PIESA and International Cleantech Network gatherings. South Africa’s Department of Energy also launched its new energy efficiency label that will become mandatory for household appliances with Energy minister Tina Joemat-Pettersson revealing the new label at African Utility Week.

African Utility Week is organised by Spintelligent, leading Cape Town-based trade exhibition and conference organiser, and the African office of Clarion Events Ltd, based in the UK. The event forms part of a global energy event series, including European Utility Week, Australian Utility Week, Asian Utility Week and Latin American Utility Week. Other African flagship events in Spintelligent’s power portfolio are East African Power Industry Convention (EAPIC), West African Power Industry Convention (WAPIC), iPAD Rwanda Power & Mining Investment Forum and iPAD Cameroon Energy & Infrastructure Forum.

Dates for African Utility Week 2017

Conference and expo: 16-18 May 2017
Location: CTICC, Cape Town, South Africa

Linkedin: African Power Forum

Communications manager:  Annemarie Roodbol
Telephone:  +27 21 700 3558
Mobile:  +27 82 562 7844
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sierra Leone’s Kandeh Yumkella, City Power and Akon Lighting winners in African Utility Week Industry Awards in Cape Town

Published: 20 May 2016

I know the energy revolution is powering up and ready to take off

Sierra Leone’s Kandeh Yumkella of the Sustainable Energy For All Initiative, Johannesburg’s City Power, George Airport and Akon Lighting are just some of the exciting and pioneering power and water professionals, utilities and projects that were winners in this year’s African Utility Week Industry Awards. Uganda’s NWSC won the coveted water utility of the year award for the second year in a row.

The winners of these prestigious industry awards in 11 different categories were announced at the gala dinner that took place on Wednesday evening, 18 May, during the annual African Utility Week and Clean Power Africa at the CTICC in Cape Town. More than 5000 power and water professionals gathered in Cape Town for the event.

Mr Kandeh Yumkella, UN Under-Secretary-General and Former Special Representative of the Secretary-General and CEO, Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All), won the Lifetime Achievement Award. He was also an inspired keynote speaker on the opening day of African Utility Week on Tuesday. On receiving his award Mr Yumkella said: “I know the energy revolution is powering up and ready to take off. We saw again this week that we have the technology and the innovation. Sometimes we are too suspicious of each other, we should embrace energy trade with each other”.

City Power = Utility of the Year
City Power won the award for Power Utility of the Year, particularly in recognition of the utility’s flagship Solar Water Heating Programme in which approximately 70 000 low income households around Johannesburg were fitted with solar water geysers over a period of three years.

Says Sicelo Xulu, City Power Managing Director: “We are pleased that once again the diligent work that has been done by the City Power team has been recognized and acknowledged. This award is an affirmation of the hard work that has been done by the City Power team, and this accolade galvanizes us to work harder to provide our customers with the superior service they deserve.”

The winners and finalists for the third annual African Utility Week Industry Awards are:

Category: Lifetime Achievement Award

Winner: Dr. Kandeh Yumkella, former United Nations Under-Secretary-General.
As Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All and Chief Executive Officer of the initiative, he mobilized global action towards a sustainable energy future and was responsible for the planning and implementation of the initiative as well as engaging with the leadership of relevant stakeholders in government, businesses, academia and civil society at the highest level to advocate for and promote sustainable energy for all. 

With over 25 years of international experience, Dr. Yumkella previously served as Director-General of United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) for two four-year terms (2005-2013). Dr. Yumkella is co-Founder of the African Energy Leaders Group and is a Commissioner at the Energy Transitions Commission. A recipient of numerous international awards, he is a former Minister for Trade, Industry and State Enterprises of Sierra Leone.

- Akinwole Omoboriowo II, Chairman & CEO, Genesis Energy, Nigeria
- Albert Butare, CEO & Chairman, Africa Energy Services Group Ltd, Rwanda
- Anton Eberhard, Professor, Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town, South Africa
- Elham Mahmood Ahmed Ibrahim, Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy, African Union, Ethiopia
- Grania Rosette Rubomboras, Program Officer: Power Projects, Nile Basin Initiative NELSAP, Uganda
- Hamanth Kasan, General Manager: Scientific Services Water, Rand Water, South Africa
- Henry Paul Batchi Baldeh, Senior Vice President/Head: Power, Africa Finance Corporation, Nigeria
- Hindpal S. Jabbal, Former Chairman, Energy Regulatory Commission, Kenya
- Jacob Kow Mensah, Clean and Alternative Energy Researcher/Inventor, Sustainable Energy and Environment Project, Ghana

Category: Power Utility of the Year
Winner:  City Power, South Africa
- In a flagship Solar Water Heating Programme approximately 70 000 low income households around Johannesburg were fitted with solar water geysers over a period of three years. This project generated 20 000 job opportunities and was one of the biggest projects of its kind in South Africa. The installation of smart meters has gone a long way in improving billing accuracy and enhancing City’s revenue collection capabilities. Over 92 000 smart meters have been rolled out across Johannesburg, and the target is to deploy 250 000 meters by mid-2016.

