30 October 2014

SANBI picks a Z-CARD as a compact guide to its Corporate Strategic Plan

Submitted by: MyPressportal Team

The South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) has selected a pocket-sized Z-CARD® to use as a compact guide to its Corporate Strategic Plan 2014 to 2019. SANBI will distribute the Z-CARD® during its internal marketing campaigns and will hand it to all staff nationally.

SANBI is an autonomous, state-aided organisation that champions the exploration, conservation, sustainable use, appreciation and enjoyment of South Africa’s exceptional rich biodiversity for all people.

“The Z-CARD® format is user-friendly and thus makes it easy to convey SANBI’s message to our target audiences in a very smart way,” says SANBI’s Director Marketing and Communications, Lilhle Dlamini.

The card provides a strategic overview of the organisation, including that it provides knowledge and information; planning and policy advice; pilots best-practice management models in partnership with stakeholders; engages in ecosystem restoration and rehabilitation; leads the human capital development strategy of the sector, and manages the National Botanical Gardens as ‘windows’ to South Africa’s biodiversity for enjoyment and education.

“We were also able to portray SANBI’s alignment with government’s key focus areas within the Z-CARD®, making it an all-in-one compact strategic guide to our organisation,” says Dlamini.

“Our stakeholders and employees are very impressed with the Z-CARD® and would like to make use of the same method in future,” she adds.

For more information about SANBI, visit www.sanbi.org.
For more information about PocketMedia® Solutions, visit www.zcard.co.zawww.pocketmediasolutions.com or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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