14 September 2020

Data Analytics Platform to Simplify Your Business Data Discovery

Submitted by: Linda Janse Van Vuuren
Data Analytics Platform to Simplify Your Business Data Discovery

OQLIS is a leader in Data intelligence, bringing together Business Intelligence, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Data Automation to simplify the complexity of making data driven decisions.

Allowing your Actuaries, Data scientists or data warriors to improved performance of what currently takes weeks, months or even years to solve burning data driven questions, in a fraction of the time with OQLIS. With a major benefit of accessible to all within the business, to have informative analytics at the tip of their fingers.

Gone are the days of deciding the future of an organisation’s strategy and operations on only gut a feeling. Using intuitive information presented in a simple but understandable way makes the organisations journey much more predictable and transparent.

We’ve been obsessed with finding innovative ways to incorporate machine learning and Artificial intelligence into OQLIS and enhance the already market leading business analytics capabilities.

OQLIS creates a Machine learning tournament between best in class algorithms, then recommends the best fit to solve your problem. Creating a visual leader board that allows you to make an informed decision and explain the model you want to deploy. Oqlis makes it easy for users of any skill level to interrogate their data and build reports and dashboards in an intuitive drag on drop interface, sharing discoveries and collaborate across the organisation in a safe and secure way. All using the power of the modern web.

When connecting to your data, OQLIS will provide you with an overview of the health and condition of your data, no more guessing work.

So you can with confidence know if the data is ready to be modeled and analysed. Removing the complexity of operating and managing machine learning models.

We work with forward thinking teams, our purpose is to enhance your potential and solve those burning business problem now, and in the future!

OQLIS is a leader in Data intelligence, bringing together Business Intelligence, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Data Automation to simplify the complexity of making data driven decisions. Giving you the business owner the flexibility to make insightful decision now and in the future. our purpose is to enhance your potential and solve those burning business problem.

Contact us without delay to improve your world.