- Ghana Grid Company Limited, Ghana
- KenGen, Kenya
- Kenya Power and Lighting Company Limited, Kenya
- Volta River Authority, Ghana

Category: Power Utility Executive of the Year
Winner:  Mr Albert Mugo, MD & CEO KenGen, Kenya – Mr Mugo has worked in the energy sector for over 30 years. In January 2014, he was appointed as the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of KenGen where he is currently leading a team of Executive Directors in the mandate of rapidly increasing electricity generation capacity that Kenya needs in order to achieve its 2030 Vision. In this position, he is executing a strategy of least cost power development options in order to provide reliable, safe and competitively priced energy to the nation.

- Phillip Dukashe, Project Director, Eskom, South Africa   
- Selestino Babungi, MD & CEO, Umeme, Uganda   
- William Amuna, CEO, GRIDCo, Ghana   

Category: Water Utility of the Year
Winner: The National Water & Sewerage Corporation, Uganda - In 2015, the NWSC cemented its position as a key player in the water sector both on the local and international scene. They undertook transformational changes in its operational and geographical mandate, providing new and home grown solutions to water service provision challenges and highlighting its contribution towards the National Vision of transforming Uganda from a peasant to a self-sustaining economy.

- Moshi Urban Water and Sewerage Authority, Tanzania
- Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company, Kenya
- Rand Water, South Africa
- Umgeni Water, South Africa

Category: Water Utility Executive of the Year
Engr. Philip Gichuki, the Managing Director of Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company Ltd. The utility is the sole provider of water and sewerage services to the City of Nairobi with a population of about 3.8 million. He has over the years promoted the objective of the water sector in Kenya in improving access to water and sewerage services for all under a conducive environment for the consumers, communities, partners and staff working in the sector.

- David Onyango, Managing Director, Kisumu Water & Sewerage, Kenya   
- Silver Mugisha, Managing Director, National Water & Sewerage Corporation, Uganda   

Category: Clean Energy Project of the Year
Winner: The Akon Lighting Africa Initiative – the project is implementing an innovative solar-powered solution that is providing African villages with access to a clean and affordable source of electricity. Since launching, the group has operations in 15 nations, including Guinea Conakry, Senegal, Mali, Niger, Benin and Sierra Leone and is covering over 480 communities.

- ACWA Power, Solafrica Bokpoort Concentrated Solar Power Project, South Africa
- Mobisol, Off-grid solar system, Tanzania
- NVI Energy, “Pay as you use” Solar Project, Kenya
- Vuselela Energy, Eternity Power Thermal Harvesting™, South Africa

Category: Pioneer in Project Finance
Winner:  The Development Bank of Southern Africa - the DBSA has developed an innovative financing instrument to support local parties and communities to acquire equity stakes in companies. The success of the business model is that the local partners then are included in the overall financing package leading to an overall sustainable financing package. The model can be replicated and the DBSA has already replicated it in 17 projects with a capacity of 2100 MW and continues to be duplicated in other transactions.

“More than anything it is a testament to the hard work of the energy team and visionary leadership of the DBSA in addressing South Africa’s energy challenge” said Lungile Mashele, Energy Specialist at DBSA, who received the award on behalf of the bank. She added: “the DBSA is responding to the call of Government to support the renewable projects and would also like to get involved in projects beyond South Africa’s borders.”

- African Development Bank
- Danida Business Finance
- International Finance Corporation & Overseas Private Investment Corporation

Category: Community Development Project of the Year
Winner:  The Noble Water Solutions – The Noble Power Station is the only high volume, low-maintenance, portable solar-powered water treatment plant of its kind in the world. Each water station provides 500 people with 20 litres of safe drinking water every day for life. “We have a huge problem in Africa and we have to recognise that” said Kevin Paxton, CEO of Noble Water Solutions, “a third of the continent, that is 300 million people, do not have access to safe drinking water. We cannot develop as a continent unless we solve this problem. Our invention goes some way to addressing this problem, but where there is no political will, it will not happen.” This is Noble Water Solutions’ tenth award for its work in the water sector.

