15 October 2012

Crystal Coolers ahead of the rest!!!

Submitted by: MyPressportal Team

Water filters provide better tasting and better smelling drinking water by removing chlorine and bacterial contaminants.

Tap water often contains at least as much, if not more, chlorine than is recommended for use in swimming pools.

A water filter provides clean, healthy water for drinking, at the convenience of tap water.

We need water to survive; the human brain is 95% water! Blood is 82% water and lungs 90% water. A mere 2% drop in our body’s water supply can trigger signs of dehydration: fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on smaller print, such as a computer screen. Mild dehydration is also one of the most common causes of daytime fatigue.

Drinking pure water is especially important for children. Water filters provide the healthiest water for children’s developing immune systems.

Water filters reduce the risk of gastrointestinal disease by more than 33 percent by removing cryptosporidium and giardia from drinking water.

The body is 70% water and needs to be replenished, you’ll feel better and look better by drinking lots of freshly filtered water.

With a Crystal Cooler dispenser you’ll not only get all the health benefits that drinking water provides, you will also save money. For one low cost we provide all the freshly filtered water you can drink, and we service all our machines regularly. 


Bottled Water is a real drain. Bottled water is a drain on your resources and on the planet. Consider what having bottled

water entails, ordering the stock, receiving and checking the delivery, storing the full and empty bottles, having cash tied up in those bottles waiting to be used and then there’s the rental on the cooler.

Refillable coolers make your life easier.

Crystal Coolers alternatives to water bottles just make more sense. There’s nothing to manage with our system - no more water delivery issues, water bottle costs or water storage problems. With Crystal Coolers you pay less and gain more. Plus you’re making an eco-friendly water choice at the same time.

With a Crystal Coolers, the water supply is not only endless, but better tasting and better for you.

You receive one flat-rate invoice each period that you never have to double-check. You’ll be choosing a cheaper water cooler solution, well below the cost of water bottle delivery.

Environmental Benefits

Bottled Water has a massive environmental footprint.

Consider the cycle required to get the bottled water to a customer;

- Extract the water from the ground.

- Purify the water (Sorry to tell you this, but it’s not all sourced from sparkling, bubbling,
snow fed streams)

- Transport it to a bottling plant.

- Put it into storage at the distribution centre.

- Load it onto massive trucks and drive it around for delivery.

- That truck comes back to pick up the empties.

- Back to a plant to wash the bottles.

Then the whole, expensive, wasteful and environmentally damaging cycle starts all over again.

The Age newspaper said recently;
AUSTRALIA’S love affair with bottled water is costing the planet 314,000 barrels of oil ayear.

According to the Australasian Bottled Water Institute, we spend about $385 million a yearon bottled water.

“It’s one of the greatest cons ever pulled,” says Clean Up Australia chairman Ian Kiernan. “It’s just lunacy, there is no other word for it. We are squandering our oil resources.”

Oil is not the only precious resource being squandered by consumers, with bottled water 2500 times more expensive than the tap variety.

With no chlorine added to kill bacteria, bottled water can’t even be considered better for you.

Crystal Coolers is an easy way to make a real sustainable contribution.

No water deliveries. No wasted energy. No landfill waste.

Crystal Coolers water coolers are environmentally-friendly, greener water coolers.

Make a difference today – CALL US !

Bottled Water isn’t necessarily healthy….

Bottled cooler systems are not sealed from the environment. Ever watched HOW people change the bottle?

Take off the old bottle , then the chiller tank is exposed to the environment, hope the person changing the bottle doesen’t sneeze!

Now lets pick up the new bottle, generally its by grasping the neck, yep the place where your next cup of water is coming from. There are so many opportunities for bacteria, and other “nasties” to enter the water supply when bottles are used.

It’s an acknowledged problem – so much so that the International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) recommends that bottled water coolers be cleaned and sanitized regularly.

With no chlorine added to kill bacteria bottled water can’t even be considered better for you. Crystal Coolers refillable systems are safe.

Because your water is filtered after it leaves the bottle, the water in the bottle contains chlorine to keep it safe and fresh while waiting to be used. When it moves from the bottle to the chilling tank passes through our filtration system, at that point the heavy metals, tastes, chlorine, sediments etc, are removed. Our chilling tanks are sealed to maintain the health of the water whilst waiting for you to enjoy.

Even so, we want to be sure your getting the best quality water you can so that’s why with Crystal Coolers our low rental costs include regular cleaning and sanitizing.

OHS – Occupational health and safety

Bottled Water Coolers are safety hazard and a workers compensation claim in waiting. One thing you know about bottled water coolers is that someone is soon going to be wrestling a new water bottle into place. You’ve been in that position before…you go to get a glass of water and the person before you took the last of the water in the bottle. So, are you going to lift that bottle? All 20 kg of it? Are you going to go find someone to change it for you? Or are you going to go thirsty? If you’ve managed to successfully replace a bottle or two, congratulations. But if you’ve felt that twinge or slipped on spilled water… well, ouch. And in a workplace this could have costly consequences. Crystal Coolers Water Coolers are safe and require no effort.

Our coolers require zero effort. No heavy lifting. The water’s always ready for you. With Crystal Coolers you never need to change another heavy, 20 Liter water bottle ever again Why Filtered Water Bottling water just shouldn’t be done. It’s environmentally damaging. Water delivery shouldn’t come from trucks. What a waste of resources. Water should be delivered directly from your tap, after its been purified and treated under strictly controlled conditions. With a Crystal Coolers water filtration system, we just put a final polish on the water. Then chill it or heat it – it’s up to you!

It’s water delivery in the most efficient, affordable and healthy way possible. Filtration right at the source!

By eliminating bottled water coolers and switching to Crystal Coolers filtered water filtration systems, you gain freedom from;

  • High Costs
  • Hassle
  • Health Issues
  • Workplace Accidents
  • Environmental Issues.

The guilt of knowing how environmentally damaging Bottled Water deliveries are. Water Filtration Systems sales and rentals made easy!

There are alternatives to bottled water delivery. Renting filtered water systems from Crystal Coolers is like having a miniature water filtration plant right in your office, purifying water directly from the tap into your building. You get fresh, pristine filtered water when you’re ready to drink it. No hassle. No risk. Join the thousands of happy customers, from large to small businesses, homes and offices that currently have a  crystal Coolers Filtered water system in their location today.

Which do you want to drink? The choice is clear. Choose Crystal Coolers water filtration systems!

Crystal Coolers are the lowest cost, highest quality and most environmentally friendly water cooler solutions you can get. Contact us to learn more about our great range.



Published in Health and Medicine