- Akon Lighting Africa, various Countries
- Eco-fuel Africa Limited, Uganda
- Magiro Hydroelectric, Kenya
- Solar Sister, Uganda, Tanzania

Category: Future Leader Award
Winner:  Michael Njoroge, CEO, Multi-link Group Ltd, Kenya - Michael started the Multi-link Group Limited in April 2010 as a small company that focused on addressing the challenges of poor households by supplying clean cooking stoves and solar lanterns to help address the issue of Indoor air pollution and also help in environmental conservation and on the other hand develop grid connected clean energy projects. As an energy liaison for Greening Kenya Initiative Trust he has helped create energy forums in county levels, and assisted in training 600 green energy champions. Currently Multi-link is completing the development of the 3M 40MW grid connected solar project in Mai Mahiu, Nakuru County, Kenya. When it connects to the grid in 2017, the project will be the largest grid connected solar project in East and Central Africa.

- Chimaobi Daniel NNA, Research Officer 1, Energy Commission of Nigeria
- Jarrad Wright, Principal Researcher/Engineer, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, South Africa   
- Loda Dedekind, Associate: Power Generation, Aurecon, South Africa       
- Lungile Mashele, Sector Specialist: Energy, Development Bank of Southern Africa, South Africa   
- Siya Xuza, Founder and Managing Director, Galactic Energy Ventures, South Africa
- Werner van Antwerpen, Head: Utilities & Sustainability Growthpoint Properties, South Africa   

Category: Power/Water Woman of the Year
Winner:  Phyllis Engefu Ombonyo, Director: Business Development, National Environment Trust Fund, Kenya

- Bertha Dlamini, Managing Director, EON Consulting, South Africa
- Grania Rosette Rubomboras, Program Officer: Power Projects, Nile Basin Initiative /NELSAP, Uganda
- Jasandra Nyker, Chief Executive Officer, BioTherm Energy, South Africa   
- Rose Kaggwa, Director Business & Scientific Services, National Water and Sewerage Corporation, Uganda   
- Rudo Angela Sanyanga, Africa Program Director, International Rivers, South Africa   
- Tlaleng Moabi, Managing Director, Enzani Technologies, South Africa   

Category: Energy/Water Efficiency Project of the Year
Winner: George Airport Solar Plant - owned and operated by Airports Company South Africa it has constructed and recently officially opened a Solar Photovoltaic Plant to meet about 41% of its energy demand. The Solar Powered Plant was built on 200 square meters of land and has 3,000 photovoltaic modules, 30 inverters and a substation and the plant’s peak production is 750kW.

- Bayside Mall, Growthpoint Properties, South Africa
- CitiCall, Analog, South Africa
- Hotel Verde, South Africa
- King Shaka International Airport, Airports Company South Africa, South Africa
- Network Upgrade and Street Lighting Project, Kenya Power, Kenya
- Upper Grayston Block F, Tower Property Fund, South Africa
- V&A Waterfront Solar Farm, V&A Waterfront & Sustainable Power Solutions, South Africa

Innovation Hub Awards:

Fifteen SMEs, start-ups and young innovators were selected for the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be part of the African Utility Week’s Innovation Hub and take their businesses to the next level.

The winner: PowerOptimal, a power demand management technology that is commercially proven in diverse installations such as hotels, office buildings, shopping malls and golf courses. The Innovation Hub finalists were: Aquaponic Farmer (Pty) Ltd; Bontle Ke Tlhago; D&C Technologies (Pty) Ltd; Ekasi Energy; Garth Middleton; GCX Africa; HeliosLite; Mobile4Energy; SAGIFON Technologies; SeeSaw; Solarus; Tiisetso Dev Solutions (Pty); Ltd/TDS Innovations; WHC; Upande.

Industry support
Once again the utility sector has responded well to what is now becoming a sought-after event on the African industry calendar and the lead sponsor for the gala dinner was Poweroad Africa. Other award sponsors were Accenture, Genesis Energy, Kampstrup, Lucy Electric, Steinmüller and Standard Bank. Mazars were the independent verification partners.

The 16th African Utility Week and Clean Power Africa conference and trade exhibition features 250 exhibitors, 250 speakers, a six stream strategic conference, a free-to-attend technical conference on the expo floor, three high-profile keynote sessions and technical site visits. The trade exhibition is free and showcases water and energy saving technologies and services for the industry and feature hands-on demonstrations and CPD-accredited technical workshops on the exhibition floor.

African Utility Week and Clean Power Africa
are organised by Spintelligent, leading Cape Town-based trade exhibition and conference organiser, and the African office of Clarion Events Ltd, based in the UK. The event forms part of a global energy event series, including European Utility Week, Australian Utility Week, Asian Utility Week and Latin American Utility Week. Other African flagship events in Spintelligent’s power portfolio are East African Power Industry Convention (EAPIC), West African Power Industry Convention (WAPIC), iPAD Rwanda Power & Mining Investment Forum and iPAD Cameroon Energy & Infrastructure Forum.

Linkedin: African Power Forum

Senior communications manager:  Annemarie Roodbol
Telephone: +27 82 562 7844
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